Flag: | Chile |
Registered: | March 15, 2022 |
Last post: | July 20, 2024 at 8:54 PM |
Posts: | 1946 |
we do divin a lot tho ur right then again those diving got rewarded(not always) you can say it's tactic even if it cowardly at the end of the day brawn & brawl aren't the core of football, handegg on the otherhand...
I love handegg, I remember it's a great sport to play with your cousins as you can body slam them and they'll be crying to their parents. great sport to bully lil bros lmaoo
here you go buddy
as long as you dont steal the planes and not becoming another Sky Man you good buddy.
but fr I do hope you can manage your financial issues and continue your study asap, and hopefully god of fortune on your side also stay safe because recession is near and it's fucking sucks
too small for my taste. here's mine
ik right I also hate Bans aka Bananas. I hate bananas so much that I don't like the fact that other people enjoy bananas. I hate their stupid yellow color. I hate their smell. I hate their taste. I hate the fact that they grow against gravity "oh look at me. I'm a banana. My body is curved because I grow against gravity." Shut up loser. You fucking suck. I hate the fact that bananas technically grow on bushes, not trees, but the crafty fucks at Big Banana have everyone fooled. Not me though. I see through your lies. Bananas are technically berries. But no one knows that because Big Banana keeps feeding you bullshit banana lies. Also, why the heck do bananas have to be in hecking EVERYTHING? Bread? How about banana bread you silly goose. Ice cream? Here's a banana split. Laffy Taffy? You guessed it! Banana a-fucking-gain. Fuck bananas.
Indian teams are bootcamping?
okay GG 3-0 then
full all out war, GXR make a new entertainment for the technical break
yea should've use the limiter, L production
I hope we get 5 games but I want to see PRX dominated the ex G2 again
unlucko maluko
TL got this in the bag
we're the NA of Valorant, unmatched in drama LMAOOO
consequence, like it or not.
well, berkaca dari streamer spanyol aja meskipun udh untuk bahasa mereka tapi tetep aja ada yg share dan jadi masalah. at the end of the day he livestreamed to the masses kecuali emang Wilsonnya minta ke youtube untuk region locked Indonesia, tapi ini kan pas livestream bisa diakses dari negara manapun ¯_(ツ)_/¯
apakah akan berdampak kartu kuning adik2? awkakwa
lucu banget sih tapi disatu sisi jadiin pelajaran aja kalo emang bercandaannya gitu ya cukup di circlenya aja, ini kan livestreamnya bisa diakses untuk semua orang WKWKWKWKWKWKWK
comparing him to rawfiul is an insult to rawfiul lmao, he's on bonecold level.
can't frag, can't entry, can't clutch. fortunately he's very generous to enemy team by giving them free weaps
I actually want to see PRX vs HERETICS
ini udah chill banget kok, gua juga bukannya overreact liat aja statsnya dia:
kan udh dibilang afreecatv kelar baru bisa nilai roster baru boom
semuanya emang lagi off tapi khusus berserx, dia sebagai comment lagi deh capek ati liatnya
harusnya sih masih scouting, berharap BerserX bisa perform lagi sih copium banget awkawkawk. in the meantime mereka bisa improve chemistry mereka
they except BerserX will be fine, how many chances BerserX need to have? during the VCT Flipz literally need to go to supersaiyan carrying BerserX dead body up to the final.
BerserX peaked in 2021 and he's never the same again in 2022, to top it off he has the worst work ethic.
he legitimately bad tho, just pull his stats up
it won't happen but I wish we can see smth in english speaking environment
yep, that's why Nakya is out of question but once again if they can poach Nakya...I'll be kneeling so hard LOL
as much as I like the idea, AE will fight to death for Nakya to stay but if BOOM somehow manage to poach Nakya, their potential can go as high as Dubai tower
exactly, Famouz can comfortably switching to Duelist
isn't that the worst if he does STILL need to get remind of? because that's mean he's still the same as before and not really trying to improve himself, no?
nt ngangkang but yorkmonster winning against EDG still funny to me BAHAHAHA
BerserX alreaady got his time multiple times throughout 2022. it's time to go
Famouz can also switch to Duelist and boom can actually signed rDeeW as their OPer
with the current roster, would they break thru the ascension? I woul say no solely because of Berserx fell off so hard.
my ideal roster would be:
Shiro been underwhelming so far but I'd still give him the benefit of the doubt as for BerserX, he's been underwhelming throughout 2022 season.
that's just like average vlr user no? I mean ID fans had their moments too. suck it up bozo
inc Boom tweet: goodbye BerserX OMEGALUL
genuine question as I did not follow SA scene, is Enigma considered to be tier 1? are they a contender in SA?
I should've edit it to 'my asian brothers' lol but yeah
sup bozo how's your evening?
mine: I just showered after a long day of work, got my dogs their treats, and ordered some nice snacks while catching up with Flipzjder & co GXR VOD overall the vibe is pretty chill.
I might missed this match due to my next meeting, I thought I would have get a catch for 1 match but VOD it is then. cya tonight
yes, based on his call with Son (Indonesian caster and streamer which currently doing watchalong rn)