Flag: Philippines
Registered: March 4, 2025
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 4:00 PM
Posts: 3

you have talon apks and c9 LMAOO

posted 5 hours ago

no bias at all

posted 5 hours ago

cn - xlg: idk if they are considered bad enough to be a darkhorse or if they are already are a contender but these guys have really good firepower

amer - 100T: they can make a really good comeback for stage 1 if they work out role issues and can be a menace, ofc they will fall off stage 2

pac - DFM: if they can work out their strats they can qual 3rd to toronto and they could beat teams like GENG and DRX if meiy shows up every game

emea - M8: they have really good potential but they need to work out their strats and if RobbieBK stops being lazy and has the firepower that he had in the off season M8 could be really good (or farmers like FUT)

posted 5 hours ago