either oni or champions 22 (if you are top fragger like me 🗿)
Flag: | Europe |
Registered: | June 12, 2021 |
Last post: | January 28, 2025 at 3:44 PM |
Posts: | 2892 |
either oni or champions 22 (if you are top fragger like me 🗿)
1 elderflame
2 forsaken
3 reaver
4 prism
5 rgx
why is it disrespectful they are not permanent in the franchise league thats what he is saying, you people are so soft about something that does not matter
You cant use the same arguments because eg and prx can actually take map from fnatic but t1 cant
? eg and prx are different teams from t1 are you dumb ? use your brain i doubt you even have one
g2 anasını bile siker ligdeki takımların yarısının
yes i do koi and heretics were ass in the regular season and they just aim diffed vit, i genuinely think bbl gc team has more structure than bbl and some other teams
Well you are not winning the game just by one map and what do you do when the other teams ban that map xd btw bbl dont have the best ascent navi did beat them at the time
Bro back then movies had quality but now its like lost its quality idk why tho
Whole bbl gc team would be an upgrade for bbl
? They were the best teams idk what are you on about and the grand finals was one of the best grand finals ever if its not the best
0/8 we know its dropping at 31st
I was more entertained at champs 21 and 22
Champs 21 would be best if it had crowd but i think champs 22 was the best in terms of crowd and production
well fut got a map from fnatic i doubt t1 can do that
i dont think so but i respect your opinion my friend we will see when they play against each other
russia just owns if they can join
well weak drx did shit on t1 sooo and eg was the runner up of the tournament
they will get out of groups i am sure but idk about the rest maybe they go out in the firts 2 matches they play or they go deep
i think we need to see a video in game i cant decide if its shit or fire
you are right i didnt think that whole point is to give money to the teams
istanbulun seyirciside iyiydi tokyodan iyimi bilemem
champions 21 had the best production out of all tournaments but didnt had crowd fuck covid
ya navi kazanacak pickemlerim iyidir benim eg olmasa full atıyodum tokyoda
fade mains has 130 iq
neon mains has 20 iq
aga champions pickemlerim genellikle iyi oluyor tutabilir her şey naviye bağlı diğerleri kesin
i didnt forget less i just said suygetsu with chaos vandal is iconic because of that round
zeek cNed'i taşıdı mı ? HADKJDKŞAHLHDAKJHDAKŞL yanındaki kötüleri taşımış olabilir ama aynı statlara sahiplerdi gir bak. cNed hak etti o mvpyi ama zeeke verdiler işte
cNed 1 champions
yay 0 champions
how did i respond it ? you are saying this because i said "stfu" ? dont take it too seriously man its just a site for a game discussion
you are a little butthurt from all of that arent you ?
then why tf did he post it here for us to not to give our own opinions about it ?
never forget copenhagen final round lil bro
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