Flag: Mexico
Registered: April 1, 2021
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 5:47 PM
Posts: 1638
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suygetsu and shao

posted about a year ago

VK wouldve won already

posted about a year ago

slick literally got worse after they added aspas LOL. went from top 8-6 in BR to being in the middle of t2, whereas we all know what happened to GLB after mwzera left

posted about a year ago

he was also playing WITH farmers lmfao. nobody he's played with other than jonn has gone on to do anything after he's stopped playing with them. and to be fair aspas was also playing with farmers, except aspas could only carry those farmers to top 10-8 BR whereas mwzera consistently carried his farmers to semifinals

posted about a year ago

almost like your "facts" mean nothing without context. i too can kill mwzera 9 times if he's always stunned lol

posted about a year ago

just tell me you didnt watch the game lmfao. mwzera was stunned, flash, or tagged for half of those duels. almost its gonna be easy for you to get kills when you have the best supporting cast in br

posted about a year ago

jingg, yay, derke, alfajer, shao, nats, forsaken, scream. what three players here is aspas better than?

posted about a year ago

notice how mwzera is held to the standard that he has to "qualify to an international event on his own" but aspas gets no flack for basically having 0 team accomplishments before joining loud

posted about a year ago

mw also has never had a super team like aspas lol. also he literally has?

posted about a year ago

aspas most overrated super star in T1. still top 10 but not even close to top 5 or top 3 like people were saying he was in iceland or copenhagen. gets so little flack compared to mw

posted about a year ago

can we stop the debate over who is the best BR player now? aspas can give you a lead in a map and have some flashy 3ks or 4ks but when it's tied up or LOUD is down a round he disappears, making it so the rest of the team always has to bail him out. does not at all have the killer instinct like mwzera lmfao

posted about a year ago

fuck yay fr

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

fnatic bandwagons will never know the pain of being an mwgoat fan... changing flairs after losing to NA once

posted about a year ago

"dimwit" LMFAO

posted about a year ago

you have a reply from 5 minutes ago where you are speaking completely fluent and coherent english

if you want to feel embarrassed then you should reflect on the fact that youre faking being drunk on an online esports forum

posted about a year ago

this is why bbl will win LCQ cuz they have the best aims

posted about a year ago

REAL tierlist (in order)
Favs- Optic, FNC, LOUD

posted about a year ago

jingg easily
he is like mini mwzera

posted about a year ago

kingg wipes

posted about a year ago

last time i checked mwzera was still in brazil

posted about a year ago

upset match will be in the LB between KRU and GLD
KRU wins 2-0

posted about a year ago

Gun violence
Human trafficking
Narcotics trade

posted about a year ago

He's LAN proven, has been in contention for best player itw for like 3/4ths of the time hes been on fnatic, always the best player in his role in EMEA, rarely has a bad series, one of the best entries itw, one of the best oppers itw, humble, doesnt cause drama, doesnt fold under pressure, hard worker, great smile, wholesome, charismatic, funny, 6'3, ripped, etc.

posted about a year ago

finals is TL vs G2

posted about a year ago

Hot takes:

  • The teams that placed at the bottom of the groups are gonna bomb out
  • The winner is between the 5th best team in LCQ, the 3-4th best team in LCQ, and best team in LCQ
  • the second best team in LCQ and the 3-4th best team in LCQ can cause an upset
posted about a year ago

faze, 100t, or c9
Faze-Have shown insane improvement since adding flyuh and i assume theyll only continue to improve
100T- The reasoning as the faze pick, but I think they have a higher ceiling and more potential for improvement as theyve shown to be on a similar level to faze despite the roster being much younger and less experienced
C9: their stage 2 form was really meh but i assume curry will be much more integrated when LCQ comes around and that they will be back to being an elite team. you really just cant doubt vanity as a leader when hes taken 2 completely different cores to LAN

posted about a year ago

just like how they exposed FNC in champs quarterfinals? LMFAO

posted about a year ago

no onur = lose on LAN

posted about a year ago

LEV literally played a crowd LAN while stomping KRU

also KRU gonna choke at LAN now that they dont have onur

posted about a year ago

i dont get how u rank LEV below KRU when LEV literally stomped them

posted about a year ago
  1. Yay to NV
  2. Redgar to gambit
  3. Derke to fnatic
posted about a year ago

2 LANs per year LMFAO
csgo clears

posted about a year ago

liazzi >dgzin

posted about a year ago

i cant believe NIP reversed swept mwzera just to play like this

posted about a year ago

how do you know the ACE players didnt push for this as well? not defending the decision just dont know where youre getting the disconnect part from

posted about a year ago

NYFU 2-0
oderus 350 acs

posted about a year ago

why make a top 7 instead of just making a top ten with the honorable mentions on it except for RB

posted about a year ago

are you mentally okay

posted about a year ago
  1. NTH
  2. LOUD
  3. OPTIC
  4. PRX
  5. XSET
  7. FPX
  8. DRX
  9. LEV
  10. XERXIA
  11. GUILD
posted about a year ago

anybody would get tilted when theyre on the brink of getting reverse swept and all of their other “star” teammates are jacking off in a corner doing nothing

posted about a year ago

hes so dedicated to helping the less fortunate that he took it upon himself to carry 4 deaf and blind kids to the lower bracket finals!

posted about a year ago

LATAM North gotta be no. 3
hopefully fusion can qual tho🥹

edit: nvm just remembered MENA exists

posted about a year ago

sacy playing on rhzs computer

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hes argentinian-american i think so he can probably understand spanish a bit but i dont think he speaks it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

even tho this is 70iq bait ill flatter you

sova typically isnt a high fragging role in the first place, and generally most of the kills that sova players get are from trading their entry players, postplant frags, trading players on retakes, and in general their frags are usually in the late round. so when every single one of your teams site hits is getting shut down, your entriers are clueless, and your teammates turn into AIs on retakes, its impossible to get value. unlike sova, it actually is possible to get value on duelists (except for neon or yoru) when your team is losing, which is what mwzera is doing right now.

posted about a year ago
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