Flag: Lithuania
Registered: February 12, 2023
Last post: January 11, 2025 at 9:04 AM
Posts: 6

ropz to vitality even better

posted 1 month ago
  1. F1
  2. NBA
  3. Football (both versions)
posted about a year ago

If im not mistaken, Arsenal owners are Guard owners ☠️

posted about a year ago

everyone in NRG apart W stripper

posted about a year ago

AWP >>>>> OP (as a awp main, it makes me sad playing op in valorant. truly terrible gun, at least chamber meta gave me chance to enjoy game a bit)
m4 > phantom
ak = vandal
classic >> glock
usp >> ghost
marshal > scout
sheriff >>>>>> revolver (lmao)
sheriff >>> deagle (im probably worst player in the world with deagle)
odin, ares > m249, negev
xm = judge (xm more satisfying, but judge a bit more reliable)
mag7 >>> bucky (after bucky nerf its worst gun in the game right now)

overall im kinda suprised that csgo guns diff valorant guns in my list (bcs i prefer valorant guns), but i guess the difference that makes me like valorant more is finishers and skins. in csgo its quite easy to miss that you killed someone, for example if there is flash party lol...

posted about a year ago