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Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: February 6, 2022 at 9:33 PM
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"Let's wait a bit before chimping out and calling each other delusional. What I mean when I say whether a criterion is invalid is, that the criterion cannot reliably predict the outcome, because fundamentally; that outcome is out of the hands of the person evaluating the data. Why I bring up sports betting as an objective measure is, because it is the most reliable objective measure we have for predicting whether a team is favored or not."

Did I ever state that the criterion could predict the outcome of the match? No, your premise is false. I stated that the best criterion FOR JUDGING THE 'FAVOURED' TEAM, keyword FAVOURED team TO WIN, is to look at past results. Obviously you can only tell whether a team is favoured in a match up, not whether they would actually win. That's not what this argument is about.

"There are more factors, than just match history to consider and weigh. How you measure how impressive a team's given record is requires assumptions to which there is no valid criterion. There exist objective and subjective criterion for this, but no valid criterion."

what does this even mean? Match history is obviously the only valid criterion. There are no assumptions required to assert that a team's record at Iceland like Sentinels was factually perfect, thats not an assumption, yet its measuring, objectively ,the teams record. Envy, at the playoffs, really good, consistent, got 4th. Thats a fact, there are no assumptions needing to be made about the impressiveness of their result and consistency. The valid criterion is the results in itself, its as simple as that. This is a fact, if you deny it, again, you are delusional.

"On vlr.gg gen.g was higher ranked, than andbox; on thespike.gg their ranking has andbox ranked higher, than gen.g. These are both objective criterion based on match history(and some other things), but neither of them are valid, as they do not predict future outcomes. Another objective criterion is to look at an aggregate of bettor opinions, which is what sports betting websites do. This gives a quantitative ratio between the people who think team A will win and people who think team B will win(with money bet of course). This measurement correlates better with the outcome of the game, than any ELO system, game record or other measure(if it didn't, that system would equalize the odds and it would). Therefore, objectively it is a better predictor of which team is favored over the other. This does not make it valid, but it makes it a more reliable predictor, because it outperforms any other objective measure we know of."

LMAO. what a bad example, to back up your even worse argument. Everyone with a brain knows that VLR rankings are trash, and invalid in every way. Therefore they cannot be used as any criterion, they are not objective nor valid. You cannot compare VLR rankings to match history at all lmao, because match history shows actual results in which you can factually determine the best teams in NA based on results, and not some funky invalid ELO VLR ranking. Bettor opinions again dont mean anything, they dont make a team favoured, they are not a valid criterion like match history is. Your entire premise is just so flawed, because I've never stated that there is any valid criterion for determining the outcome of a match, only for what team would be favoured. Objectively the best criterion for favoured team, is again, match results. You are delusional if you deny this.

"The measure you are using is subective(your own judgement of the teams records' & what importance it holds), rather than a quantified systemic aggregate of the opinions of many people, which is what sports betting odds are. So no, what you are proposing isn't "factually right"; it is in fact your own subjective evaluation."

No, it is not subjective because anyone with a brain would realize that a team like Sentinels would be favoured against a team like Soniqs. Once again, not because of betting, or vlr rankings, but because of match history and accomplishments. What type of retarded fucking logic are you trying to use right now? Its not my 'own judgement' of the teams records and the importance of it, its objective, if a team like soniqs wins a small NSG monthly against tier 2 teams and a team like Sentinels wins Masters 2 against the best teams in the world, obviously objectively sentinels results are much more impressive and accomplished? It is a fact, not an opinion. Your logic is completely flawed. I'm factually right, you're simply delusional, and I've explained why.

"The objective in mind is predicting which team is favored to win. The objective measure you can use to measure how good a system is at predicting which team is favored over the other is to simply take the ratio of what predictions you made and how many of them were correct.

There's a difference between calling a criterion objective and valid. To call a criterion objective means, that the criterion can quantify the objective with some sort of system. To call a criterion valid means, that the criterion must be a valid predictor of the objective. The objective being prediction of which team is favored to win. If there existed a valid criterion, then this disagreement wouldn't happen and you'd be the best sports-bettor in the world."

When I say the criterion is objective and valid, I'm using both words interchangeably. Objective as in, factually right and valid. The criterion of match results definitely predicts what team is favoured, as I've explained with the sen vs sq example. This disagreement is happening only because you're delusional and cannot accept clear facts and logic that I've explained. You disagreeing doesnt change the objective fact that I am right. And no, I wouldnt be the best sports-bettor in the world because again, theres a fundamental difference between knowing what team is favoured, and knowing what team is gonna win. You can NEVER know what team will win, that proposes knowing the future, which is impossible. But you can definitely factually know what team is favoured to win, based on match results, stats, and achievements.

