Flag: Malaysia
Registered: December 31, 2024
Last post: March 10, 2025 at 1:02 PM
Posts: 25

prx would still 26-0 current nrg lmao mada is their only above average player

posted 23 hours ago

and prx clears nrg/optic

posted 2 days ago

whos going to translate for autumn now? thought berLIN did it before

posted 5 days ago

2 maps xuss gets 45 kills

posted 5 days ago

sen fan crying that their team got shit on by a bunch of rookies two times and that g2-3 choke everything

posted 1 week ago

yeah they have to be somewhat cognitively impaired to be making jokes from before the games release

posted 1 week ago

i mean this in the nicest possible way but why are na val fans all so impeccably retarded in stream chats, like theyre retarded in comparison to general stream messages saying that the games over cause of a pistol round win or they win an antieco

posted 1 week ago

might be the worst take in vlr history

posted 2 weeks ago

i wasnt responding to you anyway??

posted 3 weeks ago

cypher has a 53% nmwr in tier 1 according to tmv's new video, it seems pretty decent imo and could just depend on team philosophy whether you run it or not rather than it being objectively bad

posted 3 weeks ago

except from that it wouldnt have any crazy ideas like it did in prx's comp, sometimes it just isnt worth forcing

posted 3 weeks ago

does he speak english though? ik alecks speaks some mandarin but still

posted 3 weeks ago

and theyve likely practiced those comps for like the entire offseason??

posted 3 weeks ago

its just that when they play normal comps they look clueless at what theyre doing, they looked better with random triple controller bullshit than playing meta to be honest despite them throwing rounds. they may throw rounds but it seems like on the whole they were better doing random stuff

posted 3 weeks ago

yosemite is a pretty good replacement i thought, its difficult to blame just lysoar cause yosemite definintely isnt the problem

posted 3 weeks ago

i know they dropped their coach, but it seemed like more than a strats problem, life wasnt shooting apart from against drg, neither was aaaay and it seemed like autumn and yosemite 2v8ing to me

posted 3 weeks ago

'loud is literally an icon' as if prx arent the most liked team in val esports

posted 3 weeks ago

what has actually happened to fpx? like what problems are causing them to be so much worse than last year - yes the rest of china has kinda caught up but internationally they still looked like they could somewhat be a threat. are they somehow worse playing better comps?

posted 3 weeks ago

they played t1 teams in scrims and put up a good fight - they do what they want but they know what theyre doing - not every strat in valorant has to be preprepared and youre retarded if you think thats how the game works

posted 3 weeks ago

hard to antistrat a team that does whatever they want and wins cause theyre better at aiming

posted 3 weeks ago

agree, theres better igls and theres better players to put on the team, and probably a better coach too - rossy isnt necessarily a solution but a step in the right direction

posted 3 weeks ago

firepower issues are the most important things he has worse discipline than rookies on his aim and hes been playing professionally for over a decade - hes dropping single digit kills every map and other igls have caught up to him / can somewhat prepare for what he is going to do now so fighting a 4v5 minimum on every map where theyre slightly better at calling isnt really worth it imo

posted 3 weeks ago

agreed, so unbelievably inconsistent (either carrying or on 5 kills)

posted 2 months ago

entirely reliant on firepower, based off of other duelists becoming igl with little transition time between the two (most notably scream), firepower is likely going to be their bail-out

posted 2 months ago