Thank you for the comment Cleg, I'll try to address your points adequately.
Funny thing is, I have a friend who lives in Beijing or somewhere up north and she tells me all the time about how nice it is and stuff lol. Ik probably just nationalism and I can't know for sure because I don't live in China but as far as I'm aware, just visiting is very nice.
And yes, freedom is not comparable between the two countries, but there are quite a few bad things that are caused by freedom.
But what I meant by quality of life is the fact that in China, so much is done to provide the citizens with a better life. The metro in Shanghai show you when the next three trains are going to arrive and the density of each cart and the strength of the AC, while in NYC, the trains are rarely on time. Once I had to wait 20 minutes or smth and almost missed a flight lol. But once again, idk if that's just NYC. ATL's metro system was whatever, but on schedule and stuff.
And from what I've seen, Chinese people don't need that much money to live. Sure, I know the housing market is super duper expensive, but healthcare and food and recreation is generally not that expensive. You can get a good meal for well under 10 euros, and I think that's quite the steal (although the food quality is questionable). In the US you have to spend more money on sales tax and healthy food and let's not get started on the healthcare.
And once again, yes, US is ten bajillion times more free than China, and that can be good and bad but mostly good it seems. And here's something a bit controversial, but I think the curbing of some rights should be allowed for nationwide stability.