Flag: Canada
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: August 4, 2024 at 12:02 AM
Posts: 68
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Thank you so much :)

posted 7 months ago

if they were then they wouldnt be watching masters from their couch

posted 11 months ago

Happy Diwali!!

posted about a year ago

The meta is favoring very flexible players who can take on multiple roles, which is why we're seeing a lot of top level teams prioritizing players who can do a bit everything (EG, PRX, Fnatic was kind of there, loud almost prioritized it)

posted about a year ago

Alfajer, Leo, Derke maybe. Kings of consistency, esp in their roles

posted about a year ago

Using his logic, FNC beat Drx, Drx beat Navi in groups, therefore Fnc > Navi

posted about a year ago

Cant act like the Loud we saw in groups is the same Loud we saw last night. Also, Fnatic were in their worst form ever.

If ur pretending that Fnatic will permanently stay in their worst form ever then maybe, but realistically, Fnatic > Navi

posted about a year ago

What do you want him to do when they smoke and diffuse lmao, dash in and right click tf?

posted about a year ago

People are so mad LOL, PRX won the match didn't they? And something has plenty more maps to showcase his talent. Yall acting like your favorite player hasnt had an off map or two, or acting like he went 0-10. Only time will tell how good he is

posted about a year ago

Old but gold

posted about a year ago

He also talks abt how Ludwig said "ive been pushing for relegation for stability of t1 and t2 scenes", and TMV was like wtf thats a dumb take, that will just cause more instability and also, what happens to diversity when two LATAM or two Japanese teams get relegated?

He talked abt how ppl were mad abt Ascension, asking "well what if the Guard win Champs but then they have to go back to T2", and TMV said thats stupid because obviously ascension players will only sign max 2 year contracts so they can get picked up.

And he talked abt the stupidity of ppl getting mad abt the term "guest slots", saying well yeah they are technically guests lol

posted about a year ago

I mean at that point its not franchising, its just what we had before. Not that i disagree, i think they just gotta remove franchising

posted about a year ago

Canada + PRX

posted about a year ago

Actually i notice roles kinda conflict so maybe put alfajer on secondary duelist sometimes or something idk make it work

posted about a year ago

Duelist - Jinggg
Initiator - Leo
IGL - Boostio
Sentinel - Alfajer
Controller - MaKo

Of course there are better players in certain roles, but i think this would just be a solid reliable team :D

posted about a year ago

Jordan or Italy probably

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I said ascension team, thats the new mibr roster

posted about 2 years ago

Hate to break it to you but thats a realistic possibility lol

posted about 2 years ago

Would this be a good ascension team? Im just trying to think of what free agents could play together on a goated team

Babybay - main duelist/entry (goated entry, surprised hes not in franchising)
Dicey - chamber (same as babybay, solid chamber player in this meta and honestly has played sm roles he could realistically be decent at anything)
Nismo - flex (i feel like he could take on other roles as needed, he seems like a versatile player)
Marved - controller (contender for best controller in the world)
Zander (IGL) - initiator/secondary controller (with Harbour and map changes coming in, i genuinely think double controller setups could be valid. Plus, Zander has been playing more initiator lately
Coach - idrk, maybe Immi from V1? Dont know many

Second option: I vaguely remember hearing that babybay has IGLed before? Maybe theres a world where we sub trent in for Zander and babybay igls, idk.

Now its not perfect but i feel like theyve got some solid firepower there. Curious to hear your thoughts.

posted about 2 years ago

Interstellar, cinema paradiso

posted about 2 years ago

Right now its:
Kendrick Lamar
Arethra Franklin
Milky Chance

posted about 2 years ago

Would be crazy but depends on language barrier

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I think there's a lot of talent out there, it just comes down to will the orgs be able to provide a solid backbone and structure to let them develop into a formidable force.

Biggest disadvantage for Pacific that I can see rn is team synergy and lack of talent concentration, if that makes sense. A lot of NA and EMEA rosters are going to still have cores, players who used to play together, or even players that play ranked together, so they might adjust more easily than Asian teams who are scrambling to get the best talent.

Also like you said, asian teams just need to build competent rosters that will work well together and who have good coaching support and IGLs.

Best of luck to them though!! Im looking forward to see what happens

posted about 2 years ago

You know, just gotta be happy for ayrin. Excited to see what he can do in Seoul 🙌🙌

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Zombs to loud

posted about 2 years ago

Since their debut in the first reyjkavik tourney in 2021, ive absolutely loved sacy and saadhak. Theyre just the most humble, kind dudes and for them to win champs with some other amazing players... its awesome to see!!!

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I would listen to this if it were on spotify

posted about 2 years ago

Im not notable either but hi

posted about 2 years ago

Can we wait to see 100T vs TGRD before making this list??

posted about 2 years ago

Sure, i could see them beating c9

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry i didnt realize

posted about 2 years ago

Theres one more game in the SA lcq between Furia and TBK to determine the final spot for champs (for SA). If TBK wins, that means there will be THREE LATAM teams at champions

I feel like this is the consequence of having 2 lcq spots for SA... bruh latam could have the same number of spots as EMEA, NA, and SEA :/ doesnt make much sense to me

Edit: im stupid and thought tbk was LATAM LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

LMAO this is exactly why sentinels and their fans get sm hate. No, sentinels is not the third best team in the tournament. They had a decent showing for the situation they were in but its not certain they could beat C9 or faze

They have potential tho

posted about 2 years ago

Imo Balla is fine. Sure hes not screaming into the mic or hyping up certain plays as much, but hes fine to listen to, and he does ingame analysis which is interesting to listen to

I would say tho that there are better options for champions, but i dont mind him and doug in NA

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly true, and with such close competition, having the final on LAN would be a better way of determining whos actually better

posted about 2 years ago

Ive been supporting both teams for a longggg time but i cant expect u to know that so all good :)

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah im really curious too, just didnt want to mention because I feel like people are really divided over there :/

Im excited for both latam and brazil tho, and i hope they bring something exciting to champions

posted about 2 years ago

Im so happy because my fav teams from both regions, m3c and the guard, are finally looking good and have both made it to their respective lcq final

Whether u like them or not, u have to admit both m3c and the guard are some of the most entertaining to watch

And then on top of that, edward gaming r looking great, wow what a good time for valorant

(Yes im aware no one asked for my opinion but here it is nonetheless)

posted about 2 years ago

I mean 100T is pretty new too, not a terrible showing but they def gonna make changes moving into franchising

posted about 2 years ago

zeta division vs faze/100T grand finals or matchup has potential

posted about 2 years ago

What a game wth, kinda chokey but it was so fun to watch

posted about 2 years ago

Go to Bren/Wyatt/Sideshows stream(s)

posted about 2 years ago

Bro really tried to sneak in nAts and cned 😭

posted about 2 years ago

Are you fighting the immense urge to eat feijoada (brazilian food) right now?

posted about 2 years ago

all fun and games until the 2025 valorant champions finals comes around, SEN (tenz, shroud, tarik, asuna, bcj) vs Bleed Esports (cned, nats, forsaken, jingg, mindfreak). 4.5 million peak viewership. Tenz drops 150 kills

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, its just smart of sentinels

Its not 100% impossible for them to lose lcq with him, even tho its not likely

He brings a ton of clout but also respect/experience to the team

Regardless if he sticks around hes making sentinels more interesting to watch imo

posted about 2 years ago
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