Flag: International
Registered: November 19, 2022
Last post: June 28, 2024 at 8:31 AM
Posts: 129
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Rossi reaction time is good but he is impatient

posted 8 months ago

Rnt will lose and paradox will be the most disappointing individual his performance is getting backward days after day

posted 8 months ago

Most people think india has large population because of having more childerns but its atually over fertility and india biodiverse land . For example the most populated state in india (Uttar Pradesh) has two river flowing through out it ganga originated from himalyas and yamuna thats why the land is too fertile and in ancient time civilization used to be established around river banks

posted about a year ago

Tourist are safe if they don't trust anyone blindly. Crime rate has fallen down but still its there.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tell your best VCT league on the basis of production, content, time management and casting etc.

For me it was vct pacific i like the hologram idea and there waves song and a banter interview between teams for me it was by far the best. Production wise they were good just had a single series little delayed and had no overlay during a series which is acceptable overall good vibes and experience

posted about a year ago

Prx won already bind is there playground u cant stop something reyna and jingg on bind drx choked again 😔

posted about a year ago

Can't blame them they are just hopeless but they though hope that ge can qualify

posted about a year ago

No need to mention those team u all know😋

posted about a year ago

They will again get humbled by others team in lcq just people are delusional who thinks they will ever qualify for master in two years.They can't adapt we all can see it.

posted about a year ago

For that to happen they need to meet drx in playoffs at this point i will not be surprised if dfm expose them ge is just bad so many good players but too readable and worst synergy

posted about a year ago

Actually true buzz chokes a lot + his op skills is mid watching him play kj was so good to see

posted about a year ago

Fnatic will mostly 2-1 only one who can make out undefeated

posted about a year ago

(Agent pool) 2 of them are duelist and leaf only plays skye after jett and leo has not played agents other than initiator in vct. I mentioned forsaken to likes of chronicles who performs in any agent given

posted about a year ago

He might overpeek but at his age having so much creative knowledge of using utility and being highly consistent on any agents.He is unique he is too confident whatever aim battles he takes bringing something was just to make this guy more comfortable and not to die first while entry and giving value to the team mid round and during postplants. A prodigy i have seen very few like him he just knows too much about this game.

posted about a year ago

Bleed ignored they are the real deal

posted about a year ago

Few days ago a vlr guy said dm better assaulter than rossi 🤡 bro cant even diff rawfiul

posted about a year ago

After thier performance against drx it can be possible just need consistency and ge is especially cursed against sea teams

posted about a year ago

You guys used to shit talk other region in eu redbull tournament and pacific gxr tournament your own official vct americas had so many issues regarding production and delays you guys just show yourself perfect but you are not why silent ?

posted about a year ago

No he chokes a lot can't handle pressure crumbles easily

posted about a year ago

Buzz is a good player but he chokes on entry its good have him as a support player. He often get caught off-guard

posted about a year ago

Maybe we should go next for lcq

posted about a year ago

Vcl sa battle of mids can't even dominate your own region and claiming to get top 4 in ascension wait till fancy united dominate them. Vietnamese team will wash those eu frauds

posted about a year ago

EG and GE thought going out of the box will gave them upper hand making a 10man or a multinationality team but we see now how they failed people who say they don't get enough practice are just giving excuses. Every team got the same amount of time these org took a huge L but still won't change kind of expected.
Just ranting on Twitter how great they are and there so called godly plan is absolutely dumb if you can't win a single match

posted about a year ago

Just disappointed don't even want to argue at this stage its obvious we are not getting even top 6 in this tournament its like losing hope and today i lost it all best of luck for others we indians will never see good days cheering and fighting other for flaming us but at the end it all goes in vain. They made my sunday worst don't we also deserve to smile after seeing our team win at the end it our fault we are too delusional to think we can qualify for masters India is cursed 😞

posted about a year ago

Its true rossi said on stream he didn't practice with team as tournament are going on and the 5 players in korea are focusing on buliding synergy among themselves

posted about a year ago

He is not playing this one their ceo said it first they need to do practice next week maybe

posted about a year ago

Because they can't play yoru like forsaken he is different he uses every utility of yoru to make a play

posted about a year ago

Forsaken doesn't pick yoru to get picks but to distract and get information of other teams every time prx won clutches forsaken yoru distracted opponents by making so unusual play and his team took advantage of it

