Flag: Canada
Registered: August 1, 2023
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 2:59 PM
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But India is part of Pacific region?
And I'm pretty sure India's population is 1.4 billion

posted about a year ago

Haodong, Biank, Boaster, Saadhak, etc etc FNS and Boostio sometimes too

posted about a year ago

It's definitely better than mine lol, I like most of it, but I think you're just putting a bit too much hope in DRG. I like them too but I think they'd have a hard time against FPX and BLG.

posted about a year ago

I've got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day

posted about a year ago

I've never tried BBQ with pizza... And roasted bell peppers are very good indeed.

posted about a year ago

That does sound very busting.

posted about a year ago

Interesting... I've actually never tried putting Mortadella on pizza before. We mostly put prosciutto on our pizzas but ig one day I'll see to it that Mortadella appears on my pie. Sausage and onion is great, I've never tried a pizza with garlic cream sauce before.
Pineapples are indeed very inconsistent with pizza, sometimes they're great other times they're just straight up bad.
And yeah Provel cheese on pizza? No way jose.

posted about a year ago

If you go to pick'ems there's a link you can copy and share :)

posted about a year ago

Who doesn't like a little spice?

posted about a year ago

I rarely see people put bacon on pizza, but I guess if so many people say it's good then it must be good!

posted about a year ago

I mean, who the heck would put blue cheese in a burger in the first place? That's just distasteful

posted about a year ago

Fair enough. Blue cheese is good in moderation tho. I agree with the rest of your statements.

posted about a year ago

It's amazing. I actually really like it. However, I will probably get bullied at school/verbally abused by strangers if I said that in public or smth

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah they do be salty but if you're having a pizza by the beach nothing beats a fish-topped pizza lol

posted about a year ago

Oh I see that sounds quite delectable :)

posted about a year ago

Which one was your favorite?

posted about a year ago

parmegiano reggiano is bussin'

posted about a year ago

Parma ham is amazing. Parma is a pretty boring town tho lol

posted about a year ago

Favorite cheese? or all cheese good

posted about a year ago

Very interesting! Do you do it homemade? or is there a restaurant that sells pizza with mushroom, cheese, and bbq?

posted about a year ago

They're actually surprisingly difficult to use as a pizza topping. I'm convinced now that you must completely dry out the mushrooms to have a nice mushroom pizza. Otherwise the water retention ability of the mushroom will just make the pizza super soggy and that's awful.

posted about a year ago

I had a Papa John's pizza when I visited the US. It had a jalapeno pepper and I actually did try eating it with the pizza. It was pretty good. Bacon and cream cheese I've never tried. I think anchovies are alright depending on the mood lol.

posted about a year ago

That... actually sounds pretty good. Did you add it to the pizza (I'm assuming regular cheese and tomato sauce) after baking or before baking?

posted about a year ago

Those are delicious options.

posted about a year ago

Dear vlr community,

Salutations! I hope this forum finds you well. I was wondering, what foods do you like/dislike on your pizzas? For example, one of my favorite pizza toppings is buffalo mozarella (a type of cheese from a cow-like bovine) , but I hate having olives on my pizza.
What about you?

Best regards,

posted about a year ago

Actually, the population would actually only be around 2.5 billion because Middle East and China + other Chinese regions take away from the population.

But the 0 trophies OMEGALUL Clap I think holds water.

posted about a year ago

Governor okay, lenne...?

posted about a year ago

Ult should probably be 9 ult points at least... Valorant movement isn't very fast and shift-walking could be pivotal in clutch matches/hiding position. To slow everything down to half speed could be very overpowered. Either that, or make the slow effect less (like 3/4th the speed) or shorten the duration, which would be a bit too much.
C is kinda weird. So, what would happen if you used a wormhole less than 30 seconds into a match? Does the trajectory work like a sova dart? Or is it more like a fade eye/gekko molly?
Q is pretty nice, so like, utilizing the move player code more (like iso ult) kind of?
E is interesting, but that seems challenging to code and it also sounds very susceptible of bugs.

posted about a year ago

I mean, I screwed up the TE-FPX match so y'know, we all got moments where we make the wrong choice, and you know what? It's okay! Pick'ems are just and will always only be just that: pick'ems. No stakes, no nothing. You'll get it next time brother!

posted about a year ago

Wait, I know The Search by NF and BZRP Music Sessions #52 by Quevedo. I think those are rap songs, so yeah that's cool ig.

