Flag: United States
Registered: September 1, 2021
Last post: May 10, 2024 at 12:21 AM
Posts: 15

which future are you from 🤨

posted 10 months ago

is this not the right flair??? do i have the wrong one??? what team is mine right now

posted about a year ago

yeah. i miss optic

posted about a year ago

XSET should have beat FPX and y'all are too scared to talk about it.

posted about a year ago

they have all the reads
when is flairbros getting signed for coach??

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

flairbro has to be number 1
chat is braindead but flairbro actually has some insightful comments about the plays people might be doing

if you're reading this flairbro, keep doing what you're doing i love it

posted about a year ago

I'm thinking close game between DRX and NRG but NRG 2-0

And then obviously EDG 2-0 Loud

posted about a year ago

Post your best valorant copypastas

posted about a year ago

Born too late to explore earth, born too early to explore space, born just in time to watch Fnatic dominate Valorant. We should feel BLESSED to watch the avatars of gods that are Fnatic Valorant as they brilliantly dismantle their opponents. Each one alone is a master, yet together they form an entity stronger than any mortal or immortal being could be. Boaster directs the movements of his team as he can see the entire map projected into his mind thanks to his enormous brain and he is also known as the greatest op player to ever exist. Derke is so good that foreign governments are training AI’s on his gameplay to make 100% accurate war robots. Alfajer’s lurking is so good that he can kill all of his opponents the second they spawn into a new round. Leo is a master of clutching as he has the ability to gain the skill and knowledge of each of his teammates when they go down. Chronicle is able to use each piece of his utility as an extension of himself, leaving his opponents with no opportunity to fight back as their keyboards explode and monitors turn off. Fnatic will 2-0 NAVI but still decide to play the third map, getting an easy 13-0.

posted about a year ago

Is there any agreed upon definition for what makes a player washed or some good examples of players/teams who are washed?

posted about a year ago

found the sentinels fan lmao

posted about 2 years ago

fnatic are winning lul
eu is better kid

posted about 2 years ago