Flag: United States
Registered: May 8, 2023
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 9:19 AM
Posts: 12

no, it’s rheumatoid arthritis causing bone erosion (breakdown), it’s a complication of moderate to severe RA. rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that requires heavy medications with serious side effects as well

posted 9 months ago

here we go again

posted about a year ago

ehhh yes i'm sure it contributed but let's be honest that this isn't just a breakdown after a stressful situation and being wronged, this is severe mental illness and losing touch with reality. It's very hard to say that one thing or another specifically contributed, he has family history of schizophrenia and mental illness and he's in his 20s which is when it usually occurs. it's absolutely heartbreaking but I truly believe Sentinels have tried to handle this situation the best they could.

posted about a year ago

I am 100% sure his friends and family are trying really hard. He had a manic episode (according to his ex) in 2022 when he was on leave from the team. Sentinels "saved his life" during that time according to SicK. I think they are absolutely all aware and trying their best behind the scenes.

posted about a year ago

allegedly both parents have mental health issues & he doesn't talk to them. his sister was trying to reach out while he was streaming a few days ago but it doesn't look like he's accepting help. the laws in Texas make it so that if he's not making direct threats to himself/others, they can't do anything to force him to get counseling or stay in a particular place besides jail/mental hospital

posted about a year ago

yeah i think the further they are away from each other the better

posted about a year ago

she spent $1500 to keep his porsche from being impounded and kept him from being evicted after he was arrested last time


posted about a year ago

she's on priv but it says "he went back" and then "I need a refund bro"

posted about a year ago

his ex tweeted about it and i used the link geddes had posted before

posted about a year ago

his ex tweeted about it and I found it from where George geddes posted before

posted about a year ago

my bad sorry

posted about a year ago

criminal trespassing again, he went back to the same Ferrari I assume
the state of mental healthcare in the US is really sad.

edit: if link doesn't work go here: https://apps2.collincountytx.gov/JudicialRecords/Inmate/Search and search "mims"
edit: ty 1cadeh https://imgur.com/S93ujKv

yes it's real sadly.

posted about a year ago