Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 22, 2022
Last post: April 22, 2023 at 7:23 AM
Posts: 16

palmas pra mim então kkkk

posted about a year ago

lmao my bad should've put a tl;dr on this, either way is brazilian drama bs so i dont expect people too care and little less i expect this post to go somewhere, just trying to make this known out there or something i guess.

posted about a year ago

yeah thats what i'm saying, it goes beyond everything i see out there

posted about a year ago

I'm doing this because i'm just not seeing enough people talking or aknowledging all of this at all, mainly the more famous people here in the brazilian side.

Yes, i know, this is the internet, unfortunetly people will harass others from time to time, mainly in such competitive environment that we live in, but this that i'm seeing feels much more absurd.

For context: it has been more than 6 months since sacy and pancada joined sentinels, it has caused much controversy due to already past beef between sentinels and brazilian spectators.

I'm literally seeing just huge amounts of people here in Brazil getting to the point of just dehumanizing sacy, pancada and even brazilians that just wants to cheer for sentinels and just coming with just the most absurd bullshit that they create in their childish harasser minds, its awful to see and to be honest blame on me for putting myself into such torture.

Sure, zombs fucked it up bad, but why does that even matter these days? seriously, why?
We are in a new age of valorant and still people here are going on with this bs to this darn day, same for keznit too.

And what makes me even more pissed is how the higher voices around here (such as casters, other pro players, etc.) seem to just ignore and maybe even at least partialy agree with the harassment as some have shown, sure i don't expect them to just make people stop but i would expect them to idk maybe at least tell people more: "hey so, uh, this is happening and it's not cool"

So about me, not that i matter, but still want to show what i feel about all of this, and to be honest, if things have to be this way, then yeah the most logical thing for me to do it's just get away from all of this bs, if my favorite competitive game needs to have such amount of disgusting behavior like this, then i might aswell get out and go look for something else, that is if i find such, but even if i don't, i'm not gonna stay around with this, cause i just find it absolutly disgusting
and unreasonable.

also, sorry if my english goes off somewhere along this wall of text.

posted about a year ago

já faz 6 meses irmao, supera.
assediar nossos garotos não vai adiantar nada, supera, para de infantilidade.

posted about a year ago

may another harassment campaign against sacy and pancada begin by the childish loud fans

posted about a year ago

here it comes.
the childish loud fans about to harass sacy and pancada even more after this, dont matter if they win or lose.

its sad seeing a team that i love so much having childish fans like this.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

at least this will boost down the huge ego of loud fans.

posted about 2 years ago

sentinels seem to be focused more in the hype train rather than the actual competition

posted about 2 years ago

Would not call that a L, at least for me.
i love all of these players in the roster at the moment, mainly these 2.

posted about 2 years ago

they really gave that first map in a tray

posted about 2 years ago

one of them will win i guess

posted about 2 years ago

got trash'd himself lol

posted about 2 years ago