Flag: Portugal
Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: August 27, 2024 at 8:32 PM
Posts: 50

You know this year's song was trash when they gotta bring back Die For You for the promo package for the final

posted 3 weeks ago

There we fucking go, that sounds like a solution. Nice fucking work.
And where exactly did you need to be toxic to the troll in that hypothetical scenario?

posted 3 weeks ago

already concerns the team enough that they do not wish to deal with that retard.

Honestly, with that attitude, I'd feel the same way if I had you in one of my games. Instead of focusing on what you can do to actually win and improve, all I'm getting from you is "my teammates hold me back" type rank vibes.

posted 3 weeks ago

Ok then, there we go. So why can't we come up with some play for that retard to peek or enable him to play agressive, and try to set him up for success? Do we have a Breach? Ask him to stun or flash for the retard. Do we have a Skye? Ask her to flash for the retard. Do we have an Omen? Ask him to smoke for the retard and ask that retard to play in or around the smoke.

posted 3 weeks ago

we don't find a solution to the problem.

THAT'S EXACTLY MY POINT! LOL You find solutions by talking it out.

posted 3 weeks ago

I tried talking to the troller first, but he didn't listen. So what did you learn from that?

posted 3 weeks ago

Ok, let's try it your way then;
I bet you're hardstuck in pisslow elo cause ur dumbass can't do the most basic shit in the game and click some heads, probably cause u got dropped as a kid. Stop being a lil bitch and go trade your teammate you fucking shitter.

posted 3 weeks ago

You redirect them. Basically the same as you would with a small child. Telling a toddler "don't do that" doesn't lead to anything, they're still gonna do it. You come up with something else for them to do instead.

Being toxic will never work in your favor. Put yourself in that person's shoes. You're having a shit game, your teammates aren't helping you figure out what to do, and then someone starts trashing you. How'd you feel? Motivated? I don't think so lol

posted 3 weeks ago

What exactly are you expecting to happen by putting someone who's having a bad game even more down?

What if instead of shitting on the guy who's already having a bad game and making it worse, you guys talk it out and set-up a play for him to start being useful? There's literally no reason to be an asshole just because someone's having a bad game/day. Try to work it out. You're both trying to win, so start figuring out how you can win with what you have.

posted 3 weeks ago

The game is still very swingy and random in results compared to other eSports imo.

Trueee. I feel like there's never going to be one team/dynasty that dominates for a while because the game is simply so damn random.

posted 3 weeks ago

So why was bro a UoL fan before but now switched to SEN

posted 3 weeks ago

In other words, you're calling others bandwagon fans while being a bandwagon SEN fan yourself?

posted 3 weeks ago

I have a tough time seeing TH favored on Haven. EDG are by no means strong on the map, but it's prob the 2nd worst map for TH

? It's literally their highest win % map after Sunset

posted 3 weeks ago

idk about escaped Icebox, LEV basically didn't show up for the 2nd half lol

posted 3 weeks ago

aw shit here we go again

posted 3 weeks ago

where NA at tho

posted 3 weeks ago

delulu spotted. flair checks out.

posted 3 weeks ago

Sometimes the game just randomly tabs out

Never had that happen lol

posted 3 weeks ago

bro's SENile. didn't you just get sent to the airport by EMEA?

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

you should look up what based means. that was a compliment my guy.

posted 3 weeks ago

based EDG fan spotted

posted 3 weeks ago

The greats will always have the loudest haters. And this isn't specific to aspas, but a general thing across every sport.

posted 3 weeks ago

the cope is crazy

posted 3 weeks ago

Comparing Val crowds to CS crowds is kinda crazy ngl. That's like comparing a Sunday League game to a Champions League game

posted 3 weeks ago

9/31 is crazy ngl

posted 1 month ago

I didn't ask about your ranked performances?

posted 1 month ago

you spelled Derke wrong mate

posted 1 month ago

JingggsFamilyLawyer with his 5 alt accounts

posted 1 month ago

I'd like to see Fnatic win, but I'm expecting GenG or LEV

posted 1 month ago

He's a genuinely likeable guy. It's just the legion of meatriders are insufferable cunts

posted 1 month ago

I do have it enabled Run on Start-Up so I guess that's why mine is always on at least.

posted 1 month ago

Just checked. Vanguard is running and I haven't played today.

posted 1 month ago

u right lol mb i just remember hearing it a lot in those years tbh

posted 1 month ago

Young Wild & Free

posted 1 month ago

(Ironic coming from a new account, I know)
But all they want is an interaction. Maybe they don't have any friends to talk to ig

posted 1 month ago

TenZ hasn't been the top dog for a while now

posted 1 month ago

Gotcha, thanks for the info

posted 1 month ago

Do you only get them if you create posts? Not if you just comment?
I've used the site for a while but only felt like making an account today tbh lol

posted 1 month ago

edit: originally got it just for sim-racing but ended up becoming my main monitor.

posted 1 month ago

Yeah of course, I'm not denying that at all. But that still doesn't deny the fact that OP just cherry picked peak viewers to try making a false narrative.

posted 1 month ago

Tem que respeitar o professor irmão heheh

posted 1 month ago

My nickname irl since a kid was always Falcão (means Falcon in English). I was/am a big fan of Fallen, so it became Falken.

posted 1 month ago

You're just going off of peak viewers, when it reality EMEA averaged 30k more throughout, which was also watched longer despite lasting 20 hours less.

Talk about cherry-picking stats...

posted 1 month ago