Flag: United States
Registered: February 22, 2022
Last post: September 2, 2024 at 7:49 PM
Posts: 203
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stellar is a great sentinel player, he would jsut have to stop calling. Maybe neT if he doesnt go to C9. Are there other good sentinel players in tier 2? I feel like all the good T2 players are either IGLs, initiators or duelists.

I guess maybe either aproto or Poised could replace stellar

posted about a year ago

neT could be going to c9

posted about a year ago

Am I crazy delusional for believing this?
Especially with Guard not being in VCT and the rumors about bang and Derrek


I guess the issue is just having enuff money to pay trent

posted about a year ago

Valorantle CHAMPIONS #30 2/8
⬛ ⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛ ⬛
🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩



posted about a year ago

if only 100t won

posted about a year ago

they had the hardest tournament run of all time and they are destroying everyone.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Is SEN yay a crazy thing to think about?

  • He is probably cheap after DSG
  • He has been playing the sentinel role
  • SEN need a sentinel player, allows panacada and sacy go back to what they are good at
  • yay has experience working with Brazil (no comms issue)

The only issue is IGL but Sacy is experienced to take on that role. TenZ and zekken are young so they can adapt to a foreign igl and all they really have to do is kill.

posted about a year ago

Idk how exactly geng would fit in BuZz in terms of roles but he is a pretty flexible player and I think GenG is a flexible enough team to be able to figure it out.

posted about a year ago

Sayaplayer replace BuZz (DRX Sayaplayer)
Foxy9 replace Sayaplayer (T1 Foxy9)
BuZz replace Meteor (GenG BuZz)
Meteor goes tier 2

posted about a year ago

asuna yoru

posted about a year ago

The story lines are looking crazy this Champs. EG vs DRX rematch:

  • Possible EG vs EDG, EG vs PRX, EG vs LOUD rematches in lower brackets.
  • DRX returning to top form again with a possible top 3 finish if not could possibly look to win the whole thing.
  • Highly possible insane lower bracket run by fnatic
  • LOUD looking to be 2x champs
  • Dont get me started on the PRX revenge tour
  • EDG vs BLG international rematch

Man such a good tournament. Def a top three behind masters berlin and copenhagen.

posted about a year ago

you think zeta beats them?

posted about a year ago

it would be funny if fnatic threw the series against bilibili just to screw NRG over from qualifying.

posted about a year ago

EDward Gaming

posted about a year ago

They are also like the five best players in the world on a team. Crashies, FNS and Victor were mediocre when they started and always had mediocre teams. Yet they always make it work. They just were unable to hit number one because teams like FNATIC buy out all the best players eliminating any sort of legitimate competition in the region and the game causing the entire game to just become straight boring. The og trio always made every game enjoyable and when yay and Marved were on the team. They were always on a tear.

posted about a year ago

I dont know about Asuna but I agree with stellar and derrek

posted about a year ago

The players on M80 are really talented. I wouldn’t complain seeing them merge with 100t at all. Asuna, bang, Cryo, johnqt and eeiu.

IMO, i dont think they would drop Asuna because I feel like he is the face of 100t valorant and if they drop him they are basically dropping an entire fanbase. From an organizational perspective its not a smart idea. Same with Cryo and bang. All three are just too valuable to give up.

And I agree Nitr0 was a good player, it sucks that his return to CS wasnt as great as it was hyped up to be. But if the yay team rumors are true then his valorant return will be crazy.

posted about a year ago

I was saying only mix up the roles if they cant drop a player. Derreks killjoy on lotus was phenomenal, he played around his utility well and was a good anchor. (Just unfortunate his team does not have the same play style as him)
Stellar on Viper and Harbor is always amazing whenever he plays either.
Asuna, Bang and Cryo are all talented enough to be able to adapt to new roles. They are also very young so it wont be hard for them to adjust.

The obvious change is dropping a player but esports teams are weird with roster changes. But Ive seen 100t do it before and it’s almost a six month offseason.

posted about a year ago

classic vlr user

posted about a year ago
  • Change 1: New head coach, put mikes back in as an assistant again. He has good game plans and strats but he’s terrible at keeping mental up. Especially during most impactful rounds. He calls good timeouts but i assume he says the wrong things. Thats what was good about sgares as coach. He was really good at keeping 100t mental up.

