? what happened nub
Flag: | Portugal |
Registered: | June 5, 2024 |
Last post: | February 27, 2025 at 12:52 PM |
Posts: | 22 |
? what happened nub
davih best dach league player going to mibr to play with aspas
yinsu is the goat, you are just another racist polish random
another guy that should be punished, toxic in all rankeds he plays and racist ...
did he get punished for sexually harrassing a 14 year old ? and also do you think the punishment he got equals to his actions about racism ? he needs a proper punishment not a kick from a t3 org and 2 month suspension.
because i am disgusted by the fact that a racist player will join my favorite esports team (liquid) when he does not deserve it.
i know for a fact he did not change he just makes it seem like he did as all the other racist and toxic players do. this is not okay if liquid does go and keep him in the roster i just cant keep supporting them. it is not ok to be racist like he is and not get punished.
what does yinsu have to do with this ?
that what i have been trying to say ty.
by punishing kamo fairly ( not letting him join the vct ) valorant would be setting an example as to what happens to racist, toxic and
misogynistic people that compete in valorant. wich would result in a probable change of behaviour from the fans of these pro players, with this the community wich is made by these fans would for sure benefit as it would be way less toxic, racist or misogynistic. its simple dont let kamo go to the VCT.
thats why polish players with claims like his cannot be playing in something as important as the VCT, theres kids who watch these proplayer and worship them as idols, no child should think that racism is ok.
players that do things like this have to be punished racism is not something that deserves a second chance, no apologie can fix the salvery problem the world once had, or the racism that still exists nowadays. this guy should not be joining any org.
kamo was just confirmed to liquid by a trusted source, and me as a great liquid fan i just cant condone this, this "kamo" guy was literally suspended for racism, he called a prestigious team "monkeys" (NIP) after a pracc, so with this inofrmation that a trusted source gave me i will no longer support liquid as i am indeed african and so is my family. #saynotoracism
o que e que disseste seu bot de merda ?
a fat and delusional ascendant bot that thinks he knows how to play this game, go report his stream
Listen, folks, we need to have a serious talk about k0mpa. I mean, have you ever watched his content? It's like he’s trying to redefine the word 'worst.' If you think you’ve seen bad, let me introduce you to a whole new level. 😅
Want to learn how NOT to play Valorant? Just watch k0mpa's guides. Want to see how to get headshotted in the first 3 seconds of every round? Yep, he's got you covered. And don’t even get me started on his 'tips and tricks' – more like tricks to make sure you get outplayed every time. 😂
aspas is shit compared to tomaszy from KC, he is the better player in any crucial aspect of the game. #tomaszybetter
davih best player in the world, tomaszy second and fizzy 3rd ez niggas
rlz e bot nnc ganhou nada na vida k4nzo é diamante literalmente e o raxtaz se é platina é muito ja