Flag: Argentina
Registered: September 4, 2022
Last post: April 4, 2023 at 11:57 PM
Posts: 15

just edit that joint ya feel meh

posted about a year ago

oh buddy we can be more than just friends just watch you back. we can make that into a brimming ult

posted about a year ago

they say fenis i say saadcock, i say saadcock they say fenis.

posted about a year ago

when nrg and loud cores play its a el classico with clones of their former proteges including one fpx player that stole a title from nrg and loud that wants to be nrg and loud so bad then u loud of viva loud ok, buddy.

posted about a year ago

bobby cadwell

posted about a year ago

i mean i hope we shall leave again when u lift that trophy lil bro and be silent when u do ur plays disrespect only fuels u i bet if they cheered for u would crumble
ik these pinoys are like def bandwagons too they stay for ur jolly all cause their team secret auto leaves the tourney 8th and below

posted about a year ago

its all bait tho why do u think this guy has 300 posts and u have 49 he practically lives on this site

posted about a year ago

its an ultimatum for some, they been stuck at silver for too long

posted about 2 years ago

please consider factory reseting yourself and creating a new being if ur comp gains are not working and you employ these demons in your routine, detox some time from valorant if you must.

posted about 2 years ago

here go another player tip for valorant competitive rank gains.
you got to kill yourself
I know that may sound sacrilegious or
impious but with my hand on the Bible that's
what you got to do y'all know-how in the action movies when
you hit somebody they stay down forever that's only in the movies
if you battling with something and you
don't kill it
it's gonna come back and kill you
if you creating the best version of
yourself and you still battling the
old you.
them old thoughts the old habits of inting/tilting/crouchspray/lazy crosshairplacement and them
old demons

if you don't kill them
they gonna come back and kill you
so now you finally create the life you
want to live that valorant competitive rank that
fairytale relationship with the old you
still exists because you ain't never
killed them, you become stuck at plat.
so that bad attitude that laziness that
procrastination is gonna come back and
ruin everything, YOU are Hardstuck
if you creating the best version of you
the 'Old You' Gotta Die, and birth a New Mental, New Peripererals.

posted about 2 years ago

I was in Edgewater beach the whole time i forgot 😭 😭

posted about 2 years ago

ye men kkkk

posted about 2 years ago

of the optic core and loud core el classico its so poetic that nrg has a fpx player too we are all the pillars of 2021 vct lel,,

posted about 2 years ago

AND THE CROWD GOES MILD πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

posted about 2 years ago

Nesse caso é um gravação

posted about 2 years ago