posted about a year ago

But you must know some rap right? Like, do you know any famous artists in the rap genre? Like, I've heard of eminem and some scott guy but I never really got into it.

posted about a year ago

I mean, they were a great team. My mates and I always made sure to catch their matches back in the day. Such a shame what happened happened...

posted about a year ago

Okay I'll admit it, I barely know anything about rap. I remember listening to a famous rap song once a couple years back and I also listened to some british guy speak very fast but that was about it. Do you have any recommendations?

posted about a year ago

gambit will always be playing in our hearts.

posted about a year ago

Pick up a violin and play me some fucking Vivaldi to prove to me that you are going to create music instead of sputtering/yapping like a tea kettle/chihuahua lol.
Jk but if you really want to get into rapping then I think you should listen to some famous rap music or something. That always helps!

posted about a year ago

That is not my intent but I guess it is indeed a byproduct of this little hobby of mine lol. Thanks!

posted about a year ago

I just love DRG I don't know what more to say they're very likable :)

posted about a year ago

vo0kashu vs watasink, the battle of the Russian imports. Of course, I think that it is safe to say that vo0kashu wins that one, which is exactly why watasink has brought along his Belarusian sidekick diseased! I think it makes total sense, and I'm looking forward to it. Over the course of these tournaments, I've grown very attached to Dragon Ranger Gaming. I know that this has nothing to do with analysis or whatever, but I'd like to tell a story of a young boy who really wanted to become a paleontologist, and watched a lot of Jurassic Park and stuff. That was me a couple of years ago, and DRG's logo really reminds me of a dinosaur creature!

Okay. I know I didn't explain jack this time, but DRG win. I don't know what LGD's going to pull but I know that DRG will win. 2-0 or 2-1 I'm not sure I think it's like a 50/50.

posted about a year ago

~~I'd like to say that the 17G win against these guys on 11/03 was a fluke, and I really do think it is! AAAAY expressed his confidence in the player interviews, and said "if you want to watch an FPX match and you don't know which to watch, just book a ticket for the grand finals." Well, if he and FPX really want to get to the grand finals, I think a dominant 2-0 here would be ideal.
Anyways, skill-wise, FPX beats 17G. 2-0 FPX win~~

posted about a year ago

RA only dropping 10 maps to prospecting DRG and TE coming out on top against a hopeful FPX proves to be a superbanger, as two teams that imo have popped up out of nowhere within the span of these three acts of the tournament fight each other to prove who is the better team. Both teams finished Top 3 last Act, and this could potentially be the match to find out who truly deserves to be on top. Considering the fact that both teams gave their opponents a walloping in their last respective series played, I think I'm going to shut up, and let the teams speak for themselves.
Will Rare Atom triumphantly add two points to their map record against TE of 4/0? Or will Trace Esports finally get their much needed revenge and send valanalysis's crew to the lowers? Stick around to find out!

Personally I think it's going to be a close 2-1 RA win but it'll be a funny story if RA wins 2-0 again and it'll be an adventurous tale if TE gets their highly anticipated revenge...

posted about a year ago

First prediction that actually require skill. And I fucked it up lmao. Yeah FPX played subpar compared to TE, yes they did win Lotus, which they kinda had to win because it's their signature map, and yes they got slammed on both Sunset (one of TE's best maps) and Ascent. Overall, very strong, solid, and dominant game from Trace, some of their executes were simply phenomenal, and their ability to put a strangle-hold on a lost FPX really proved to be the takeaway from the match, as TE marches on to their goal of becoming the best Chinese team. They've already proved that they can take maps away and even defeat EDG. Now all they need to do is to show the rest of the region that they are just better.

posted about a year ago

Probably just pressure from LAN ngl.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Jeez. I mean, perhaps the GC scene is just too small in China to get proper funding or smth, but then again, TYLOO isn't really known for their financial factor either.

posted about a year ago

One decent but highly situational Omen tip I can give you is that:
In 1v2's, you could try to smoke somewhere on site and fake tp so they think you go into the smoke :)

posted about a year ago

I'm sure that with the scene growing and stuff they'll be forced to crack down on all that bad stuff.

posted about a year ago

Very interesting!

posted about a year ago

May I have a gander at it?

posted about a year ago

Atone for all your sins and hope the father takes you or smth idk

posted about a year ago
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