ty Dolphin
Flag: | Uruguay |
Registered: | June 9, 2023 |
Last post: | January 18, 2025 at 10:27 AM |
Posts: | 1982 |
obviously, but it's really a strange coincidence
Actually, they almost had the same journey as last year
-2nd in the first Internacional
-Regional winners (VCT brazil)
-0/2 defeats in masters
-champions winners
-2nd in the first internacional
-Regional winners (VCT americas)
-0/2 defeats in masters
-3rd Champions 🚫
that's why it's called Global Esports and not INDIA ESPORTS, that's so obvious man. get another 4 SKRossi and they will win everything
I'm gonna support FURIA this season
I really like their new roster and I also wanted to support teams that most people dislike/hate on
So I'm now a FURIA supporter until the end of champs
Mexico, Colombia and Peru are also big and populous countries, Why don't they have Good Players/Teams like Argentina and Chile?
aspas and saadhak are the kindest and friendliest guys on the Brazilian scene
Yeah, that Lotus was painful to watch
I hope one day to see KiNgg, Aspas and Less on the same team...
Hermanos Latinos, os tempos difíceis acabaram.
I agree with everything you said, but Kingg and Mazino really speak good Portuguese, I've played with both on the BR server and understood everything they said perfectly
Meu manito nzr é muito bom
Não acho que eles vão ser destruídos, mas realmente ta com uma carinha que a C9 ganha hoje
Loud vs NRG lock//in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EG vs Loud
I almost had a heart attack
Daily topic about World Cup valorant
Tier S - Russia, Brazil, USA
Tier A - Chile, Canada, Indonesia (?), Turkey
Acho que é tipo a Gente com a Loud ué, os gringos só veem 90% dos BRs torcendo pela Loud, mas não significa que a gente não torce por Furia e mibr. Acho que eles apoiam ambos, porém a Kru tem mais torcida que a Lev por que querendo ou não representou mais o Latam do que a Leviatan, assim como a Loud representou 100000% mais o Brasil do que Furia e MIBR
Easy for TBD
I found out the hard way 😞
GOATOXY >> memewzera
basically we are great mechanically but we are dumb. so having someone not so good mechanically but with a great brain (saadhak) was a perfect match
aspas - hydrogen bomb
Tacolilla - coughing baby
Furia (unfortunately), Loud and Lev
Sei lá... Só queria uma vitoriazinha, não acho que seja pedir demais
MXS 2x1 Sen
mwzera will farm both.
I'll be back here in 22 days
Lev 2x0
Aspas drops 50
Aspas will humiliate him before that
Furia 2x1
Mwzera drops 77
"Preto fudido"
in a non-literal translation it would be something like someone saying "fucking ni**er"
Disse tudo, imagina o que não rola (ou rolou) no discord de uma galerinha aí do cenário, ou até mesmo durante as conversas entre eles etc...
A única pessoa que eu confio 100% é no saadhak, (oq é bem irônico já que ele é argentino) mas acho que se tivesse "algo pra ser vazado" já teria a muito tempo, desde a época do paladins
100Trash and Clown9 above Loud
E um xenofobico falador, valorant de cadeia em seu estado mais puro 🥶
Um xitado e um racista webfodedor, acho que já vi uma dupla assim antes 😱
I just copied it from here
you have no idea what an unsafe city really is
Safest cities in the world:
*according to The Economist Intelligence Unit survey in 2021