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Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: April 13, 2022 at 9:21 AM
Posts: 54
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AVG valorant toad not knowing how to take a joke

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant aim: A myth?

I see a lot of people saying that valorant has crazy aimers and while it can be true and I do believe other games have the same aim level of the best players of valorant.
Like tenz and aspas for instance are good and they have above average aim but navi cs roster showed us that they have better aim than them and i don't think their (navi) aim are like worst than tenz and drx guys (who are the best team in terms of aim in valorant) i could say no one in valorant plays like i don't know s1mple or ropz but i do believe it's just their style.

Another problem in valorant's aim are: Incosistency..sometimes we see some frags that blow our mind but sometimes we lose 1v1 like a bot.

I think this myth that valorant has the best aim were because of tenz youtube highlights from ranked games.

posted about 2 years ago

looks like a dead game tbh
You have these no skill pros making underwhelming plays, very unenjoyable
Better watch actual skilled players in quake and cs

posted about 2 years ago

Most movement abilities are simple 1 button relocation and aren't very mechanically demanding at all

common cope take to defend bad gunplay, you don't need random sprays to get players to tap and burst. It should depend on range as it does in R6 and cs. It's just a mechanic to make gunplay easier since there's there's no precise spray control necessary

Counter strafing mechanic doesn't exist, you're misinformed

Also an eye test alone is sufficient to show that valorant head hitboxes are massive and if you can't you're just being dishonest with yourself and being in denial

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant toad moment

My name checks out, I always Speak undeniable facts and valorant toads can't handle it

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah cause he speaking bs lol
He thinks valorant players actually can be good in quake. Just proves this guys has never played quake ever

posted about 2 years ago

Ok each of the players would get absolutely rofl stomped by quake and cs players (scream was good once but he washed now) and you'd have to coping real hard if you deny that
Id say some of the drx guys, aspas stand some solid chance but not those 3 players

posted about 2 years ago

Ok so let me correct you and prove why valorant is not very mechanically demanding

  1. extremely slow movement which makes aiming and tracking easy
  2. Largest head hitboxes of any current gen FPS
    3.spray patterns don't exist, it's just straight up for a few bullets then random left right turns. So very ez to pick up and master
    4.counter strafing (it's a cs specific term so it should be used for its proper meaning) actually doesn't exist as a mechanic (ADAD spam does exist tho).
posted about 2 years ago

Name three top valorant players (best 3 in order preferably)

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant players aren't the sharpest tool, are they?
Don't take that 100 literally, it was figuratively used for emphasis
It's true tho that there will be empty stands and the cheering will be super awkward

posted about 2 years ago

So what's your argument against that? What's your claim to valorant not being a mechanically less demanding FPS? It's pretty obvious tbh with lenient movement, extremely slow movement speed and easy weapon mechanics. What makes you think games like quake, cs or ow or even fortnite aren't more mechanically demanding?

posted about 2 years ago

I meant it's a win win for Riot
It wouldn't really look good when no one turns up, and there's just these awkward empty stands and the 100 people "crowd" screaming in a large echoing arena

posted about 2 years ago

I mean its pretty well established in the FPS community that valorant isn't very mechanically demanding
I don't understand what you're trying to argue about here

posted about 2 years ago

Learn to read may be?
I said one of the least mechanically demanding, which is actually true.
What's your argument against that?
It's pretty well established that valorant isn't much mechanically demanding no where near games like quake,1.6, csgo or even ow

posted about 2 years ago

Not really
If you're denying obvious stuff then you're the the one coping

posted about 2 years ago

Not true tho
Valorant is the least mechanically demanding fps(undeniable tbh) and most top players are actually washed or t3 cs players or ow players

posted about 2 years ago

I was looking for genuine answers but ok

posted about 2 years ago

Can the best valorant players compare to good quake players? Or good OW or cs players?

