Flag: South Korea
Registered: March 7, 2024
Last post: May 13, 2024 at 6:43 PM
Posts: 4

i gotta disagree. I would say f0rsaken is def their star player. In terms of firepower every single member brings that to the table. Their problem is consistently holding onto that firepower. I think ive seen every member hit a slump a wall in some series, whereas I feel like f0rsaken is their most consistent player. Not only that but hes the most effective in a variety of roles. This PRX often has the role changing with something going on Gekko at times and f0rsaken playing a little of everything between intiator/controller/sentinel. f0rsaken is pretty consistent on every single on of those roles which is honestly crazy.

posted 9 months ago

as much as id love to agree, I still have some doubts because DRX still hasnt gone against PRX, who arguably are back in their prime form with the return of jinggg and all of them looking good. If DRX can beat that PRX, then im completely sold.

posted 10 months ago

? still talking??

posted 11 months ago

So I have watch their kickoff finals and all of their matches in the Masters so far and from what I've seen I feel like the coaches should seriously consider never giving the man an awp. Imo he has had quite close to 0 impact whenever he is oping while always having some sort of impact when rifling. I see so many times where his op goes to waste because boom he already dead bc he missed and shit. Next round he goes to phantom or vandal and boom instant impact and gets some crucial kills. Any thoughts if yall noticed this?

posted 11 months ago