  • Change 2: New IGL, in the ideal world this would be the easiest change but the lack of igl sentinels in na is so bad. Maybe just do what the league roster did and import a player. But stellar just has bad mental. After seeing that interview during map 3 it looks like he gave up way before the game started. The team is too young. They need an oldhead igl to keep the mental up even when the games get tough. Stellars as an igl having a weak mental like that ends up translating on the other young players causing them to have bad mental. Even when the situation is hopeless you still cant give up. But I think majority of it comes from the head coach in pivotal points. I agree though stellar is a very talented player so it would be hard to replace him. He just needs a better head coach to guide him.

  • If they cant get rid of stellar i still feel like they need some sort of roster change. Derrek is great and has good potential but i think he is a star player. It looks like he plays in a role where he has to be the crutch for asuna, cryo and bang. Especially when they overheat. That puts derrek in bad spots and he cant clutch up like he did in LCQ last year. Rise was really good at letting derrek shine especially since he only played sova majority of the time. Derrek is a franchise player just not on a good one on 100t.

-Overall thoughts: Its fine if they don’t make roster changes. But they need a new coach. A coach that can help increase mental. All the players on 100t are young and superstars. The wrong type of guidance can lead them the wrong gameplay and make 100 thieves even worse. Get sliggy or someone who has experience working with world class players. 100t need a system change.
If no roster change happens then 100t need a role change. Put stellar on initator or controller. I think bang is a great controller but he is talented enough to pick up a new role. I know bang has tried igling for 100t before so maybe that. Then maybe stellar can strictly focus on mastering his character. If derrek stays turn him to a sentinel player. He is big brain when it comes to killjoy. And then he can just flex to sova on sova heavy maps.
Finally Asuna on duelist. He is just a natural on that. Definitely one of the best flex but i think bang can be a better flex.

Asuna - Second Duelist/Flex(if one duelist comp)
Derrek - Sentinel/Sova(on sova maps)
Stellar - Controller
Bang - Flex/Omen(on omen maps)
Cryo - Duelist/Chamber

New system change which means starting with:

  • New head coach for mental, move Mikes to assistant for game plans.

  • drop stellar. Hard replacement tho. So a rare chance this even happens but would help 100t since you get an older igl with good mental(losing talent ofc).

  • If they cant drop stellar tho, drop Derrek. He is good as a player but he isnt good for 100 thieves. They need a player who is focused strictly on support. A non igl sentinel. (BabyJ😂)

-if all players stay. Get a new coach to change up roles and increase mental.

-100t need to be more flexible.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

thank you very much

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

George tweet

posted about a year ago

and 100t buffed DRX

posted about a year ago

Every team that beat 100Thieves or played them internationally win it all. Sentinels, Gambit, Acend, OpTic(NV) and now DRX about to win champions. XSET next by eliminating flukePX

Even when we are eliminated we are still winning.

posted about a year ago

DRX beat 100 thieves so its only fair they win all of champions.

posted about a year ago

XSET and Optic are gonna roll everyone. Rip ShitMEA not even going to make top 4.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. 100T
  2. DRX
  3. TSM
  4. FNC
  5. SR/LG
posted about 2 years ago

Derrek vs trent will be so fun to watch

posted about 2 years ago

If they get Sayaplayer next, t1 is my second favorite team.

posted about 2 years ago

Ofc the braindead twitter comments are defending Speed and the kid.

posted about 2 years ago

NA = FaZe/100t (most likely faze)

posted about 2 years ago

I dont like OpTic but I want them to win just so I can see emea fans mald

posted about 2 years ago

Its gonna be another boring eu vs na series

posted about 2 years ago

The roster that made me fall in love with 100t and Valorant.

posted about 2 years ago


I tried to keep this as realistic as possible

posted about 2 years ago

This is gonna be the closest series in this group. I feel like they are both so evenly matched that you cant predict who will win.

NRG got rolled.

posted about 2 years ago

lets fucking goooooo !!!!!

posted about 2 years ago

XSET 2-0 100T even though I want them to win. Its just more realistic that XSET takes it.

posted about 2 years ago

Asuna on his revenge tour. 100t 2-0 TSM.

posted about 2 years ago

The Guard 2-0 but both matches will be very close

edit: I was mistaken. 100t look really good.

posted about 2 years ago

As much as I want Optic to win, I need to see Zeta in grand finals. It just has to happen for the culture.

posted about 2 years ago

As a 100t fan Ive been saying this since last year. Hiko gotta retire and Asuna gotta leave 100t. Build the team around Ethan. And BabyJ was the perfect pickup. They should have picked up bang earlier though. I hate how they dropped him. Im so sad this team is going to become low tier 2 now.

posted about 2 years ago
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