Flag: Germany
Registered: August 17, 2022
Last post: March 16, 2024 at 1:30 PM
Posts: 159
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With that veto, surely they take 1 map, i actually favor them now
Why do teams troll their vetos :/

posted 11 months ago

KC 2-1
GENG 2-0

posted 11 months ago

S: Egg+Bren, Panpoc, Achilios+Paper, Doug+Balla,
A: Tom+Mitch, ExWarrior
B: ExWarrior+ Ender
C: Riv + Vansili

posted about a year ago

Thats why delusionalists are delusional. Discrediting the whole effort put in to win one of the few international tournaments that happen every year is just exorbitantly big bullshit.
This tourney IS important, yes its too short imo. But you still get championship points if you win overall which really helps if you wanna go to Champs.

posted about a year ago

The facts speak for themselves.
Sscary was one of the reasons XERXIA/X10 was so good in the first place. There is a Viper ult location on Icebox on Def side called after him, literally. The guy was one of the best controllers right now. He won Ascension last year with Bleed, being the best perfoming player on his team and 2nd overall. Crazy and Egoist arent bad players themselves, and they can still compete at a T1 level if they find a squad that they can integrate into.y and sscary. Now, in these things where allegedly people just dont get along, both sides imo are at fault, because neither took the efforts to calm down and settle the issue. But the org had its reasons(hopefully better reasons as 100T back then after the game against TGRD) as to why they fired two of its players.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NFS clears Sliding MacLean

But otherwise AE86 comes from the shadows and Tokio drift around both

posted about a year ago

Valid take, although i still favor FNC overall :)

posted about a year ago

Chronicle Ace on Bind against KRÜ
Ardiis 1v3 on Ascent on A
Alfajer Yellow Clutch Icebox
Crashies Ace on Fracture
Suygetsu 4k Breeze
Kinggs Heroics on Haven against XSET at Copenhagen

those are my choices

posted about a year ago

Enghh, NARRATE and EMEA T2 bringing out supertalents part 1000 happened

posted about a year ago

I probably misformulated my point , and at second thought, its very misleading.
EGs runs at the tournaments itself were not lucky at all, in fact, they were by far the better team in any of the games besides their games against FNC and PRX.
The point i wanted to make(which isnt really a point, its just a rant because someone thinks EU wins count less than NA wins at events)
was that EG got into playoffs for Masters/Champs because of the failure of another team and a freak game. If 100T won against MIBR, EG wouldnt attend Tokyo, they might have missed out on Champs aswell and everything would have turned out completely different.

posted about a year ago

Your whole cinderella story relied on a 100T choke against MIBR.

You can call FNCs win mickey mouse trophies, but you need to admit then that your Masters run atleast, if not your Champs run aswell, was based purely on luck and on another teams failure. A great storyline, but nothing else.
Btw, EU 1-1 NA on Champs, but 5-3 on major trophies still. Get that level, then i might accept your crazy take.

posted about a year ago

Didnt EG got carried by Demon1 last year?
And let me tell ya, Chronicle diffs crashies very week ;)

posted about a year ago

Maybe, i chose westside bc 1. hes a sentinel, so the roles are complete 2. hes perfoming on a crazy level in Surge and 3.
Westside sounds cool af as a name

posted about a year ago

Starxo + Kamo + Pati, bring in Baddy and westside and we got a crazy roster :O

posted about a year ago

Yeah, 2 international trophies + Top 4 at Champs last year + Masters Copenhagen, where they escaped a literal group of death with LOUD/Optic/KRÜ in 1st place, where he booked the win against Optic with a massive clutch on Split + maybe a better LCQ run if Russ wasnt forced to leave = pretty mid, i would have done the same if i had more time :P

Sure, Guild had trexx and Sayf aswell(looking back this roster was INSANE AF btw), but he still was the talk of the town most of the time in EMEA when Guild played.

If hes mid, who exactly is good by your definition? Becausse if a two time champion of the world is mid, wouldnt that mean that no one can play Initiators properly at the highest level in VALORANT???

posted about a year ago

I mean, with the perfomance hes putting in atm, i wouldnt be surprised if he would be either a permanent player for TH or on a different T1 team next year(or even next split).
Dude has been grinding T2 for the last 2 1/2 years, and it finally paid off!

posted about a year ago

FUT 2-0
Yetujey drops 50
Finally were back baby, the wait is over :D

posted about a year ago

Ik, was pissed off because of the ,,oh, i have friends who are lower in rank so i need to make a smurf account" argument. Although slightly understandable, do you really need to play Ranked with your friends? Customs are such a good alternative and everyone can have fun in them. Yes, its a bit harder to create lobbies but 5 Stacks also take a good amount of time.

posted about a year ago

Make it against the TOS and punish ppl severly for it(long main acc bans). Also atleast ask for a phone number for 2FA.

