Flag: Canada
Registered: August 3, 2021
Last post: February 22, 2024 at 6:30 AM
Posts: 10

I'm not all the way through the vods as of now, but watching Jinboong's Cypher on Bind inspires nothing in me whatsoever. Holds util for far too long, pushes in front of it..

posted about a year ago

Idk how I feel about the full commit to Jitboys over Sushiboys. I want to speculate that my raw fish king is fielding offers from other orgs, but I have concerns based on how Talon played things this year.

Here’s hoping we keep our fish raw

posted about a year ago

Happy that Jacob is making a positive change for his own well being. Sad to see him step back a bit, but his impact on the game is undeniable and I look forward to whatever he does next ☺️

posted about a year ago

Bleed really used two ults out B main and proceeded to almost throw Haven smfh. GGs tho! Excited to see sScary in franchising 🥹

posted about a year ago

BBG 2-1

BBG have close series with better teams (i.e. Pioneers) + wins over SoaR & Soniqs since November. Gen.G only have a win over Renegades in that same time period.

We'll likely see Ascent and Fracture banned. If the pick goes to Split at ALL, Gen.G are toast.

posted about 3 years ago

RNG generally have better wins over other teams. 93% win rate on Haven and we're likely to see them ban Ascent & CD will ban Bind or Breeze (win rates of 33% & 20% respectively.)

RNG 2-1 if the series goes to Split.

posted about 3 years ago

2-0 COL. They played in the last qual and COL dominated.

Jcruel with a 290 ADS + Truo's 39% HS. If SoaR can dodge Split they stand a change though.

posted about 3 years ago

Could see this going 2-1 for FaZe. Ghost are a strong competitor and have a deeper map pool (FaZe haven't played Bind any time since Nov 1st 2021.

With that said, neither team has a win on Fracture, and FaZe has not played it in the previously mentioned time period.

If we go to Fracture, I could see Ghost taking that map and the rest of them going to FaZe. Really depends on what gets banned.

posted about 3 years ago