Because valorant is one of the least mechanically demanding games in the FPS genre (R6 probably least demanding followed by valorant) are the top valorant players comparable to good cs, quake players?

posted about 2 years ago

And csgo was 24 million, ur point?

posted about 2 years ago

Not really the same thing, dont really expect you to understand the difference anyways

posted about 2 years ago

Yes both wegame and egs are pretty FUCKING irrelevant
It's fine you can live in denial

posted about 2 years ago

Feel free to leave

posted about 2 years ago

Says the brainlet to another brainlet

posted about 2 years ago

Didn't know you were the supreme judge here deciding who deserves what...
Hope you figure out what you deserve and may be learn how to socially interact like a normal person

posted about 2 years ago

Isn't it obvious?
Who tf will show up for a valorant lan lol

posted about 2 years ago

Sadly the arenas would be empty lol

posted about 2 years ago

Still Better than saying #57

posted about 2 years ago

Still Better than saying stuff like #57

posted about 2 years ago


Get your facts straight clown riot Stan.
maybe u should research instead of believing in your own thoughts.

Deal with it clown, valve owns pc gaming

posted about 2 years ago

I must say you have very Poor taste in roasts
There wasn't really a need for making useless personal remarks about people's parents and families

Anyway, you're probably the last person who'd know how to socially interact with people

posted about 2 years ago

This is what Actual delusion looks like

I will pray for you, I legit feel bad for you :(

posted about 2 years ago

You're horribly misinformed if you think Tencent owns pc gaming in entirety of East. Outside of china, it's pretty irrelevant, most people just use steam

posted about 2 years ago

Yes and this kangaroo doesn't understand that steam isn't limited to the west only

posted about 2 years ago

Lol literal smooth brain here guys

And imagine believing the numbers that riot publish themselves vs steam numbers that are public

There's something seriously wrong if you think there are more league players than pc gamers.
Also just for your information, the numbers riot publishes are based on horrible metric. They count the same person logging into (say) 3 different games as 3 different users
So their real numbers are probably half or 2/3 of what they publish

posted about 2 years ago

So you don't agree that people with beta physique and beta haircut saying stuff like "you can't imitate it, you have to be born with it" isn't corny? Ok my dude

posted about 2 years ago

And you should stop projecting and take your meds

posted about 2 years ago

Dude forget it, it's not up your alley. You're too smooth understand anything

posted about 2 years ago

Am I right or am I right?

posted about 2 years ago

Don't tell him facts, he is either too smooth to understand that or too sore to admit it.

posted about 2 years ago

Dude are you slow? Dense? That Walmart analogy is some serious single digit iq stuff lol

Steam is the biggest digital distributor and platform for pc games. It's basically a monopoly on pc gaming. "Owning pc gaming" literally means that idiot, you can't own pc gaming by making or publishing games. What idiot lol

posted about 2 years ago

Oh yeah?
What part of my post isn't factually correct? Pls point it to me and help my correct my mistakes

posted about 2 years ago

And that's why this site is in the same category of cancer as reddit
Literally just a circle jerk echo chamber

posted about 2 years ago

Lol literal papega

Valve literally own pc gaming as in they own steam and steam is literally 90% of pc gaming (or even more)
Cs and DotA are just Thier side business dude, and the cs scene has much more class to it. None of this corny bs that riot does.

So yeah valve owns pc gaming, deal with it papega

posted about 2 years ago

Vlr users can't handle facts
Tale as old as time

posted about 2 years ago

I'm 12iq and I parrot overused phrases 🤓

posted about 2 years ago

12 iq folks with that straight fire "I'm 12 and everything is cringe" phrase

posted about 2 years ago

L take
Plus imagine saying valve is in the mud. Dude valve literally owns all of pc gaming plus their games are actually classy products instead of being rip offs

posted about 2 years ago

Ratio that ratio this
How about you ratio some bitches (and bread)

posted about 2 years ago

Man somebody needs to tell Riot that the corny team and player intros they do is cringe at best, unbearable at worst

Like bruh you have the DRX players saying stuff like "This is not something you can imitate (being number 1), you have to be born with it"
Lmfao, like chill out dude you are just playing a video game (not very good that even, probably will get stomped by random cs and quake players).

They do the same stuff in LoL where they make the players say all kinds of corny stuff

Jesus, clown company.

posted about 2 years ago
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