Flag: Canada
Registered: July 23, 2021
Last post: October 13, 2024 at 3:15 PM
Posts: 96
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y wouldnt they? prolly the best prospect in NA, if their lineup doesnt work out they already have another option + if another franchising team wants him they have to buy him out, perfect signing

posted 4 months ago

huh? LOL

posted 4 months ago

morocco is africa, comes under MENA, avg american iq

posted 4 months ago


posted 10 months ago

someone here was comparing C0M aim to sacy's b4, yo?

posted 10 months ago

u kiddin me? comparing C0M to sacy??

posted 10 months ago

dont know what ur on but chet is goated

posted about a year ago

typical american fan who ranks between bronze-plat in the game xd

posted about 2 years ago

think derke plays next game, h1ber still in for this one

posted about 2 years ago

he just has a diff mindset ab everything n says some of the dumbest shit so confidently lool, I mean bro shroud's cool and all but sometimes he just says stuff that doesn't make sense and sticks by it

posted about 3 years ago

Why do people have to thrash any player or say anything about a certain player on the team, Chronicle's having an amazing tourny and hes definitely the best player this tourney for Gambit but just because he's doing great why do people thrash nats? Bro the entire team is amazing and they're the most humble people ever, why hate on any of them? All 5 of them can literally be the best player at any time and all 5 of them near always have their rounds/step up whenever they need to. Put some respect on their name.

posted about 3 years ago

where is it?

posted about 3 years ago

Should be on the stats leaderboards, he competes in the same tournaments/league as people from the indian teams like Global Esports/Velocity/Enigma Gaming but isn't on the stat leaderboard somehow, would be top 2 if he was put on there, should be given at least some recognition.

posted about 3 years ago

i mean honestly thats just prolly cuz jasonR is fkin boring, no offense but like if i wanted to watch any 30 year old raging and telling everyone how to play the game id rather watch moe clips on yt that are actually a lot more funny/entertaining.

posted about 3 years ago

ever heard of warm ups? they came back from 7-1, the rounds VK won on bind to even make it close required both pistol rounds aswell as hero plays from Heat, what r u on ab, ur team almost lost to a bunch of streamers that mess around and use ranked strats, u should be more worried ab them

posted about 3 years ago

why are u assuming that just because their series was close to a brazil team that they're doing shit? They won 2-0 and managed to pull back a situation on LAN where most teams would get swallowed up. The BR team they beat has been shitting on every other team in their region too, it's not like they're trash, they're at berlin, and they looked much better than a lot of teams currently competing there. 1head take

posted about 3 years ago

I mean from watching the matches bang really did underperform completely in the playoffs and even in the closed qualifiers he only did really good in the seeding matches, rest were mostly neutral/negative performances, he had good moments like his clutches but when it came to the matches that mattered he really did choke hard, it's not expected of a 17 year old in his first time in real T1 experiences to perform like TenZ but TSM should've known that in the first place and not expect him to be a good out of nowhere on a role that isn't even that natural/comfortable to him. They shouldn't have picked him up in the first place think he needs time on a team like BBG/ABX/LUM/IMT, etc to actually develop properly before he's expected to be a god.

posted about 3 years ago

Think Thwifo, Thief, JcStani 2 of these 3 would be big pickups, Thief when hes on fire was literally such a demon, JcStani needs to move to texas or something he won't be able to play on 70ms but on lower he would defo be a demon, Thwifo/Thief would be my first picks. A game changer would definitely be sinatraa, but yeah prolly not happening. Subroza needs to step up, his inconsistency is crazy he needs to be that solid 2nd fragger or 1st at times when his team needs him and often underperforms, hazed is definitely not the problem here. And uh harmful, no, lol.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

TE (Team Exploit) was pretty much on their level aswell, very close games and beat VLT once too.

posted about 3 years ago

Basically all these challenger/masters everything are qualifications for champions, based on Circuit points achieved throughout. Teams that played in each masters gained a lot of circuit points but none are guaranteed yet since it can change due to other teams getting massive amounts of points from these challenger/masters events. The reason the caster said that is because if TL win, they get the guaranteed amount of circuit points that qualify them to Champions. Sentinels qualified as they won in both Masters 1/2. Teams that do not qualify on points can qualify through either winning Berlin, or winning the LCQ (Last Chance Qualifiers).

