he had perfect pickems in champions too, he won one of the prizes I believe, he has the script for sure
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Registered: | May 13, 2021 |
Last post: | February 10, 2025 at 1:43 PM |
Posts: | 3915 |
he had perfect pickems in champions too, he won one of the prizes I believe, he has the script for sure
you need to believe! loud only lost to kru because of little individual mistakes, they looked way better imo
not true lol, that was the online event that he won
lol that was 3 months ago, also they had months to prepare with baddyg
I just said he speaks like a black american lmao, he probably is blonde blue eyes white as snow 15yo and the guy is speaking like "he from the hood"
But NA pros told me they had the best initiators!? Leo and Shao bad BCJ and Crashies better!
motherfuckers actually thought g2 and liquid were the best teams we had lol
tbf seider is a very promising player he is not a permastuck t2 pl,ayer
FPX vs DRX, this matchup favours FPX in terms of style but with a sub I am not sure how they will perform, too many little mistakes today but its understandable considering how Xerxia were playing so maybe they wont have these against DRX
thats consistency in a nutshelL!
makes sense then, Europe and specially Russia play a lot of Dota unlike Korea who only play League so they have all the talent in one place but from an outsider perspective I feel like one of the big problems has to be LEC is basically only bo1 for some reason while LCK is not? dont understand why LEC organisers think this is okay??? Koreans get to play 3-5x times the matches in a single season than LEC teams
Either way not being able to compete with Korea and China doesnt seem acceptable to me, League community should be ashamed
Also europe has been always the best at dota pretty much so doesnt make sense to me how a region with so much moba history cant compete with korea and china on the same level
Maybe its because NA has huge money and they poach some of best European players so every year some of the best talent goes away from the region?
I mean, we had some MSI winners and worlds finalists in "recent years", we are for sure worse than Korea and China but still do good from time to time, also I am not very much into league but how can Europe be so bad at it? Korea is a country the size of Spain but apparently a whole continent cant compete with them??? Is it because Russians play too much dota instead of league? Doesnt make sense to me from an outsider perspective tbh, I guess all good european moba players stuck with dota instead of switching to league maybe
still wouldnt be able to compete, cs is by far the most played game in europe, you cant compete with the amount of talent a whole continent can produce tbh, maybe china could have some good teams
not an ethnicity, bronzil education moment
bcj actually delusional to say that lmao, its good that you are confident but keep it to yourself, how can he actually see leo play and think he is better than him, thats a shit mentality, he should learn from how leo plays not live in delusion otherwise he wont improve
seems you havent heard about those boys called Fnatic... they are not normally I will tell you that much
probably gonna get picked up by koi since koldamenta is spanish
every org in franchising in both EU and NA gonna start a bidding war over leo lmao
he is so good! he is having INCREDIBLE util usage, he cant fucking aim lmao his util is bad he cant do anything right
here is the take the fucking bot is not bad, stop trying to be different and smart, he is dogshit
all spanish streamers do, they know most of their audience is from latam so thats smart from them
good point, FPX problem was 100% composure and not making individual mistakes, they are looking clean tactically and aim
great performance from SMB in masters 3!
just joke mens))
tbf APAC is probably 3rd in terms of depth as a region, Brazil latam Japan and Korea are the minor regions
"took a picture of you IRL" hard comeback dawg, are you 10?
then dont complain if we are toxic back, every1 is toxic
I think its maybe sound, its could be hard to play against aggressive teams with bad sound
yes, caucasian genes too stronk
nice joke! maybe go for a smarter joke next
not this thats for sure, fpx playing at 20% of what they normally do, so surprising to see them make so mistakes, they are very experienced team
yes, EMEA more toxic!!! rememeber how vlr was laughing at EMEA after masters 2 iceland and masters 1 iceland or short memory?
stopped reading at babysasuke
yes bro im crying, im fucking laughing my ass off watching these dogs play its just funny
cope what u retard? both teams looked like dogshit, what am I coping
true, that doesnt make any sense by that guy, if fpx win xerxia should be ashamed and if fpx lose its kinda of how it should go, if what the narrative thats being said is true and all teams are good then no1 should lose to fpx
cuz they are, they playing like indian team