own that fraud
Flag: | Mexico |
Registered: | April 1, 2021 |
Last post: | April 28, 2024 at 5:47 PM |
Posts: | 1638 |
own that fraud
brodie scoured through the entirety of alfajers vlr page to find a bad game, also fnc 'grows' players??? you mean plays a single tournament with them and then kicks them out after choking because of boasters shit calling on LAN? okay bud
derke and alfajer dont deny it you fraud
Not even close really. After entering several LAN tournaments as favorites in 2022 and leaving each of them without ever placing top 3, boaster's name was SOLIDIFIED in the Fraudest Of All Time conversation. However, what made Boaster the undisputed FOAT is his formation of a superteam after failing to win anything with a top 3 player and top 10 player itw. If this new fnatic roster with Chronicle and Leo does not make top 3 every tourney and does not win at least one of them, Boaster will be the FOAT for many years to come.
This is probably a name unknown to most people who didn't adamantly watch the BR VCT in 2022 but I can tell with nearly 100% certainty that this guy is the probably second coming of the anti-christ. Never have I seen a player so blatantly try to sabotage the GOAT of the game (mwzera). His level of shittiness literally cannot be described in words. So glad mw is away from that fraud.
This guy thinks he can have a good stretch of games and think he's clear from fraud allegations, lol not on my watch bud. I swear nobody has ever had as big as a LAN drop-off as RB except for maybe trent in M1 2022. Every split, RB shows people that he's a top 3 player in Korea, then gets to LAN and absolutely SHITS HIMSELF, literally the definition of an onliner. If it wasn't for DRX finally doing something at champions this guy would be flipping BURGERS. T3xture better.
He sucks ass I don't care about whatever anyone says. Never have I ever seen somebody rated so highly and get off SCOTT-FREE for being a HUMONGOUS CHOKER. This guy has literally NEVER played well in an elimination game. He's JAMES HARDEN in the clutch.
This guy sucks ass and forgot how to shoot his gun ever since he started playing with mwzera. Sucks so much. Got in the way of mwzera establishing a dynasty. Just sucks humongous ass.
your brain needs to be studied in a lab
portuguese is closer to spanish than spanish is to english lmfao
firepunch clears csm
mc development>
character design< (firepunch only has like 3 interesting characters sadly)
derke has outperformed ardiis on chamber in literally every tournament other than champs since he first started playing him, stop it with the recency bias
they are joining furia according to my sources
they may or may not have picked up george geddes or a different smokes player
i've been told by a reporter what (most of) this EG roster is gonna be
holy fuck, good luck.
if y'all wanna post who you think it's gonna be, ill point you somewhat in the right direction ;)
still gonna lose to RAAD and NASR. fnatic out in 5-6th
maybe you try to understand what i'm saying BUD
never did i say the 2021 fnatic team was a super team! in fact it was a solid team with good role players that supported derke very well! a good and honest team, not like this superteam that fraudster is trying to build
also yes magnum was a super player stop with the revisionist shit he was the best sentinel in EMEA before nats made his break out
and no mistic and enzo did not have to be superstars in order for fnatic to have been a super team, fnatic was already a super team when they added a top 5 caliber player to a team that already had the second best player itw. that's like saying the 2017 warriors weren't a super team because klay and draymond weren't super stars
you don't know valorant FRAUD
i love boaster but if this roster doesnt place top 3 every event him and the coaching staff are FRAUDS
i cant wait for ange1 and doombros (real leaders who dont rely on superteams) to lose to fnatic regionally but outperform them at LAN like always
fnatic leadership is proving again and again that they can't develop talent and that they need to rely on SUPERTEAM HONEY MOON PHASES to do decently. have fun going out 5-6th with chronicle and leo instead of enzo and mistic this time! shouldve never kicked magnum FRAUDS
if i'm C9 and rebuilding: trent + net
if i'm SEN and rebuilding: supamen and victor
if i'm 100T and rebuilding: yay
if i'm NRG and rebuilding: poised and cryo
if i'm EG and rebuilding: trent and poised
you are a fraud and you dont know anything about valorant, how can mwzera be "overrated" when anything short of calling him a top 5 player itw is severely underrating him? like 99% of people still believe aspas is better than him and somehow mwzera is "overrated"
downfragged, FRAUD
didnt bring up stats
what would the grand finals have been like if mwzera was on LOUD instead of aspas? would it have been a clean 3-0 sweep? probably not but ascent and breeze wouldve been a lot less close imo, as mwzera provides more consistent round-to-round value/impact. LOUD, optic, and the rest of the americas should make a lot of big moves this off season if they want to not be overtaken by whichever team mwzera forms, because as long as he doesnt have farmers on his team like you know who, he will undoubtedly be the head of a new dynasty if optic and LOUD are complacent and dont make huge upgrades
heat being shit on chamber is an outdated narrative, took him a while to adapt but he's undoubtedly the second best chamber in BR behind aspas as of the BR LCQ. just wish he didnt forget how to shoot his gun on chamber in the last map of the lower bracket final against NIP
yeah i weigh winning champions way higher than winning a masters but imo it doesnt outweight placing last in copenhagen. if loud placed top 6 in copenhagen id say theyd probably be no 1 easily
the locks as of now are LOUD and FUR p sure, with the last spot being between GL/MIBR/NIP
NA is not getting 8 spots lmfao, the split is 3 br teams 2 latam teams and 5 na teams im p sure
theyve played eachother a whopping 5 times within the span of an entire year wow so milked.... with two of them going down to the wire
"youre not in it or the high skill matches" they are literally the two best teams in the world, and sweeping loud 'over and over again'? LOUD literally stomped them in the UBF lmfao..
"guys im not watching the showtime lakers vs the celtics... so tired of seeing larry bird and magic johnson play against eachother"
if youre not watching the GF for the LOUD v optic rivalry narrative youre a casual
not top 1 if they win tomorrow either way, even though it was unlucky that last place at copenhagen is pretty damaging.
you need a jett/chamber plus heat is still a top 5 player in BR. if you have both mazino and cauanzin theres gonna be a lot of role overlap
decent team tho just -cauanzin +heat and its good
honey wake up new mca br super team post
gonna have to start getting used to it lol
A: alfajer
B: babybay
C: chronicle
D: derke
E: eeiu
F: f0rsaken
G: irrelevant
H: heat
I: irrelevant
J: jingg
K: keznit
L: leo
M: mwzera
N: nats
O: oderus
P: pancada
Q: qck
R: rb
S: shao
T: trent
U: irrelevant
V: valyn
W: irrelevant
X: xand
Y: Yay
Z: zekken