"There exist many objective criterion, but no valid one. Your criterion is a subjective one based on your own observation and analysis of the match history. The vlr.gg/thespike.gg rankings are objective criterion based on ranking algorithms, which take in the teams' match histories. To evaluate which criterion is more reliable, all you need to do is calculate which criterion has the highest success-rate.

To end, I challenge you to prove, that your subjective evaluation of teams' histories will outperform the aggregate opinions of sports bettors. I'll write down the pre-match odds for each game in the European challengers qualifier playoffs and you'll make your prediction in the comments and we'll see whether your subjective assessment outperform the odds produced by sports bettors."

delusional, once again. My criterion isnt subjective, its factually objective. And I dont have to prove that my criterion is factual because I've already proved it above. We're talking about how to know what teams are favoured, not whether the favoured team would actually win or not, so the results by sports bettors compared to my 'favoured teams' results do not matter whatsoever. Regardless of results during the EMEA challengers, the factual criterion remains that certain teams are obviously favoured. Do note, though, that not ALL matchups have favoured teams obviously. Only some of them do. Like if we were to do a 100T vs Envy again, theres no clear favourite, both are extremely close, and you could argue for either one because of how close their previous match was.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

what do fans have to do with anything? I run into a lot of fellow TSM fans who get triggered over me stating the fact that they're trash, and I also have ran into 100T fans that got mad about me calling 100T bad and pathetic for the way they lost to Sentinels on bind specifically, the other two maps in that bo3 were fine. I just love both of the teams players, and thats why I support them. I've watched 100T's valorant team vlogs and behind the scenes so many times it just gives you so much more perspective from the players which makes you connect with them more

posted about 3 years ago

It's wrong to say that they can't beat sen at all, they've done it in the past, but they've also lost in the past, the future holds different results which we have no way of predicting. 100T definitely have the potential to beat Sen, they were 2 rounds away from 2-0ing them on Haven. And the thing about NV having more consistency against teams they've played before isnt true, they played V1 even before the playoffs and beat them, yet lost to them in the playoffs. 100T easily has enough potential to become the best in the region, and that is what we will see in this upcoming challengers.

posted about 3 years ago

not really, 100T had close games with sentinels and envy, 2 13-11s vs envy right after losing to Sentinels. If 100T had more time to reset they probably beat Envy then go to Iceland. Also, Envy got rolled by C9B FIRST ROUND 2-0, and it wasn't even close.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah... and? do you expect me to get mad about that? I expected it to happen, TSM fucking sucks, but I wont stop being a fan obviously. I still support 100T as well so I'm good

posted about 3 years ago

Ironic that you exclude 100T for choking yet include NV

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

2-3 months is not a lot of time? Wtf? Of course it is lmao Ethan started performing up to standard after a month and a half. and sen and 100t didnt lose any bo3s, they only lost maps, which is still bad, but to be expected

posted about 3 years ago

Xeppaa has been playing valorant for like 2-3 months, wdym? It is still not an excuse. Rise is a tier 2 team, again. It's a valid excuse to lose to a tier 1 team, but not a tier 2 team like Rise.

posted about 3 years ago

LMFAOOOOOO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

posted about 3 years ago

I never said that shahzam said it was a fluke, just that they were overrated. Im saying it was a fluke. If they lose to rise here, a tier 2 team, then they're not a good team (for now). Obviously, redemption can happen, but if they're losing a whole bo3 to Rise, they have a lot of work to do. 'Solid' teams do not lose bo3s to tier 2 teams, Andbox is also out of top 8 for now. and the 'new player' argument is invalid, XSET had 2 new players, Gen G as well. I would put Rise above them for now

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Whats awful about it?

posted about 3 years ago

If C9B actually lose this bo3 to Rise then they're not top 8 NA anymore, and it just proves that ShahZam was right about them, and that their run during the playoffs was just a fluke. They could redeem themselves in Challengers 2, but I'd doubt it. All the top tier NA teams did lose maps to tier 2 teams like Rise, sure, but they still came through and closed out the series. Being 'rusty' or the other team being 'lucky' is not an excuse to lose an entire Bo3, only valid for losing a map.

Triggered C9B fans can cry all they want, but their team will not be top 8 for a good 2 weeks after this, if they lose LOL.

posted about 3 years ago

"There exists NO valid criterion for gauging which team is favored prior to that match happening, so obviously betting odds are not a valid criterion, nothing is. It is a method to gauge which team is favored(more likely) to win based on historic data and the bettors' collective intuition. It is correct more often, than it is wrong."

