Flag: Mongolia
Registered: June 24, 2024
Last post: August 27, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Posts: 15

In league, Riot is merging CBLOL with LCS. They are nuking popular scene in Brazil with big viewership to save LCS.

From this we can say they don't hesitate to merge popular league with less popular one. In 2,3 years when most of the orgs are gone in Japan tier 2 they are probably merging it.


It's really hard to root for Japanese scene with guys like you attacking everyone. If your goal is to make everyone dislike, effectively
killing Japanese scene then you are doing your job perfectly.

posted 2 weeks ago

Looks like no one wants Mongolian team in Vcl but where else do we compete?
Maybe they should just combine Japan Korea + Mongolia and make it East Asia challengers like SEA.

posted 2 weeks ago

Laz clears

posted 3 weeks ago

From what I remember almost no team stays together. So after season ends every team does roster shuffle. However some teams might be leaving valorant entirely like varrel.

posted 4 weeks ago

Zeta was bad this year because some good players decided to stay in tier 2 lol. If they had lcq Zeta had momentum during end of the season to qualify like last year.

DFM was just last year's VCJ 4th place core .
This year's 1,2,3 placed teams clear this year's DFM since quality of the team's gotten better.

VCJ gets so many quality imports for example: Something, foxy9, munchkin,meteor, jemkin.
so level of the play is one of the highest in tier 2. If it was unwatchable it wouldn't be most watched tier 2 with average viewership of 80k.

posted 4 weeks ago


Average is mostly same so core viewers are still there and peaks being big streamer watching their team.
Next year I think there will be big drop in avg viewership.

posted 1 month ago

Yeah, for example if you want to use main venue for saitama super arena which Zeta vs NTH happened you have to reserve it 13 months before event happens.
And if you cancel 1-3 months before event happens you have to pay full price or 75% depending on which arena you wanted to use.

posted 1 month ago

Riot's format was not received well from community so they made change. So to play double elimination bracket they had to extend tournament for a day.
Most of the venues are reserved as much as year before.
But Rage could not get venue or extend as all of the venues in summer is already reserved. Which resulted relocation to Jakarta.

Rage probably had to pay fines for cancellation.
So riot did not save much money for relocation, it might have been more expensive to relocate.

In the future, some venues are going to reject hosting esport events based on this event making it harder to host another event Japan.

This is general sentiment of Japanese community from what I've read.

posted 1 month ago

Realistic answer is Akame Joxjo Lob Gon +Meiy.
They can communicate in Japanese.

You seem to think just because they played in Japanese league year or two they can communicate in Japanese.
But atm only Korean players can communicate in Japanese , because they probably study it during high school and language similarity.

posted 1 month ago

Yoshii and Yotaa's Japanese is not native level, Something speaks better japanese than them probably lol. I'm not sure about Saya but It is probably easier for Koreans to learn Japanese.

posted 1 month ago

T2 players (probably fennel players)who refused offers from them received some criticism from the community,. People are saying that by declining offers from T1, these players bear some responsibility for this year's failures.

posted 1 month ago

Although It is not confirmed he said wait for announcement. I'm sad too because he is literally the face of the valo in Japan.

Laz's retirement.

posted 1 month ago

They were trying to get Onur but deal fell through. Hopefully this year they can get Onur xdd

posted 1 month ago

I think laz is retiring. It's probably


posted 1 month ago