Country: Ireland
Registered: May 22, 2021
Last post: April 10, 2024 at 11:53 PM
Posts: 29

at least psg win their regional games, bleed = chelsea

posted 1 month ago

YES YES!!!! PREACH BROTHER!!!!!!! PREACH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted 1 month ago

my favourite part of this is if single elim tourneys are so bad, then why is fnc winning lock in last year held in such high regard?

posted 1 month ago

if they run the harbour, reyna, raze, i think its a prx win.

posted 2 months ago

Im not sure how much fnatic and navi had a "bad day" versus KC and TH but i will say that i am surprised by the level of competition in EMEA. I think fnatic especially is definitely gonna make it to champs but saying that they had a bad day is undermining the pure genius and skill of this KC roster that I personally think is top 5 itw rn. fnatic is not a bad team, they didnt really have an off day, kc found their gaps, exploited them, and then found the errors in their adjustments and exploited those.

I think single elim tourneys dont really have a place in a game like valorant, in which literally any team can beat anyone else, so just one game to determine who is the best doesnt mean the best of each team gets through. Because of this, I think that even if fnatic does well this year, even if they win masters shanghai or do well at champs, because they won lock in (a single elim tourney) and didnt win EMEA league last year, means to me that they are not a valorant dynasty. (thats just me personally)

no disrespect to emea or na, i am an irishman raised in canada so i see both sides of the coin, but the disrepect to your own regions rep, because they arent fnatic, is just not fair on kc or th.

posted 2 months ago

i agree that he needs to be more flexible. it brings up the point of what he could play that offers a similar playstyle. like i think its realistic to play chamber on maps like bind, split, lotus and icebox, then play jett on ascent and breeze. what does he play sunset? does he chamber there too or do they move him to something like astra or viper where he can play more second/third in the execute?

but that contradicts what i said earlier where those agents dont fit his playstyle and they already have players who play those roles. like youre not gonna move egoist off of cypher when cypher is the meta on sunset, and youre not gonna move sscary off controller when he is one of the best in that role.

i love that yay is playing in tier 1 again, but with the team bleed has, i think this roster covers everything that yay is good at. i mean you could put him on a duelist like jett or yoru and have deryeon as the main entry on raze. but i feel like that just removes valuable utility from the team in order for yay yo perform better. but i feel like bleed should be trying to get the most out of yay by playing him on chamber as much as possible.

posted 2 months ago

im gonna disagree with a couple of things. I agree that the reason yay was as amazing as he was in 2022 was because chamber was the definition of the meta and his team built their gameplan around him on that agent. but what i will disgaree with is bleed not building around him. yay is a massive name and the only reason a team would pick him up after he underperformed in 2023 is the hype surrounding him and the fact he is still a very high-quality player.

i dont think that his playstyle fits any other agent other than chamber. like you bring up less as an example of viper players that have also performed well on chamber but less and yay have very different playstyles especially when you compare the teams they play in. with optic yay very often used the op on attack rounds as it helped to hold angles that his team didnt clear and allowed his team to get plants and execute sites a lot more efficiently. compared to less on chamber where he didnt use the op on attack and was more often the lurker. with less on viper his playstyle doesnt really need to change as he can still be the lurker, but with yay on (or any agent besides chamber) his role on attack rounds changes from supporting the execute to becoming the main lurker for the roster.

and i dont think that its that yay needs to be more self-sufficient, its with the purchase of yay, knowing his playstyle, having players like egoist, and requiring him to change his role means that bleed is not utilizing yay to support his strengths and are expecting him to have the same level of impact on agents that dont fit how he plays or how the team should be playing. if bleed put yay on chamber instead of skye against T1 and put egoist on a different role like initiator or controller, the outcome agianst t1 would have been a lot different.

yay is not an entry, he is not a support, he is not a lurker, he is an oper. that playstyle can still be extremely effective in todays game and with chamber receiving buffs in the last few months teams like KRU and T1 have already seen how chamber can bring a similar value to a team comp that the agent brought in 2022. bleed should be looking to set yay up into advantageous positions in which his ability with the op can shine and he can win rounds where his team falls short. yay on viper, neon, or skye cant do that to the same level as yay on chamber.

tldr: bleed should be building the team comps around yay and how he plays. having him on agents that contradict his playstyle and role will mean that yay is not as effective as he can be and will mean that bleed will struggle to get the most out of an extremely talented roster.

