Flag: Ukraine
Registered: February 18, 2021
Last post: June 18, 2021 at 8:14 AM
Posts: 43

Rito pls :-( I upgraded prime karambit have some mercy and let me correct my mistake and put it back to normal animation.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Yeah exactly.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I paid and bought a skin, then I decided to pay even more and upgrade it, but that doesn't mean I want it to have upgraded all my time right?

posted about 3 years ago

I see, but it is new right? Like some new update. Well good I am happy, this was a very big pain in the ass. Now hopefully these skins downgrade.

posted about 3 years ago

I just find it so weird, that when you upgrade your weapon skin, you are forever stuck with the upgrade, and can't go back to the original way the weapon looked when you bought it. I upgraded Prime Karambit [biggest mistake of my life] and I am stuck with worse animation than the lower one. And there is no way to make a refund or put the skin back to default animation even though I texted Riot that I don't care they can keep the points for an upgrade but just put it back to default.

The other thing that is quite shocking is, that when you get a voice ban, you aren't allowed to play Ranked to disadvantage your team since you aren't able to use voice. But if you are Russian you aren't disadvantaging your teammates? Not to mention that with a voice ban you at least hear your teammates while Russian players cant even hear nor talk.

What do you guys think about these two things? Do you maybe know some info if and when you going to be able to downgrade your weapon skin etc.?

posted about 3 years ago

In the end, why does it matter though lol. The only thing that matters is which team wins tournaments and is the best in the world, not whos the best individual skilled player. A great example is s1mple in NAVI. BEst player and what? Neve wins almost anything.

posted about 3 years ago

He basically played the same style as Jammppi in CS so I do not see who he could replace in Liquid unless he would completely change his style. Would be sick to see two brothers playing together though :]. There are basically 2 possibilities, either Jammppi go back to CS cause he got unbanned or Nivera change his playstyle and replace one of the English men.

posted about 3 years ago

It is not only EU, it just doesn't seem that way now, because the NA team won all matches, once they start losing you will see the difference :D. To be honest, the banter is making NA and EU matches quite exciting, I love this rivalry between regions, but obviously, there's a limit to it.

I see where you coming from and that it is getting toxic here, but its just a natural process, every esport competitive game that gets bigger and has a lot of attention will bring trolls and kids :D. Just ignore them.

posted about 3 years ago

Lol every community is like this, they are with them when they win, not with them when they loose. Fnatic played great, they just lacked something against Sentinels and couldnt close down any map they played against them. Very close matches and Sentinels definately deserved tournament win holding shit together and close those tied games up.

posted about 3 years ago

it is jonathan E cousin

posted about 3 years ago

My money is on Fnatic win the whole tournament.

posted about 3 years ago

It is their decision, lets see how the game will turn up. To be honest I agree with this last save, cause they were in a very bad position.

posted about 3 years ago

He probably thinks it's Czechoslovakia.

posted about 3 years ago

Wait... What? He is me?

posted about 3 years ago

Him not having anyone from his country doesn't mean he can't have an opinion. If he would say his scene is better than you'd have a point.

posted about 3 years ago

In all honesty these post plant set ups are so boring and destroying my opinion about valorant

posted about 3 years ago

Why nobody talking about these post plant situations.. So fucking broken

posted about 3 years ago

Bro you have some big problem understanding that 1 match doesn't make you a better one, just might have had a better day, what matters is overall performence.

posted about 3 years ago

I have not said they have a better brain, this has nothing to do with intelligence. I said, that our team structure has always been different and more teamwise and stratwise rather then making tactics around individual skill.

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic definitely looks like the more structured team. Liquid depends a lot whether or not their aim is 100 percent on point.

posted about 3 years ago

If you need to call dominance that they won 2 matches in whole history and first international LAN EVER that just shows who is the delusional one LOL.

posted about 3 years ago

Tell me one game where NA dominate. In long run, not just 1 match on 1st lan ever lol.

posted about 3 years ago

I have not expected the EU to dominate NA if I am going to be all honest. The teams have never faced each other, the game is still quite new, and it is the first LAN tournament, so this tournament is very random and the team with better individual performance probably going to take this tournament and it wouldn't surprise me if Sentinels take it.

However, as time will go, the EU will dominate and completely take over the scene, as they always did, due to our different approach to the games and structure of our teams, we will dominate strat-wise and teamwise the server till the point where individual skill will be nice to win couple rounds, but not the entire series.

Mark my words :]

posted about 3 years ago

Bro, there are so much disgusting things going on in the world you can't really expect a chat with 100K people that all of the people there will behave like normal human beings considering the fact it is also private and nobody sees who you are and where you live.

If you haven't realized it yet, the sooner the better, we do not live in a world where the majority of people are normal :D.

