Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: February 26, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2023 at 11:52 AM
Posts: 1

I had to make an account to reply to this trash.

Please stop with these beta male vigilante tactics, she doesn't need your support or help. She is not your sister, daughter, cousin or friend, she has other people in her life who are more responsible for her. Internet clowns (and bench warmers like mr. sick) and their associated acts (like the 2 female involved) start to feel like they don't exist when they are not centre of attention, thats why they do these things.

He just wants to act like he is a stud, when he is not. She just wants revenge and attention, because her ego is hurt from mr. sicks actions. You acting like a white-knight is EXACTLY what she wants for validation.

Back in the day we'd atleast ask for noods before pulling the white-knight moves, these genZ buffoons just do these things for free, idiots.

Focus on yourself and things that actually concern your life.

The correct response to these tweets you linked is "Cool, go talk to him and sort it out, we don't want or need to know. Good luck! :)"

posted about 2 years ago