Flag: Europe
Registered: August 23, 2021
Last post: July 23, 2022 at 3:37 PM
Posts: 43

Gambit god f'ed cause of war. I think Gambit would've played the same if not better..... if not for the ongoing war.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel optic were lucky from m1 to m2... they didn't really face real competition ! Still kudos to reach the lb finals. All the best for Champs and well played FPX !

posted about 2 years ago

Played like lev at the end...

posted about 2 years ago

my bad, shouldn't have assumed and named the caster.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

It's more of Wardell choking them :P

posted about 3 years ago

ikr xD he literally justifying the champions theme of brimstone holding huge boulder on his shoulder

posted about 3 years ago

I was waiting to see if someone noticed lmaoooo

posted about 3 years ago

What a game !!!!! KRU was just better today

posted about 3 years ago

This game had some amazing skills on display, could have gone either way. Kudos to Sentinels and Liquid for putting up a show :D

posted about 3 years ago

He's a Demon for real

posted about 3 years ago

He might be feeding those sheep before butchering them :3

Nice gesture anyways though :D

posted about 3 years ago

Haha all good. I'm at the shore having popcorn and glancing at the 100T ship which is sinking everyday :D

posted about 3 years ago

Ikr that guy just vanished after aight did the whole thing.

posted about 3 years ago

Long story short, there was this guy who was posting from multiple accounts(5 identified) upvoting and posting random shit about getting covid and surviving and what not. Finally he does the worst kind of post talking about one of the guy passing away which turns out to be his own account after our fellow vlr user @aight did the sherlock level digging lmao and posted complete details of the user behavior which frankly I wouldn't have wasted time upon. So just an appreciation post for aight :)

posted about 3 years ago

Thanks now I remember. Hey @aight this is for you lmao :D

posted about 3 years ago

Usually I don't care about this shit! But I just wanted to appreciate the person who dug out the whole thing and listed it for us to keep the community clean from such cancer. Unfortunately I don't have the handle for that person's profile. So hey if you can see this please ping in this thread lmao and thanks for wasting your precious hours in getting that bullshit removed haha.

posted about 3 years ago

Bruh I guess it's enough for the day :P. The thread has been locked and possibly being investigated by the mods. Be chill and watch SMB get rekt :P

posted about 3 years ago

So I was saying. Both are competing for being the worst LMAO!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

WHAT A THROW !!!!!!!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

Did he heil you yet ?

posted about 3 years ago

It's like both the teams are competing to play the worst. F4Q is outdoing GE. But still congrats to GE for gathering what they had and still play good enough to ward off F4Q. The aim game is just bad!! :(

posted about 3 years ago

Is it just G2 or futbolist are actually good ? I'm confused xD

posted about 3 years ago

Congrats to both the teams for

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0

posted about 3 years ago

Burh -1 view OMG so bad! Riot would be sad

posted about 3 years ago

Lol he did nothing. Yay is the one and he's the one who's gonna win this tournament for them. FNS is the whiff king lmao can't shoot even a static object

posted about 3 years ago

lmao maybe 3-1 but not 3-0. Still best of luck to both the teams.

posted about 3 years ago

He has looked so good in all the matches that we have seen. Best of luck to both the teams :D May the best one win !!!!

posted about 3 years ago

Didn't look good enough against vivo keyd and kru but damn in playoffs they are at another level. GGs to 100T :P

posted about 3 years ago

I feel Ascend underestimated VS and paid the price for it, still VS can be considered close to Tier 1 and not Tier 1 with just 1 game. I guess if they play again Ascend would be able to counter them in a better way also they're relying too much on cNed where it's evident his impact is only for a few rounds while rest of the match is down the gutter.

posted about 3 years ago

PRX has a 20-30% chance against SMB, don't think they can beat them, most probably it will be close for one map and eventually they'll get destroyed in the other.

posted about 3 years ago

Not specifically but yeah as no1xetafan mentioned, something similar to EMEA to filter out such a huge region where esports is still not that developed and invites unnecessary embarrassment at a global stage. If a team can beat all teams from SA definitely they might be capable of beating teams from other region. But if a SA team is unable to beat SEA teams itself what's the point of inviting them to Champions lmao ? They'll be just happy to be there instead of being able to actually compete :P

posted about 3 years ago

Exactly, we don't want average or below average teams showing up at an S level tournament where they get thrashed 13-0 or 13-4 :P

posted about 3 years ago

My bad regarding the number of slots. But yeah since a lot of discussion on the forum is about giving 2 slots for SA I thought we can just do 4 or lets say 2 or 3 slots for the whole of South Asia where they compete with each other to pick out the best instead of 3 average or any good bad combination and 1 average from SA. Having own slots from each region makes the masters too easier for predicting results and below average competition. Imaging SA team competing with NA teams and getting thrashed. It just doesn't make sense for such teams to compete internationally when they couldn't compete even with teams from their own region. For example, I follow a lot of SA games specifically the VCC where the teams do average strats and still winning among themselves but the same strats in my view won't work against SEA teams forget about korea or Japan.

posted about 3 years ago

Instead of 3 slots for SEA it should be instead 4 slots for SA where SEA and SA teams compete with each other to qualify for Masters. This way we get rid of all the unnecessary and average teams from qualifying for masters. Anyways the number of competitive teams from both regions boils down to 2-3 really good teams so this will filter out all the commoners. End of the day if all SEA teams can beat SA teams it's good for masters as representation right ? or vice versa. For Japan, Korea and China we can keep it same as the esports scene is too big to single them out as well as the quality of teams are too high to involve in generalizing 4 slots from ASIA. What do you guys think ??

posted about 3 years ago