posted about a year ago

It was expected in india people watches teams which are popular there is no valorant esports culture its like if their favourite team plays then only people watch and most of the orgs don't make content, no reach at all for this year its ok but i want teams to sign popular ccs so that they can gain some audience or just be ge win major tournament and be popular same with pubg scene if t1 teams like s8ul,tsm, ge and godl not playing viewership won't even cross 30k

posted about a year ago

People might hate me but he has cracked aim and he is a good raze main but he was also inconsistent many times while rossi used to always remain on top or top2 even on chamber if u don't believe me check the vlr history of ge matches in regional competition. I think his reaction time is good we should have him on cypher or kj role

posted about a year ago

Only problem i had was not having software or a pc ultilities partner as a sponser though hyundai and philips are good but it is a gaming event i expect to see one gaming related partnered sponsers

posted about a year ago

Nope roster disbanded but org still competeing with new players

posted about a year ago

1.It was going to be a whole lan tournament.✅
2.Many ipl or fc teams would partner with org to enter in vcl sa. ❌
3.It would be broadcasted on biggest sports channel of india.❌(I think its useless because of ipl season nobody will prefer an esports game when ipl will be broadcasted simultaneously so good decision).
4.A start of an import era with most teams having imports from every region.✅
5.It is going to be a regional franchised league.✅
If any leaks that was there but not mentioned you can put it under this thread.

posted about a year ago

He actually had interest issues with 25% packetloss dont flame me not comparing any one but you are wrong we all saw in livestream what was happening he was lagging literally teleporting

posted about a year ago

Yes many politicians and business man are there its always the rich and powerful people who run the society others are just puppets who follows them think psychologically u will get what i mean

posted about a year ago

Hmm 450 million people are braindead then who is running the society

posted about a year ago

People on Twitter saying vct lockin a mickey mouse tourney are genuinely stupid
1) All new teams no one knows anyone playstyle.
2)Single elimination tournament
3)over all 30 teams in a single tournament
4)Time difference between alpha and omega matches gave many teams advantages to prepare in advance
First ever franchised official tourney with no fluke dark horse run the teams which deserved won.
This tournament gave high hopes for the future of valorant in the world with every region engagement and cheers one of most successful tourney i have ever seen
And yeah L crowd.

posted about a year ago

I made this ranking on round differential and not on what place teams end up in because this tournament is a single elimination on the basis of performance nrg put a great fight against loud but drx were also good but in intense situation they crumbled unlike nrg which showed great performance in fracture(last map) and pushed loud to ot the match could have gone either way

posted about 2 years ago

Thank you! many will not agree with me but this ranking are based on round differential and stats its just show how they played

posted about 2 years ago

1/2) Loud or fnatic
3) NRG
4) DRX

1)NRG was put over drx beacuse their performance against world champions were better than drx with every match intense and last map with multiple ots its just unfortunate because of format they were eliminated early drx was good but they get lost in their last map and were not able to put that much into it.

2)DRX is put over navi beacuse they were actually able to comeback against the world champs being 2-0 down but unfortunately couldn't close out.

3)Navi at 5 place because they were not able able to keep their mental up got 3-0 by fnatic and were not able to make any comeback so whatever simply got dominated

posted about 2 years ago

GE is just hype creating org they will never be pacific best team just milking their audience and players

posted about 2 years ago

Rb over buzz he struggle a lot as a duelist

posted about 2 years ago

Thank you and bye bye

posted about 2 years ago

Can you tell me any other site where i can watch stats and timing of matches other than vlr suggest me one

posted about 2 years ago

Everyother guys just opens a skrossi thread so that same 10 people comes and give there same opinion on him for like 10000th time do something new

posted about 2 years ago

Even i am rossi fan but doing that means a lot we only tattoo those name which are important to our life like family members or gods name idk how will this guy answer to his family if they ask whose name is this

posted about 2 years ago

Bro we know skrossi is bad but calling him a paycheck stealer is too much there is no one in india who grinds that much amount of hours everyday he is not good but he is not like some other indian pros who just dont improve themselves and demand high salary

posted about 2 years ago

Nah he just can't stay with them at bootcamp and has studies to do he just did his high school but posted lft and will not be moving anywhere as a demand

posted about 2 years ago
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