probably like losing your job would be more annoying
Flag: | Finland |
Registered: | January 8, 2025 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 8:35 AM |
Posts: | 84 |
yeah I just haven't been playing for awhile, I'll load up the game every couple days and play one game just to get a thrower/needlessly toxic teammate and just not want to play anymore lol
Hello HenBabyH big fan can I have your autograph
maybe he could try like a farther monitor distance or something? but I think he has Long Covid and that gives alot of other complications aswell
what do you think Bren was on during his "aspas is a baiter" rant
modern fragmovies (especially valo fragmovies) are so lame lol, but I think that's probably because of a lack of a replay system. I think in CS people got too obsessed with making it feel "cinematic" to focus on making it actually cool and enjoyable
f0rest is the goat. every fragmovie athid has put out is incredible, modern fragmovies pale in comparison tbh
crouch on C is tech tbh but I think all the other stuff is ripped from quake
Trying to think of some pro players that use odd configs or setups, like wippie's sens, redgar's old posture, (not val but) f0rest's mousegrip, (not val but) fashr's keybinds etc. any examples?
It's not that they don't like meat it's that they don't like the negative aspects of meat products like the animal abuse etc
It just feels like Japanese teams are too scared to do anything new and they'd rather copy other teams that have things that work, Shame cuz i do wanna see Japanese teams doing well cuz the caster and fan reactions are always fun
nAts is in contract alcatraz, what can we do to save this man?
Y'all remember what happened to EG after they got 13-0'd? Eventually they won champs. You know who just got 13-0'd? DRG. DRG is winning champs.
Yeah I can definitely see that. EG just needed players who were at a baseline good and who Potter could shape into a really good team and Sym just didn't cut it. Sad to see but we will be following wherever sym goes
I thought Sym was doing his job in the sen invitational as a duelist by trying to take space but his fragging was horrific, I do think he would've had potential had he stayed and gotten more adjusted but oh well
noticed leaf was playing 0.065 ingame 1600dpi. does anyone know if he's using mouse accel w/ a sens that low?
2-0 EG yaystar will rise again