Flag: Switzerland
Registered: July 7, 2022
Last post: July 11, 2022 at 1:22 PM
Posts: 11

If it's working against fpx then what's the problem? It's their playstyle and it's working in the international stage

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That's basically their whole team though, full of streamers

posted about a year ago

He'll be playing in champions if SEN wins lcq

posted about a year ago

Well, they won't be able to play against a full-roster fpx so that wouldn't prove anything, we'll see if they qualify to playoffs and go against teams like Fnatic and Loud. Hopefully that will change your mind.

posted about a year ago

I guess we'll see from their results in this masters. Imo DRX was flawless since the end of masters 1 and they've improved alot from last time. Again, DRX has put up a good fight against every top tier teams which means their strats are working.

posted about a year ago

I literally mentioned counterstrats as one of their weaknesses. It's true that they have difficulties adapting mid-game, but their setplays are flawless with perfect util usage until teams are given enough time to analyse their strats and counter it. They just need some flexibility and they will produce good results this masters.

posted about a year ago

Drx 2-0 Acend
Drx 2-1 Prx
Optic 2-1 Drx last map OT
Fnatic 2-1 Drx
C9 2-1 Drx

They always took at least one map off strong NA/EMEA teams with super close rounds. Their only weakness is mental and counter strats

posted about a year ago

And that one time when chinese players got mass banned in the middle of a tournament because they were hacking xD

posted about a year ago