Flag: International
Registered: September 22, 2022
Last post: November 21, 2023 at 3:51 PM
Posts: 89
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I mean I dont really care if they remain shit I watch val esports for content and fun looks like its a huge part of your life hating on people so keep it up 🥱

posted about a year ago

you got 3k post in 10 months and nothing but shit talk
definitely looking like a busy guy with job who’s making 80k

posted about a year ago

But this will definitely make your mother’s life good
Get out from the basement and touch some grass

posted about a year ago

The reality is you need to find a job contract for yourself

posted about a year ago

I mean sen spend million on tenz bought two world champion ,marved,coaches and zekken still didnt even mange to qualify for playoffs idk what to say

posted about a year ago

They got him so yea no worries

posted about a year ago

W project

posted about a year ago

Asuna was top 13 in league tho just behind zekken and better than most of the players so idk

posted about a year ago

Where you getting this info?

posted about a year ago

Bro he is literally saying they got his mom address and threatening him

posted about a year ago

Yep W take

posted about a year ago

You are right but here is my point Nrg in the start had rough start but when they got used to meta and had vods to prep they performed pretty well but when they ran out ideas / creativity (as per chet) you can see the difference in performance whenever they perform they play like a team but when they are struggling no one steps up as individual
they are great team player but am saying there are better player in their particular role hope you got my point and in not anyway am saying they are bad

posted about a year ago

Never said they are bad I know how good they are but people tend to overrated them

posted about a year ago

Never said they are worst player I said they are not the best in the role there is difference

As for this year they had some insane plans and ideas but when they ran out of creativity (as per chet) you can see nrg performance my point is they are good but when they have plan and structure when team is struggling no one is stepping up

You can believe what you wanna believe if you think they so much better why they lost 0-4 to billi billi?

Again am not saying they are bad people like you who think they are top of the game which they are not

posted about a year ago

There are more than 10 players who are insane mechanically but thats just another topic point is there are better player in their particular role and they only perform when their team is performing good when they have plan ideas etc

posted about a year ago

I disagree there is a gap between player like alfajer,demon1,aspas,leo and shao etc I cant believe you can say there are close mechanically to other players their movement aim is different

posted about a year ago

Too inconsistent imo he is pretty good on raze as I said few high kill matches might have boom the stats but as flex there are better players like jawgemo zekken jingg

posted about a year ago

If you are talking about pure skills yes chemistry wise crashies/victor but in the end if you shoot heads you win so I’ll go with zekken and sacy

posted about a year ago

Victor and crashies are kinda overrated all these nrg super team talk sentinel literally have better flex/initiator like zekken/sacy and c0m/jawgemo/ethan ,leo / chronicle initiator like cauanzin shao zest are much better and they never perform when it matters some random high kill games when their team is performing better as a whole

posted about a year ago

He was wrong multiple time so yea

posted about a year ago

Thats a bait bro pretty sure

posted about a year ago

Dont get me wrong george’s personality is shit but his reports have been accurate for like last 2 years or whatever

posted about a year ago

Zip it up when you are done

posted about a year ago

“ Willing to play Controllers/Sentinels and have solid experience to IGL”


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The only player to win two titles 🐐

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

During lock in It was leo for me he was playing like
A god util frags impact

posted about a year ago

Can you tell who’s the best player on fnatic ?
You cant because that roster got 4 players that can be the best player in the world any game Any time
Derke - best duelist with aspas or leaf
Leo - best ini itw
Chronicle- best flex player itw
Alfajer - best senti I cant think of anyone other than less
I think they are unbeatable

posted about a year ago

Lmao the switch up is crazy after one bad series these clowns calling him overrated 🤣

posted about a year ago

No its just how stupid you look taking away credit of bang 1v3

posted about a year ago

damn bro why you on vlr you should be in franchise

posted about a year ago

I mean he have the skills to do so but
Idk what’s happening behind the scenes lets just hope whole team bounces back am still supporting them
Even if they are losing

posted about a year ago

Why he posting it like that is that his ex or sum?

posted about a year ago

Surely few bad games and you guys act like he is a bad player

posted about a year ago

Am pretty sure he gonna have a great season ahead few matches doesn’t define players imo

posted about a year ago

Imo what we’ve seen they failed to counter sen in late rounds giving them space and letting them do whatever they want without fighting for space
I think these things are fixable but they showed what they are capable

posted about a year ago

They lost the lead twice on first map and also on last map they cant close the game they need to figure this out

posted about a year ago

Exactly same goes for cryo asuna showed a great performance
If cryo or bang gets in form they can do alot better

posted about a year ago

After watching all team what do you guys think about it
If am being honest they look pretty good to me sen game was close tenz and zekken was on their A game
If only cryo or bang showed up that game the result would be different
I think they gonna improve from here but I really wanna see them qualify for tokyo which is pretty difficult
They had some good fresh comps
That skye to counter jett op on fracture was pretty impressive
And their play style is also different hoping for the best

posted about a year ago

I would say if its not 50-50 then 55-45 both are goated

posted about 2 years ago

Wtf I just realized loud only lost 4 times since they made the team and 3 of them are optic
They are too good I think everyone can now agree saadhak is best igl with fns

posted about 2 years ago

The goat duo aspas and saadhak

posted about 2 years ago

Ofc they treat the most humble player in valorant like this
The best bet he have right now is eg and I dont know if they are willing to change their roster with jaw as oper entry
My man don’t deserve this 😔
Do you think an emea team will pick him up?

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Prelude
  2. Ion
  3. Reaver
  4. Rgx
  5. Prime
posted about 2 years ago

asuna did something to you fam💀

posted about 2 years ago

I think 2-3 can be nrg or drx and swap between talon and geng other than that agree

posted about 2 years ago
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