q raxus
Flag: | International |
Registered: | November 10, 2022 |
Last post: | October 2, 2023 at 10:27 AM |
Posts: | 3765 |
it makes sense for EU to claim that tho. they are from EU, just as Sentinels fans claim that TenZ had the best era, which is simply not the case.
sad that emea will take out emea in the lower bracket hahaha
you dont know that. he couldve played on russian servers or csgo or whatever games he played, it doesnt change the fact.
if he qualified for groups he wouldnt be raging, unless it was destined.
the game played him, he didnt play the game.
why asiA irrelevant? 4 teams
good decision. cs rounds are already too long, but this is perhaps because you cannot move during buy phase, and no barriers, and the map is larger. ( i think, not sure if valorant maps are larger/cs maps are larger but players move faster or valorant maps are larger/playersmove slower)
jeez bro who hurt your feelings, it aint that deep. its just music.
It ain't just "not for me." I'd wager it ain't for anyone with functioning eardrums. But hey, maybe there's a niche audience for it – like, Idk, people who enjoy the melodic hum of a fridge?
here you are at week #55. Let me get this straight: For over a year, you've paraded a veritable circus of auditory... "adventures" in front of us. Fifty-five weeks of music that seems to have been chosen in the dark, blindfolded, possibly during a power outage. And not just ANY music - the sort that feels like it was found in the most cryptic crevices of a hipster’s forgotten vinyl collection. What's the mission here? To ensure that none of us ever see mainstream music the same way again?
Bass Players: TWO bass players? Sounds like a lawnmower having a debate with another lawnmower.
Progressive Jazz & Math Rock: Math Rock? What's next? History Hip-hop? Geography Grunge? I'd rather solve actual math problems than try to decipher this noise. And "progressive jazz" sounds like jazz with commitment issues.
Guitar Work: Good grief. It’s like someone handed a hyperactive squirrel an electric guitar and said, “Go nuts!”
Fifty-five weeks of audio calamities that seem birthed from a cursed jukebox located in a dimension where good taste went to die. For your consistent efforts to befuddle and bewilder us with these, unique selections, I generously award you a 3/10. But wait, there's more! Here's some advice: If you ever decide to make a "Best Of Netero's Picks" compilation, please remember to include a warning label: "May cause confusion, mild irritation, and an urge to rediscover silence."
then why did you call my posts "waffle" ?
Battle Shonen: Workout with Dumbbells - Basically a 20-minute montage of me flexing. Still better than most fight scenes I've seen. 9/10 (because nobody's perfect).
Isekai: Outside World - It's like you're teleported to this strange realm where the graphics are real, and quests include doing your own laundry and paying taxes. Mind = blown. 7/10 (the graphics are great, but the storyline drags).
Romance: Cinder Block Love Affair - It's about a dude who discovers his deep emotional connection with construction material. Grittier than gravel and just as heart-wrenching. 8/10 (the feels, man).
Slice of Life: Daytime TV Shopping Network - Watch as heroes haggle over the price of blenders and vacuum cleaners. The tension is real. 6/10 (took off points 'cause they never did get that stain out).
Mystery: Why My Lawnmower Won't Start: The Animation - A thrilling saga where the main character battles spark plugs and old gasoline. 10/10 (because this mystery has haunted mankind for decades).
Drama: Old Man Yells At Cloud: The Series - Watch one man's turbulent relationship with the weather. It's gripping, raw, and incredibly atmospheric. 9.5/10 (half a point off because sometimes the sun comes out).
its a "win win(lose lose)" situation for you i guess.
you can deflect and call it a bait.
so you admit that LOUD aren't overrated?
bro finally came out of his shell after EDG see a glimmer of hope for the first time.
love the arrogance.
i counter nominate you
bro got so mad he had to defend his team online , EDG are never seeing this thread lil bro.
its 2 v 1 you and another user should leave
and quicker. that beats aim, anyone can aim mediocre but few can think fast. and thats marved, marved > s0m
dont mind me im just adding fuel to the fire.
that is so weird they basically killed Billet Labs with a bad review and, by selling their only prototype without their permission, so they couldnt give their product to anyone else to review, so that was the only review they had.
amazing if you watch up until michael was there.
loss of novelty.
Hello, I'm a Male Pigeon (5.1 years old) and I am currently ranked Bronze Feather 2 in "Aviary Antics". My best rank in the game was Bronze Feather 3 and I'm super proud, even got extra birdseed for that. As the title suggests, my bird partner of 28 months left me because I'm obsessed with pecking at this game on a window sill tablet. I've managed to spend 2,700 breadcrumbs on it (which is more than our nest renovations by the way).
My bird partner (5.3 years) F, has been a wonderful mate to me for the past 27 months, but everything changed around a month ago when I started pecking at "Aviary Antics" for more than 6 hours a day. She knew I had a pecking habit, but never thought I'd prioritize a digital worm over a real one. When I say I'm obsessed, I really am. The digital worms just seem tastier. And then there was that shiny feather accessory I bought for my avatar – that's when I knew I had a problem. I sometimes used our stash of breadcrumbs for these in-game purchases. I even started to get competitive in pecking games, dedicating hours to it. My partner wanted me to fly around more and bring back real worms (which I regret not doing), but the game worms just seemed easier.
So, about my partner, she got understandably frustrated. One day she noticed our breadcrumb stash was low and when she asked me about it, probably guessing I'd spent it on more digital feathers, I just fluffed up and refused to chirp about it. That was the last straw for her. She's now chilling with the sparrows down the street and I'm unsure how to win her back.
I've realized that "Aviary Antics" is messing with my bird brain. I'm pecking away my life on a game while my partner is singing songs with someone else. Here I am, perched on a digital lobby at sunrise, chirping out this story.
if you placed a money pyramid side by side, you would see an inverted pyramid, since all the money goes at the top, and little to nothing is being spent on the grass roots.
this is how politicians manipulate stats guys!
biggest match of the trashtalkers. imagine what Boostio will say in the press conference if he loses.
HUUHHH no thread is that important..
whole lotta cope but if LOUD beat FNC i will believe you
China 🤝 Russia
this is so rigged against against PRX and LOUD bro. (PRX no smth visa in tokyo, LOUD group of death in group stage)
Also why are 2 emea teams on the same side of the bracket.
and why are 2 chinese teams on the same side of the bracket.
makes sense. LOUD, MIBR, FURIA (+scay and pancada) were all in NA. if they were in brazil perhaps it would be a different result. quality of teams matter.
i dont know anything about a criminal team.
still, LOUD pracced and scrimmed in brazil when they won champions. since then, they have won nothing, perhaps a quality of scrim partners is to blame
only after 2023, and only 3 franchise teams.
where do TR practice? EU
where do BR practice? BR
therefore TR is EU and BR is BR and not NA.
where do CN practice? APAC
where do KR practice? APAC
therefore TR is not in ASIA (according to Valorant) and China is also not separate from APAC.