Flag: Chile
Registered: March 15, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 2:52 PM
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yeah I just realized

posted about a year ago

oh shot you're right

posted about a year ago

next probably Flipz dunno about the sixth tho

posted about a year ago

EG but far worse

posted about a year ago

to be frank AECL looked "lost" most of the time it is as if they forgot who they are, we seen a glimpse of old AECL in map 2 (the OTs rounds), critic is a must but DT is big no no.

posted about a year ago

But I never, never want to take advantage of my position consciously.

heh. seems like someone isn't aware(consciously or not) who they are, even if you thoughts so peoples still gonna takes your shit differently just because of your position.

posted about a year ago

I believe Ewok has some grand vision coming to 2023 but RRQ being RRQ just shot his vision down, probably. can't do much when you have clown higher ups.

posted about a year ago


shitty management✅
predatory contract✅
cheap out✅

posted about a year ago

thanks a lot champ ♥. dw I got iPad to use on and holy fuck this apps looks handy, kinda clean too ngl

posted about a year ago

thanks and one more is the app availabe to public or it's just limited to several/certain people? I would've love to get my hands on it

posted about a year ago

dari sebelum Ewok masuk mereka juga udah kekeh mau mix kok, Ewok can't do much when the higher said so I believe the least he can do just like you said choosing the current best "AVAILABLE" player, the unexpected part is those "AVAILABLE" player also got scouted by other competitors. surprise surprise surprise WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT right!?!?

that's what happen when you have clueless and incompetent managements.

posted about a year ago

I hope they get demoted and never comeback again, love all the players and coaches in RRQ including PH players but fuck their managements.

posted about a year ago

what is the "app"? what am I missing on? seems like everyone was talking about it. mind someone spill me some beans? I was too busy taking care of my dogs and my sugarglider

posted about a year ago

I hope RRQ management rot in the deepest hell and get demoted out as soon as possible(I hope in the first year of franchise they got replaced by ascension teams), make a room for a better team and for better ecosystem competitive wise.

posted about a year ago

he's fighting against APAC LCQ finalist, you need more than stellar performance basically. nevertheless he should find T1 or T2 team competing in ascension easily. gl4him

posted about a year ago

kick noxxy out of this team and they will see massive improvement

posted about a year ago

be honest, how much did you lost? LMAO

posted about a year ago

what vlr does to mf lmao💀

also it's like seeing one guy with 2 phones

posted about a year ago

I just want enerii to step on me and spit on my face while ACE'ing the entire enemy UUOOOOGGGGHHHHHHHHH

posted about a year ago

yeah the hate should be directed to RRQ managements, not the players, coaching staff and PH fans altogether. this should be trend.

they ARE the one who makes the call.

posted about a year ago

But consider that RRQ PH just won a decent local LAN

that's achievement of course and I respect them a lot for winning it all but considering a lot of player taking break, I still doubt their strength against the top dogs.

to honor their players is commendable

I also respect their management decision, quite honorable if I say so. the questions are, which bugging me a lot, if this mixed team ain't doing good in the first half of seasons are they willing to change something? are the they willing to spend on different lineup?

I try to not sound biased or something but from stats standpoint, it's headscracther for sure. I'll be contempt for now until the rosters announcement, from there onwards hopefully they can be hold accountable.

posted about a year ago

the more close one was T1 LoL(2020 - mid 2021) with their 10 mans roster and guess what? it's fucking dumpster fire, no synergy at all and players are unmotivated af beside Faker because they keep changing lineup every 2 matches.

posted about a year ago

or become stagnated like in LoL or CSGO...

posted about a year ago

Blazeking, flipz, tehbotol those 3 are already proven to be consistent in international stage, if I were RRQ management I would fight for those 3.

posted about a year ago

they’ve had a deeper history

basically this, like T1 and GenG. Detonation already partnered in LoL (LJL to be specific if you guys want to look up), you guys can connect dot by dot now.

in the end Riot always favor an already partnered teams, so no surprise tbh.

posted about a year ago

abide by the rules? that's rich coming from you.
also you can ignore the thread (if you capable of reading to begin with) and here you are.

posted about a year ago

Acend already being forgotten KEKW

posted about a year ago

yea whenever these duo show up I just turned to other stream, doug is fine (need to work up a lil bit tho)
on the otherhand, Balla is...well he remind me of froskurin in early days

posted about a year ago

Life cosplaying as BerserX isn't helping either, just switch Smoggy back in

posted about a year ago

it's really head scratcher when they invest time with Xdll but put TEN instead in last minute.


idk what's goes behind the scenes or it's just another dumb management decisions.

posted about a year ago

that map 1 gonna haunt Furia KEK

posted about a year ago

how do you even reset your mental after that comeback LOOOOOL

posted about a year ago

you can build your own salt company with those amount of salts. also as expected PRX won in the end, unlike their competitor upset happen all the time in this game due to the nature of new game (2 years still a growing phase)

and I stand corrected bout east asia has a little competitions, that's why China catch up to them in no time.

if I were Japanese or Koreans or simply a fan both of those regions I would concerned. one last time stop being a clown Indon

posted about a year ago

last round sum up the east asia LCQ exp, no wonder EDG breeze thru the competition in there

posted about a year ago

CR 2 - 1 ONS

if CR in form this gonna be a quick 26 - 0

posted about a year ago

if the rumour Gen G going back is true I can see them field mixed teams/even foreigner but if it any korean teams I doubt so

posted about a year ago

this region got 3 slots OMEGALUL, imagine cheering for mediocre players

posted about a year ago




posted about a year ago

not even in LoL, china overtakes them like 4 years ago lol. their relevancy in that game literally carried by Faker's legacy lmaoooo

posted about a year ago

no wonder DRX dominate this region lol

posted about a year ago

do they use automated observer or dedicated obs?

the quality is so bad, missing kills and jumping around trying to catch a kill. if feel like they didn't watch the map where engagement gonna happen. cheers to the caster making this beareable

posted about a year ago

I was expecting TS to be more cleaner, hopefully they sober up throughtout LB run.
on the otherhand tho, putting rDeew on initiator/controller ain't cut it.

posted about a year ago

that ending tho LMAO, truly peak OCE valorant and that would mark ID 4 - 0 AU so far.

also get rDeew a team goddamn, man consistently performing and his team failed him.

posted about a year ago

the infamous 'China always does it first in everything' huh. lmao

posted about a year ago

"given time"

what did you expect? to learn them in one month or 6 months? lmao

learning a "basic" conversation isn't as hard as you might think, especially if you exposed it to everyday

posted about a year ago


I'm sure he can learn russian in given time. I mean he learned Thai already so another one shouldn't have a big deal for him. (ofc this is outside NA offers)

posted about a year ago

oh ofc, what I mean not only in MY/SG scene but they dominated APAC as a whole including OCE, and maybe what you said is right. APAC as a whole have so many teams and different approach of the game but iirc PRX didn't scrim SEA teams this season (it's either Benkai or their coach who said that) and they didn't scrim DRX either for the whole season(2022).

Just from this thought alone I can confidently say that PRX already surprassed DRX, which is pretty funny considering DRX skills is no subpar. to me it's their mental block who prevent them to reach their potential or they simply didn't have the adaptibility throughout the tournament

posted about a year ago

lol. I guess DRX already hit their ceiling and can't get past it because no one there to challenge them regionally, which raise a question on why PRX keep growing because they have the same situation as both teams dominated their region. make you wonder if it the mindset and mental fortitude that differentiate them.

posted about a year ago

any free booze

posted about a year ago
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