SEN wouldve won that
Flag: | Germany |
Registered: | August 3, 2022 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:27 PM |
Posts: | 88 |
oh yeah that was it so i think its just someone who named theirselves after him
wasnt there a weird contract for soulcas that he is still linked with TL?
3-1 for VIT against both of them.
Hard to believe that they even drop a map but i feel it
DRX will lose 2-3 to GenG or T1
G2 wins 3-0
They really want that trophy + they are the best team in the world.
3-2 TL
Heretics will play good and Liquid will play their best Valorant ever.
RieNs will still have positive stats.
3-1 T1
Geng will win 15-13 and lose normal on the other 3
3-1 SEN
will be the most entertaining and powerful match ever.
I believe in heretics 2-1 because los ninos are the goats
GENG should easily win this 2-0
DRX looks really good so i say 2-1 DRX
for me its
top 2 EMEA: TH VIT
top 2 PAC: DRX T1
top 2 AMER: SEN G2
Masters Bangkok SWISS Stage Winners (4 teams): DRX VIT TH G2
Masters Bangkok WINNER: VIT
Most overrated and underrated Team of Masters Bangkok: overrated = EDG, underrated = DRX
Most overrated and underrated Player of Masters Bangkok: overrated = BuZz, underrated = leaf
tell me your predictions for the following:
top 2 EMEA:
top 2 PAC:
top 2 AMER:
Masters Bangkok SWISS Stage Winners (4 teams):
Masters Bangkok WINNER:
Most overrated and underrated Team of Masters Bangkok:
Most overrated and underrated Player of Masters Bangkok:
Thank you :)
FUT plays way to good and TL is inconsistent so if they play at their best performance they will have a chance and im saying A CHANCE.
so i think 2-0 FUT
both play boring imo so i just hope DRX or T1 will win against one of them.
GENG 2-1
i feel like DRX will stomp them but idk they are both good so its just a feeling
2-0 DRX
im sad if KRU loses this because their team is looking insane this year.
mibr just does the same mistakes every game and still win somehow.
so 2-0 KRU for me
2-1 SEN
gonna be a very hard match can 100% go both sites
Gonna be a tough match. Im rooting for kru but i think Loud wins 2-1
mibr hard stomps them 2-0
13-5 and 13-8
I think GENG will have a very hard match but they always had luck in the last couple of matches so if DFM denies them that than it could look good for them.
I still say 2-1 GENG
its like they play with FNS but on Phoenix, the rest is pretty good
nah if they win its only changing for the ultimates and joblife
wdym? everyone can get picked up if teams want them
bro i hope they win, they deserve it way more than apeks rn
i love you bro thanks :)
wish you all of that aswell!!!
Masters Vancouver
Masters Cairo
Champions Berlin (bring it back)
they have the most beautiful valorant ive seen in months
i may be trippin but i think there is a lil nas x song playing in the pauses between the matches and i cant find it (maybe its not from him but i like the song lol)
its LEGIT ceNder like holy fuck he sucks
winner: G2
most overrated team: GENG
most underrated team: FPX
most overrated player: MiniBoo
most underrated player: icy
team that is gonna choke and flop in groups: GENG
mvp of the event: icy
player that pops off on an ass team: aspas
omg no i hope vitality SOMEHOW wins now
some people are saying that vitality can still somehow NOT qualify for champs.
how is that possible? they are top 4 and FNC is already in because of circuit points so please someone explain it to me
his whole team is legit good? like maybe shin and Magnum are sometimes playing a bit weird but there is no way you can blame tomaszy or marteen lol