Flag: Europe
Registered: April 7, 2024
Last post: November 13, 2024 at 12:37 PM
Posts: 6

This is the last time I watched valulrant "pro" match, thank god cs2 is back tomorrow

Top1 team lost vs bot cender and co, came back from 12-6 just to complety forgot how to play on ot xD
Sick ult from geko btw, missed the detain when radius is literally 1km, "pro" player my ass xD

posted 7 months ago

My eyes are bleeding, why tf these so called "pro" players acting like apes, like brainless ascendant lobby? Why the guy on viper was trying to shoot back in his ulti 1v2 post plant instead of run back site and play for time? How did they threw every single post plant? Asuna raze movement is actually impressive in garbagness

Last round no words btw, idk why you even pick but if y call to pick 2v1 vs guardian and didn't fired a single bullet y should be immediately disbanded from esport.

Holy shit how low valorant pro scene nowadays it's impressive

posted 7 months ago

11-8 y r on 5 rounds streak
vs low buy
saybot can't land a shot vs 5 enemies just running

11-12 > 12-14

All rounds after 11-8 prx just +w on A and t1 prob don't have enough iq to stack at least 3 players after 2-3 fast A rounds. Also mr.operator did 0 impact rounds in a row but if he had vandal it was at least 2 huge multikill situations

Good to see jingg back! Sad that this is type of game "1 don't deserve to win, but another 1 deserve to lose"

posted 10 months ago