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic is a very good team, do not judge after 1 game. Let's see how the tournament will evolve. To be honest IDK. why everyone expected Europe to dominate NA, it is still a new game, the teams have never played against each other so they had no idea how to counter each other or prepare against each other.

I think this tournament will still be heavily relying on individual performance since the teams' aren't prepared well for each other, but once the time continues Europe will dominate more and more since NA always relied only on individual performance in FPS games and were never really a well-synchronized strat team. Europe has not been dominating NA because we have better players individually, but because we have a different approach to the game teamwise.

posted about 3 years ago

I arent think that.

posted about 3 years ago

Well, I agree with you, that voice is an important factor in the game, what I am discussing though is, that voice muted players cant play ranked to not give a disadvantage, Russians who have it muted from Riot can. Hm?

posted about 3 years ago

The official message is, that if you get voice mute for toxicity, that means you cant use voice, you are allowed to play valo, but no competitive games. Russian players don't have any Russian server, they play with us in Europe bro. But without voice, or they have to use VPN and make their IP from other country to be able to use voice. They are allowed to play comp without voice, but muted players arent. Where is the equality?

posted about 3 years ago

They have no voice, and they have no mic. Completely turned off voice.

posted about 3 years ago

Russian players have not allowed voice since the release of the game due to some law. They are able to queue competitive bro.

posted about 3 years ago

What exactly you do not understand my brother? Riot made a new rule that anyone who gets voice mute can play only unranked games because he gives a disadvantage to his team so you are not allowed to play rank with voice mute. Russian players have muted voice completely and yet they can play competetive.

posted about 3 years ago

They have forbidden players with voice ban to compete in the competitive game due to the fact, that they are giving a disadvantage to their team by not being able to give info.. So a Russian player who has banned voice completely, not just a microphone is not a disadvantage? I mean you want to restrict players, do it equally please Riot.

What you guys think about it.

posted about 3 years ago

Scream was not trash in CS, he was TOP 20 player just got unlucky with teams afterwards. If you think CS is only about gun fire then you are hardly mistaken, NA players used to be quite good individual players but sucked against EU due to lack of teamplay and strats.

posted about 3 years ago

They are enjoying finally some relevancy due to the fact they started to play valorant big time as first ones cause all the irrelevant tier 2 players and people that couldn't achieve anything against EU in CSGO switched.

posted about 3 years ago

I am not sure you can show me something since NA was always irrelevant TIER 2 teams. The reason why your scene in Valorant got big fast is cause all the irrelevant trash tier 2 players who couldn't achieve anything in CSGO as every NA fluke team had to transfer to actually win something.

posted about 3 years ago

Hi guys, I am Diamond 1 Duelist looking for some chill people with micro and good communication for premade queue because I am tired of trolls in the games and I want Immortal.

If some of you would want to play sometime text your name in the topic and I will add you.

posted about 3 years ago

Hi guys,

I have quite a big dilemma, how do you float with Jett when you use the scroll wheel to jump? Double bind won't work for me cause I use space for spell -_-

I think I am too much used to have it there since like 2010 and cant imagine jump with something else lol -_-

posted about 3 years ago

Well, they have buffed him a little bit and I guess it is just temporary and they will buff him more since I completely agree with you and it is just not enough. His ult is so risky, with good players once they spot you it's over for you, you might get info but you are dead. Yes, you can mix it up with teleport but it takes some time once you get from Ult and you can get one-shotted unless you have a chance to run back. They should buff his flash to be quicker, maybe his orb to be visible only at some distance because right now you can see it from long distances and also HEAR IT so the sounds should be different. Most important thing in my opinion that when he is in ulti to be able to get back where he started the ulti even though he is still in his ulti so you can escape without them having a chance to kill you.

I enjoy playing Yoru against low rank players, but once you get players with brain he becomes useless.

posted about 4 years ago

I guess the fact it is slower is the true reason, since I always was an aggresive AWPER changing positions trying to get my team in to 4v5 situatio and than fall back. But for example, okay maybe there are not as many flashes, but once you miss, jett for example can punish an awper so easily.

posted about 4 years ago

Haha good to know, maybe I am just too much used to the AWP in CSGO, my aim feels quite smooth, I guess the experience with movement and recoil is pretty much similar to any FPS game once you get the mechanic, I just cant seem to do good with AWP and get frustrated, since I was very good in CSGO with AWP, doing a lot of flick shots, no scopes.

posted about 4 years ago

What do you guys think about operator? I do not know why, but I just can not seem to make that gun quite useful, as I was an AWP player in CS:GO I expected I would do a lot better. I just cant seem to be hitting my shots so often, is it just me or its on purpose so that it is not as Overpowered as in CSGO? I mean it isnt a coincidence TOP5 players are AWPERS.

posted about 4 years ago