there is no way you didnt put cNed prism operator to number 1
Flag: | Europe |
Registered: | June 12, 2021 |
Last post: | January 28, 2025 at 3:44 PM |
Posts: | 2892 |
there is no way you didnt put cNed prism operator to number 1
bro they used a fucking illegal cam what are you on about ? and they 2-0ed everyone until the grand final that was one of the most deserved win ever
Acend rolled everyone they earned that win stfu and fpx came with a sub and won the entire thing coming from lowers so stfu 2x
prx 2-1 nrg
navi 2-0 eg
fnatic 2-0 edg
Well arent you bronze like qwertyy ??! I think they made a compliment to you.
Huh ? How tf kru giants navi t1 blg is better than them ?
Optic won 1st masters and come 3rd in copenhagen and 2nd in champions, ofc they are better overall
Where tf did you hear that ?
why is aspas leaving ? i didnt see it.
The Walking Dead if you havent watched it.
Im literally Rick Grimes
acend vs gambit icebox comeback overtime in champions 21
you talk like these players never won anything in their life KEKW %4 is low.
çok oyun yok benim hesapta ama al
Yav bir insanin her tercihi mi yanlış olur ya ahshshshbah
Yapılan en iyi oyuna sekiro dedi adam
Count me in i cant take it anymore
I know that but why tf are they playing against each other in the first round
Olabilir unutmazsam
Güzel başarı
Still crying over that rhyme tweet huh? I dont know how many L's can clown9 hold anymore.
Bang cant even beat sentinels how tf is he gonna even beat kc KEKW
Im not coping fut is better. They lost to tournament runner up and drx(who beat t1 too many times.)
? Xd 4 ü copenhagen cNed te champions kazandı ya amk
Drx aint beating navi let alone loud lol. Other ones are valid for a bronze player tho.
Olm sadece 2 takım var içinde 5 tane lan kazanan 1 fnatic 2 navi ?!
Bi anda liquid navi finali olmadı mı cNed vs nAts
Yok be iyi değilim anca yücelik immo arası falan, yani burdaki oyunculari ne elestirecek aimim ne de game sense'im var. Öylesine vakit geciriyom iste. Dedim bari burda winner takım tutayim her seyde kaybediyorum. Tutmaya basladigimdan beri kaybediyor herifler ULTRA MEGA COPIUM AND HOPIUM almost the same we are hard on that copium lets gooo
HAHSHSHSHAHAHSGAHGA Umarım soulcas eski formuna döner ve naviye bi yardım eder. Onu bunu bırakta sadece beynimi kullanarak soyluyorum copiumu kenara koydum, prx vs fnc finali olur ve prx alır bu turnuvayı something ile
2 yol var, ya Soulcas kötü oynayacak ya da navi lock in aimine ve teamplayine geri dönüp formunu bulacak. 3. BİR YOL YOK
I think group d is the most stacked group of all time
Yav olm rahatta kal adamlar pho ve chamber oynadılar havenda, iyiyiz iyiyiz. Shao goatım formunu bulacak ve clutch vermeyecek.
Olm bari ilk maçtan eu takimiyla oynamasalardi loud falan verselerdide sikseydik
Valla bak bi anda turnuvayıda kazanabilirler ya da map almadan elenebilirlerde ortası yok