Flag: Denmark
Registered: June 28, 2022
Last post: July 28, 2022 at 4:25 AM
Posts: 24

how am i every going to carry myself out if i anchor tho?

posted about a year ago

I get what you mean, but i feel like its a shame not to play duelist, when i most likely the one with the best aim on my team?

posted about a year ago

i'm most likely the best at mechanics 95% of every games

Youre not getting pissed having lossstreaks 5-6-7 in a row?

Reyna is weak yes, but if you're mechanicly good, you can most likely entry when you want

posted about a year ago

Just started playing this act/season, just annoys me that there isnt any progress, went from d2 til d1 0rr while playing good myself

posted about a year ago

Your name tells me your in the same situation tho

posted about a year ago

If i get an entire team with instalocks and no mics, i litterally consider throwing


posted about a year ago

Definetly prefered, most of my mates still play cs tho

posted about a year ago

Pretty hard not to blame when you 30 bomb and instalock reyna goes 5-20

Waste of time studying games in low dia, when you have no problem beating most of them

posted about a year ago

Trying, but after carrying most of my games, and still losing

I unfortunately start being toxic lmao

posted about a year ago

Keep losing while being mvp or team mvp, my team looks like litteral meatheads most of the time

Skillgap between enemy and teammates seem absolutely huge

Lost 6 in a row and losing my mind

posted about a year ago

Is there any way to see when the next nightmarket is coming?

posted about a year ago

makes sense, im only plat 3, but seems like everyone is aiming for the legs or stomach, so crouching is instant hs

posted about a year ago

exactly, even though croch is a bad habbit in cs as well

posted about a year ago

I get what you mean

Might just be my rank where people shot for stomach instead of the head then lmao

posted about a year ago

Im not crouching when they peek, its like midway through spray or some stupido shit

posted about a year ago

Im around 155-160 on a good day

Might just be my rank, but it seems like i frequently lose aimduels because their spray magicly transfers to my head when i crouch lmoa

posted about a year ago

yeah was my thought too lmao

posted about a year ago

oy lads, bot here

does crouching while shooting help your spray or is it just a bad habbit, since you get shot in the head most of the time while doing it

Do you even ever use crouch?

posted about a year ago

was awper in cs, so shouldnt be that hard

ill get chamber as my next i think

posted about a year ago

yea makes sense, guess i will try to get chamber, i was awper in cs, so should be pretty easy

posted about a year ago

came from cs yeppa

have tried sage, but i am so bad with her, i get shot everytime i try to place that stupid wall lmao

posted about a year ago

Aight, how long does it take to unlock new characters? only have reyna right now lul

posted about a year ago

the thing is that most people instalock reyna, so i suck whenever i dont play her lmao

posted about a year ago

Just started playing a week ago, and got plat2 in comp

Which agents are easy to use for bot, have mostly been playing reyna so far

posted about a year ago