posted 2 months ago

what is bleed doing putting this man on viper, like honestly? chamber may not be as broken as he was in 2022 but the agent yay is known for still has a lot of impact. why not just put him his best agent and let him frag. yay on viper will never have as much impact as yay on any version of chamber. he may be a one trick, but he is a scary good one trick.

posted 2 months ago

Does anyone know where these players are or if they are linked with any teams?
Genuinely would like to know, no shade is intended.

posted 4 months ago

my problem is the incessant posting and crying whenever their team plays, win or lose, like i get the competition, i get the rooting for your region, i cheer for my NA brothers at every tournament, just the constant posting and fighting is crazy to me

posted 5 months ago

lmao nice reply

posted 5 months ago

one thing i will never understand in this community is why everyone thinks their region is the best, like why you mad? its only game? i mean im an NA fan but i dont think EMEA or APAC or even china is any less of a region. i would like some insight as to why its constant fighting and not just appreciating good valorant from all regions involved, NA has great players and great teams, same as EMEA and APAC and china. just cheer for your team and shut up man.

posted 5 months ago

honestly im most excited about acend vs vivo keyd on opening day. but other than that, if everything goes the way i think it will, im excited for sens ve liquid too

posted about 2 years ago

i mean i guess he could go to 100t, but out of all the options you listed, you somehow missed the org he's currently on is cs
navi have a valorant roster as well and they are currently putting up mixed performances
i feel like if simple moves to valorant, he wont change orgs and he'd stay with navi

posted about 2 years ago

lost the virgin buff

posted about 2 years ago

this aged well

posted about 2 years ago

-zombs or tenz (i like both equally)

posted about 2 years ago

nats is too

posted about 2 years ago

bruh imagine that team + happy. they would be so good

posted about 2 years ago

not that many good skyes in eu then?

posted about 2 years ago

didnt know making it to a major grand final and semi in 2016 and being 10 top global since then was tier 2 and i didnt know that retiring and playing for geng against top class eu teams was considered tier 3 na

posted about 2 years ago

my point is also that you said they had tier 2 teams, which i forgot to mention. that was my biggest problem when you calling, grand slam tl, major winning c9 and astralis beating eg as tier 2 teams when those teams consistently face off against tier 1 opposition.

posted about 2 years ago

nitro was part of the grand slam team liquid team, ethan made the hltv top 20 players in 2019, skadoodle was the mvp of the boston major and autimatic was part of the same major winning roster. they all played against tier 1 eu competition throughout their entire career, beating them on multiple occasions, and nitro in particular dominated the global scene as the igl of one of the top 2 teams in the world for 1-2 years. you have no idea what tier 1 cs means you are just mad that na is doing well in an esport and are beating eu teams. just cause they are na doesnt mean they arent good at games

posted about 2 years ago

if you go to the match page it should tell you if and where its being streamed

posted about 2 years ago

when did they start doing that?

posted about 2 years ago

3 IGLs? i know steel is the main igl and nitro was only an igl in cs, but whos the third, Hiko? did he ever IGL? i dont remember him being an igl in his cs days so im a little confused. also steel is the only true igl in 100t rn because nitro had spent most of his cs career as a rifler/secondary caller, he only became a the main shot caller for liquid when they faced an identity crisis and had to drastically shift the squads mentality. nitro himself said that being the igl for liquid was taxing on his performance and the main reason he went to valo is because of the burnout from calling despite not being a natural igl (like steel for example). its not to say that nitro is a bad igl, on liquid he was easily top 2 in the world but to say hes a wasted igl in valorant is a bit of an overstatement. his value for the team right now is to be a strong mental presence and to a reliable support player.

posted about 2 years ago

why is tsm #1

posted about 2 years ago

i think what hes trying to say is that tenz has a better internal clock and a better understanding of where enemies are on the map, he has a better understanding of timings and can more easily read his opponents plays and movements. however scream has more experience playing tac shooters so i think its hard to say that tenz has a better game sense but i think everything else he brought up is fair. i think tenz is the best entry frag in NA, if not the world, and because he plays duelists and makes flashy plays people dont see the "team play" side of his game, but in truth his entries and lurking help to open up the map for his teammates and give reliable info to make calls. similarly i think tenz has the skill to play any agent that is required but due to his aim and multi kill potential putting him on an agent that rewards aggression and frags, like reyna, is the obvious choice. overall i think tenz and scream are the 2 best players in the world for me and right now its impossible to say which is better. we've only seen one international lan for valorant so its too early in the game to say one is better than the other

posted about 2 years ago

split worst map

posted about 2 years ago