Flag: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Registered: October 11, 2022
Last post: March 22, 2023 at 6:09 PM
Posts: 37

if you've ever played this game competitively (even as an amateur), you'll realize that there are specific ways to respond to things that happen in valorant based off of information that is easily obtainable. they have x ult? do this. they have no more molly? do this. do we have ult? do this. it's so easy to keep track of utility in this game (kayo used molly, raze has no nades, sage used both slows). you know exactly when cooldowns are over (40 seconds). this game is literally CS on training wheels. "we should push this site because kayo used his molly earlier and they cant stop us with just jett and kayo"

you might think that there are tons of possibilities in valorant because of the abilities, but it actually makes the game very predictable once you are half decent at the game. the strats and decisions in valorant are way easier to make.

"we have kayo ult this round. let's rush A"
"we have breach ult. let's rush B"
"we have kj ult. let's retake"

due to the frequency of ults, you'll get this for at least 5 rounds in a TWELVE round half.

you think this is more complex than cs?

since there are so many more possibilities in val, thinking about cs makes it extremely monotone

if anything, this makes valorant monotone.

do i like CS more than valorant though? nah. valorant is fun as hell but I'm not gonna pretend that this game isn't way easier and simpler. when i watch cs, that shit is interesting because i actually have to think about what is going on in the players' heads. comp valorant isn't that interesting.

posted about a year ago

i got more than one group of friends lol

posted about a year ago

im willing to bet that you guys run into a smurf every other game

posted about a year ago

my accounts rank up too fast so i gotta create new ones to play with friends. i am part of the problem. also this game has been out for 3 years

posted about a year ago

apparently valorant has 15m players according to tracker.gg. at least 1/3 of these accounts have to be smurfs, right? cuz i personally own 15 accounts. also, every single 5 stack has at least 1 smurf.

posted about a year ago

we hear a lot of bad things about orgs. which orgs are good, treat their players well, etc?

posted about a year ago

i feel you but its not that deep

posted about a year ago

it can be hard. have you seen these diamond/plat demons?

posted about a year ago

fair. i was under the impression that dm doesn't have strict skill based matchmaking since there are bronze players in the same lobbies as radiants.

posted about a year ago

if u consistently dropping 40s in dm and u not at least immortal 2, ur decision making and util must be dog shit. thoughts?

edit: added the word "consistently"

posted about a year ago

idk why but i thought they were gonna announce babybay as coach or something lol

posted about a year ago

what is the best trophy you've seen in esports? doesn't have to be valorant

posted about a year ago

u can root for whoever u want man. its not that serious yall. just have fun.

posted about a year ago

simple question

posted about a year ago

i missed most of the games. were they good games to watch?

posted about a year ago

every drx player > yay

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago

"dumbest ppl" bro it's not that serious LOL

posted about 2 years ago

are there any competitive 10 man discords similar to tarik's pro city? obviously for lower level players like immortal/radiant. i just want quality games without having to worry about playing with people who get tilted off losing RR and refuse to play as a team.

posted about 2 years ago

hes talking about /r/ValorantCompetitive specifically, but it's basically the same on vlr. barely any discussion about gameplay. just "my region shits on yours" and shahzam tweets

posted about 2 years ago

overrated? you mean a consistently top 5 team in the ENTIRE FUCKIN WORLD 🌍? you're actually delusional

posted about 2 years ago

VLR is toxic lmao

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

addressing some pressing matters here

posted about 2 years ago

bind is fundamentally a terrible map LETS BE REAL

posted about 2 years ago


Tier S: Split
Tier A: Pearl
Tier B: Fracture, Haven, Ascent, Icebox
Tier C:
Tier D: Breeze
Tier Shit: Bind

posted about 2 years ago

but what happens if they can't perform?

then they will try something else duh

posted about 2 years ago

different culture and work ethic

posted about 2 years ago

yall just trying to be controversial at this point

posted about 2 years ago

no it doesnt fool. a quick play game takes 5-10 minutes. if your w/l is 1:1, it will probably take you less than 15 hours.

posted about 2 years ago

bro its just ranked

posted about 2 years ago

ranking systems made fps players soft. back then when u get shit on, you just accept that the other player is better. now when ppl get shit on, their first instinct is to complain about smurfing instead of realizing that they suck and using that to improve.

posted about 2 years ago