Flag: Europe
Registered: April 26, 2020
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 7:19 AM
Posts: 628
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Avast just said it best "cosplaying a doormat"

posted about 3 years ago

That one about 2022, mom's house back door, 7:01 and babybay is pretty top tier

posted about 3 years ago

Thats right you do, as does most of the worlds but youre ignoring the fact that the concept of proof beyond reasonable doubt only matters in court (As does innocent until proven guilty) i mean otherwise how would companies fire brand risks with out being liable to being sued ect ect. It also implies BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT not like 100% proof. End of the day its smth that only exists in courts the idea that the rest of society should act like that is dangerous for organisations for one and fucking dumb as shit

posted about 3 years ago

yo is that caemor, hi :)

posted about 3 years ago

Woke up and no coachtrippy "GG" this world is truly cursed :( (nvm I didn't see it)

posted about 3 years ago

Big :). I had an idea for a nice QoL thingie but for like verified accounts if it took you to a player page or a page with links to their twitter or smth when you see their profile if you don't know who they are.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeh there is stuff that vlr should have but it's a time thing like I imagine some of the stuff you've mentioned will begin to exist especially like player of the week and a better view of like player movement across teams and what not

posted about 3 years ago

I pose you this question how many ways can you make a website that presents news, has a forum and has matches. Not that copying hltv is a bad thing as masterrace said it is the golden standard in fact I prefer the layout here but that might be cause I spent like 4 years on

posted about 3 years ago

Even worse there's a decent chance they just ask the player in question and not Cleo. ....

posted about 3 years ago

Way back before like late 2016 they had soon (oniby's older brother) and a couple other french players. They then went full Swedish I believe or full Scandinavian atleast

posted about 3 years ago

My dude, imma say this simply unless it's predetermined before anything happens that no means some kinky shit no means no. Someone can say no whenever they like and then everything ends. Yes could this situation have been kinky shit maybe but you can't prove that so we have to trust the accuser. Also read my message stop I said ignoring that, everything else still makes him a piece of shit if true

posted about 3 years ago

I understand that the rape accusations will be the main focus but the rest of it is scummy at too and looks abusive as hell. There's more than just the audio here and holy shit it's bad if true, which due to the scope of stuff given I'm partial to believing it is, may not be tho.

posted about 3 years ago

Hi, if you join the discord you can send a picture of your logo to one of the crew/admin and they can do it. Link to discord at bottom of site

posted about 3 years ago

They'll be even more cracked at LAN

posted about 3 years ago

Considering the guy who made made what's your point

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Still if someone is gonna talk shit on a team (which is essentially what Shahzam did) you may as well listen to the rebuttal to it. Also isnt shahzam the guy who said smth along the lines of whats a coach even gonna do or whatever and then accuse other teams of playing puggy. hmmmmm

posted about 3 years ago

Gunba coach from immortals who are a pretty "puggy" team spoke a lot about this specific topic yesterday on a stream i time stamped it but it goes on for a while:
The tldw he disagrees that the fundamentals of cs like presets and shit are the fundamentals of valorant (or atleast that its an assumption that hasnt been proven) and that theyve created a more organic flowy type thing and if you wanna claim that teams like imt or LG can straight up run thro smokes and win every game like that youre just wrong. at some point in the vod he also states that he feels teams are inconsistent cause they arent putting in all the effort for t2 or t3 teams. At somepoint he directly talks about Shahzam but i cba to find a time stamp for that.
Note none of this is my opinion i dont follow NA to closely and this is mostly shit i remember of the top of my head from when i watched it yesterday but its worth a watch just for the insight.

posted about 3 years ago

nice article scrub

posted about 3 years ago

in ow he went by sayaplayer, as you can see earlier in the thread basically everyone agrees hes a god aimer. He mainly played widow, he could play some other hitscan characters as well.

posted about 3 years ago

After yesterday i think Dig have this, however i can see C9 pulling of some shenanigans

posted about 3 years ago

"Their last player is Feeqn, who is most well known for Rust PvP." i dunno why but this sentence cracked me up, Im cautiously optimistic i seem to recall both sdb and taimou being operator players earlier on into valorants lifespan i wonder what will happen

posted about 3 years ago

Uh if youre just learning omen just look up ppl like moepork on yt hes an omen otp who climbed to radiant (i believe). He makes omen guides
(yes im biased i know him a bit from other games)

posted about 3 years ago

Dude, i hate these 2 day tournament formats like wtf i want to invest into like atleast a week long tournament, i love weekend tournaments but they need to be balanced out :(

posted about 3 years ago

no english streams :(

posted about 3 years ago

whenever i read youre name in an article i just wanna type nice article scrub even tho you changed your name like 1 year ago :(

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

havent watched yet but please be him getting vacced

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

i mean upvotes dont hide your comments tho so you can still read trash :)

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Its fine ukraine is still a "rare" enough flag therefore it doesnt harm the flagmeta too much

posted about 3 years ago

If you arent play in fullscreen

posted about 3 years ago

i love that riot are involved within the esport side i just wish that "eight team captains from across Europe will be informed of their teammates a day before the start of the tournament" this wasnt a thing and it was actual teams instead :). But its a step in the right direction.

posted about 3 years ago

hi caemor

posted about 3 years ago

you can see the forums on the left i believe hello is the oldest one :) also there were articles written a month ago

posted about 3 years ago

does make an improvement and work :)

posted about 3 years ago

well the posts are over 2 years old and over,gg and have change format so i have no clue if they work but here it tells you how to install stuff
im somewhat doubtful theyll work but they might

posted about 3 years ago

In the mean time i think ages ago someone made a dark mode chrome extension for over,gg ill see if i cant find it for you

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly from what ive seen its deserved and the organisation did nothing wrong, apparently the time for the games were available to everyone since Monday in which case the team has no excuse. And theres a difference between bm and just straight up toxicity and imo dafran went to far

posted about 4 years ago

This roster interests me. They have an advantage when it comes to synergy but they are going to have to work hard to catch up with cs players. I wonder if theyll even manage :)

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

So you're going by "Tamagao" now scrub? Haha whats up douche bag, it's Fonty from Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in articles. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember that team you throught were good? Yeah they're trash now. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic.

Jokes aside good article my dude

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago
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