This sounds really hard, but in what way will we ever stop people to smurf unless they face big consequences?

posted about a year ago

PLAY CUSTOMS or UNRATED, bro, why do you need to play Ranked to play with friends. When i played with some ppl on a DC we always booted up an Unranked or Custom and we had a FUCKING BLAST.

posted about a year ago
  1. VOD review players who play in high radiant
  2. Just play
  3. Review the games you played

We all started with no knowledge and just picked a agent for fun, then we became good with it.
So why cant we do the same process again?
Playing the agent in lower elos wont bring you anything and wont teach you anything, playing it against similarly skilled opponents will accelerate the learning process because you get challenged.

posted about a year ago

VOD review yes, playing against them directly, no!

posted about a year ago

7 months late, but better late than never, its STILL smurfing. And no, him playing less than 5 games against people lower than Plat/Dia is still bad for the players he plays against. He doesnt get a REAL challenge until he hits high Immo-3/Radiant, because while low Immortal/Ascendant players can partly keep up in terms of mechs, they still get thrown in the bin by Curry because he has a much deeper understanding of the game
(formations, setups, coordination, trading, reads, rotations etc..). He also indirectly encourages people to smurf because its fun from the outside, he had fun, so why dont do smth that might be fun for you aswell?
Currys smurfing project is better than Jollz, no doubt, but being bitten by a snake isnt better than being bitten by a alligator. Bad things cant be made good when comparing them to even worse things, they still remain bad and Curry and Jollz deserve every ounce of criticism they got for the BS they did.
The only somewhat good thing he did was that he explained his util, but he couldve just done a guide for that.

posted about a year ago

Just ask, like hungryman pointed out, this is not good attitude and just weird and creepy.
Youve been playing for 2 months now, she is somewhat used to you(not like deep or so, but shes used to play with u) so a question like that is surely not a big problem anymore id say.

posted about a year ago

Schön hier. Aber waren sie schon mal am Cannstatter Bahnhof? /j

posted about a year ago

Hey, Stuttgart isnt THAT BAD.

posted about a year ago

If you wanna live in a big city, go to Cologne or Hamburg. But to be honest, finding a reasonably price for a place is VERY difficult there because, well, theyre big and have a good reputation so demand is skyhigh(which counts for nearly every big city in Germany because our gov isnt that great at building more houses for the people).
Also, what do you define as a small town? Because there are a good amount of mid-sized cities that are pretty neat(Karlsruhe, Freiburg come to my mind f.e.)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why do people think that sending a whole police unit to a randoms house is funny? Seriously, this shit is soooo fucked up, hope s0m is okay and nothing bad happened to anyone close
Hope the guy that did this shit faces some form of consequence and punishment, so that he rethinks and learns to not do this shit anymore!

posted about a year ago

Give him a season and well see after.
Weve seen Sentinel players perform well on Duelist, so why cant it be the other way around aswell?
Yes, Meteor may not have played a single game on KJ or Cypher in his whole life in any game mode, but people can always change their roles.
f0rsaken is a good example. The guy was a duelist demon, then something arrived, he changed his role to Sentinel/Flex and hes still great af.
Yes, i might have a bias towards GenG, but we still have 2 months to go before the start of the season. Judge his perfomance and his viability on the role after the first games of the season, not off a off-season tourney where they played 2 Bo3s!

posted about a year ago

I still prio FNC, even if LEV looks really stacked, FNC just have the experience together and these 5 are still INSANE. They havent won Champs yet, so the drive is still there i assume, the only thing im concerned about is if they can replicate their success without Mini.
But Leviatan is definetily a big contender next year on paper at least, we will see once the first games are played next year.

posted about a year ago

Americas: LEV/LOUD
Pacific: PRX/GENG
China: RA/EDG

Huge copium but idgaf

posted about a year ago

Your ,,superteam" got killed off by DRX and never played an match again. Also we still won a trophy. City also only have beaten Inter by one goal in the CL final.

Deppert biste.

posted about a year ago

GG Leo is the goat. THE GOAT.

posted about a year ago

Agree, have a good morning and a lovely sunday :)

posted about a year ago

,,The ability to speak does not make you intelligent"

  • Qui-Gon-Jinn, Jedi Master, 1999.

These comparisons are sooooo off. Why are you comparing a team that havent achieved shit this year with a team that attended all events and could have gone to playoffs in both of them if one or two rounds were changed LMAO

posted about a year ago

100Thieves were favourites for Lockin after winning RB...and look what happened afterwards. C9 plays well, and Oxy is cracked, aswell as the others, but dont predict something from a tournament which so far didnt indicate the power levels of the regions. Also, its still 1-2, so FNC can still take it :P

Also, EMEA has still won more trophies(5-3). And names and stars dont win you trophies, TEAMS do.
Real Madrid in the early 2000s is a prime example of that, once the knockout stage in the CL began for Real, they bombed out real early.
Sentinels 2023 anyone?

Told ya :P

posted about a year ago

No Need Orga

posted about a year ago

Radiant Crisis

posted about a year ago

I dont have anything against any of the franchise teams, but i feel like BIG should have got a spot. The whole thing is played in Berlin, the literal capital of Germany. Also they have been investing in Valorant since the game has started, they literally brought back Gob b for the Valorant team. They had a really promising roster, despite the results being poor. A german team would have been super hype for the scene. But yeah, that didnt happen :/

posted about a year ago

Mari Kart Nintend D

posted about a year ago

Clone wars Vietnam...good choice.

posted about a year ago

Just a lot of trolls who just have a bit of fun. Some go a bit too far, but some are just the norm youre expecting to see on other platforms aswell(Twitter f.e.).
And Off Topic is....welll, off topic. You can expect all sorts of crazy conversations if you create a space in which everyone can talk about their favourite stuff. And while were on it, whats your fav clone wars arc(if you watched that series)?

posted about a year ago

In Magnum we trust :D

posted about a year ago

Well go back to this post once Madrid is over KEKW

posted about a year ago

qw1(he might be leaving FUT)

posted about a year ago

Vienna or Cologne

posted about a year ago
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