Flag: Indonesia
Registered: December 3, 2023
Last post: November 29, 2024 at 6:34 AM
Posts: 1

I am so confuse why they refused to play jinggg on KJ on ascent and other agent on other maps, hes been playing KJ on ranked, let davai play kayo, hes good with it, something is willing to play scan initiator, this alecks guy needs to be questioned too. He is a coach he have a rights to tell his players.

for jinggg too, like a headless chicken running around, ego peeking everywhere. after he peek, his teammate trying to trade to cover up his mistakes but cannot, because got out aimed.

Alecks as a coach have a right to tell jingg to play another agent other than duelist in ranked, even plenty other duelist main in pro-play use another agent other than duelist in ranked. its so simple, its offseason just try to use whats proven to be good rather than cooking weird comps that almost 3 years of failure. Other teams especially in APAC have grown to be better, but PRX has been stale in 3 years.

PRX fix (IMO):

  1. Jinggg - duelist/sentinel (like meteor role on GENG)
  2. forsaken - flex (basically play whatever team needed)
  3. Something - main scan initiator and flex duelist
  4. Davai - main flash initiator
  5. mindfreak - main controller of course

ascent comp:
Jett - forsaken
KJ - jinggg
KAYO - davai
Sova - something
Omen - mindfreak

posted 2 months ago