posted about 3 years ago

nah Levi regularly makes so many dumb decisions in games, he needs more experience, sinatraa would be a way better option currently

posted about 3 years ago

Though they had great moments leading up to playoffs, they were really really inconsistent and their judgement in situations due to lack of T1 experience could really show, they have great potential but TSM really needs a win NOW type of team. I really hope they pick up sinatraa and someone else, hazed definitely wasn't the problem but if they could get a better option then I hope that goes their way too, oh well. Time to become a SEN fan and hope they win Berlin so that TSM can get a spot in LCQ sadge

posted about 3 years ago

sinatraa needs to come and save TSM

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

yes because Faze Luminosity NV T1 GenG ABX are dogshit ROFL and a 7/5 half is getting shit on holyyyyy

posted about 3 years ago

cause the amount of throws they have compared to other teams is crazy

posted about 3 years ago

are u retarded, FK is first bloods, hes literally the best in terms of stats on FK/FD ratio, he's put TSM in countless 5v4 situations because of op'ing and has been effective than every single jett in the world literally statistics wise of first bloods. you're smoking

posted about 3 years ago

levi and bang having an off day in terms of aim and they still won and managed a 10-2 half, looking good but prolly would've been so much better if they were feeling it

posted about 3 years ago

yeah that lowkey pissed me off, like its not like they played so well the first half making it 10-2, then made plays to win the 12th and 13th round, he sums it all up with "luck" lmao

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

We get to see the first 2 NA teams qualifying for berlin today right?

posted about 3 years ago

i hope he chokes vs TSM

posted about 3 years ago

yeah, guys forgetting that NV eliminated 100T from iceland qualification, they lost a game that didnt really matter to them + they had to completely throw so many rounds n it was still close. 100T is inconsistent as hell.

posted about 3 years ago

yeah i know but just the fact that TSM is right there with the top teams makes a lot of TSM fans happy, a lot of people can also now agree that TSM is confirmed one of the next best teams after the consistent 3, NV, SEN, and 100T. They were 14th before, it's a huge comeback.

posted about 3 years ago



posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

ye ye i got it guys thanks, would delete this if i could

posted about 3 years ago

oh okay holy shit nvm i woulda been pissed if they acc had that going on

posted about 3 years ago

So I was just looking at highlights n stuff and went back n realized something
the technical timeout took place on split on 20/20
TSM won after the timeout and took the map at 4/1
isnt that 24/21 to TSM? they had to win an extra round for some reason..? how come no one has caught this

posted about 3 years ago

ur right, but that probably isn't gonna happen, NA is by far the strongest region, and rise/luminosity and it hurts me to say even TSM have low chances of going to berlin, and even if they do, I doubt they'd lose to other regions other than the strongest EU teams, so they wouldn't be dead last.

posted about 3 years ago

we are already t1 proven mate, just not top 5 proven yet

posted about 3 years ago

dont know what ur talking about, drone was not good on sova, he was WAYYY better in pheonix, in first strike whenever wardell was getting cold, drone was shitting on everyone and was even named the best rifler by multiple people. He was literally the best entry fragger stats wise and a big reason why TSM made it all the way to the finals and even won their only map in the finals because of him popping off.

posted about 3 years ago

he was not a sova main, when he played it back then there were basic darts like come on, it was the start of the game, having a good sova now is completely different, after that he only played duelist, the sova meta now is completely different from what it used to be.

posted about 3 years ago

fr tho, i watched all their matches even the open qualifiers even when they were losing, other teams dont get me as hyped as TSM does
been a fan since ignition

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

wasnt a burden, he was the best phx when he was playing it, the problem is that he isn't a sova main, and wasn't too flexible with agents, levi is a sova main god and that makes a huge difference, drone can be a top duelist on any team he plays for, just wasnt a good fit anymore.

posted about 3 years ago



posted about 3 years ago

dude has more entries than anyone in VCT and the craziest kdr's for FB/FD, what the fuck r u on about lol

posted about 3 years ago
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