Flag: Indonesia
Registered: August 25, 2024
Last post: September 23, 2024 at 9:59 AM
Posts: 5


posted 4 hours ago

Yeah, because i think it is the best option to go to. Looking at the roster now, he might be, but idk it's up to the Team Liquid.

posted 4 hours ago

i think so too, tbh. I think it will likely BLEED tho. But idk, DFM

posted 4 hours ago

Cmon, This guy is really good while being an IGL. Please, someone pick up this guy.

Team Liquid?

posted 4 hours ago

What a play, so actually S1mon is the missing puzzle for EDG?. EDG really grown a lot since S1mon came to the team. And also, big applause to Team Heretics to actually pulling 2 maps from EDG.

Now, my question is
Pacific When?

posted 4 weeks ago