This is factually and objectively false, there is one valid criterion for judging which team is favored prior to that match happening, and its quite obviously to look at the results and feats of both teams. If you deny this, you're delusional. You're telling me that for Sentinels vs Soniqs, previous results and feats of both teams wouldnt instantly tell us that Sentinels would obviously win? This example alone factually proves you wrong. Sentinels obviously are favoured to beat Soniqs, not because of betting odds, but because of the fact that they're world champions, and the best team in NA (for now). This proves you wrong completely.

Andbox was objectively the clear favourite, based on results and accomplishments. They beat sentinels in a bo3, they qualified to challengers playoffs, which made them top 8 NA as well. What has Gen G accomplished in the past 2-3 months? Hmm, lets see, failed to get out of open qualifiers by getting stomped by a weak, tier 2 TSM, and not qualifying to a single closed qualifier AT ALL. Meaning they werent even in a CONVERSATION for top 8 NA for the past few months. This alone objectively demonstrates that Andbox were favourites.

My assessment is factually right, and I've explained why. You're delusional if you deny any of this, because it is not opinion, it is raw fact based on results. I was wrong on the result, obviously, which is why it was an upset, because Andbox were favoured to win. You're trolling or delusional.

posted about 3 years ago

actually, you CAN separate two independent clauses with a comma, provided that you use a coordinating conjunction. you should educate yourself a bit more on English lol. https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/modulecs_fs.htm

posted about 3 years ago

Betting odds are not a valid criterion when looking at what team is favored to win in a match-up lmao.. Obviously you have to look at the results of the teams within the past months, and based on results, potential, and showings from both teams, everyone expected Andbox to win here, they were the clear favourites. So it was an upset and in all honesty Gen G look insane

posted about 3 years ago


thought this was a funny tweet lmao, the 10-2 curse has happened again. i remember when 100T made that comeback against them on ascent i think, it was insane

posted about 3 years ago

Don't think we can call any team the best in NA, all tier 1 teams have been sloppy during this qualifier, and rusty as fuck. I expect all of them to be much better in the closed qualifier tho. Nv, sen, 100t, and c9b all lost maps dominantly so it's completely up in the air.

posted about 3 years ago

Gen G have a roster change too? C9B as well? XSET too? That's not an excuse at all to back up your favourite team, they're not top 8 for now bro just accept it lol. If you genuinely think Andbox can go to Berlin then you will be disappointed and you're not being realistic with yourself

posted about 3 years ago

Also I dont think Andbox can be considered top 8 NA anymore (for now), but if they redeem themselves at Playoffs obviously they will be back in top 8. Gen G takes their spot for now

posted about 3 years ago

LOL losing map pick to Rise, yet you call your team a top 3 NA?

(joking btw rofl, we all know that Sentinels lost the first map to Soniqs as well, C9B will probably reverse sweep)

Rise seems really good honestly, they have potential to be tier 1 for sure. This is mostly a discussion for the current match-ups

Gen G beating Andbox, is insane too, i think its an upset for sure. We all expected Andbox to beat Gen G, but Gen G seems like they've resolved their issues and are back at peak form, like they were at Masters 1 (Top 3 NA)

I think its an overall W for NA esports, teams getting much more competitive, even this qualification was the most competitive to date. I just hope that in the closed qualifiers we see some competitive matches too, and Sentinels getting upset and finally not being the #1 team in NA

posted about 3 years ago

0/10 bait, u clearly dont do any research before making these obvious yet braindead baits lmao. yay had highest ACS from his team in ABX's 3 most recent matches from stage 2 playoffs against the best teams in NA including V1 100T and sen.

posted about 3 years ago

again, not gonna waste time, just 0/10.

posted about 3 years ago

nah, he wasnt, ur fucking stupid and delusional if u think that. he's not even top 3. top 3 is tenz, asuna, shahzam

posted about 3 years ago

bootcamp at their LA compound i think

posted about 3 years ago

we better get some fucking tsm vlog content from the bootcamp or imma be pissed

posted about 3 years ago

yeah, marved on envy would be really cool, especially bc marved is friends with everyone on the nv roster and has prior experience with them. also, mummay on jett op, YESSIRRRR

posted about 3 years ago

nah, 100t isnt gonna succeed at all. look at my thread

posted about 3 years ago

look at my thread, nitro is fucking trash if hee is the one making the decision of not playing astra, if its steel or someone else, then i dont blame him

posted about 3 years ago

they probably can, lets say they get like 4th in the playoffs, they still get a decent but small amount of points that allows them to participate in the LCQ

posted about 3 years ago

drop hazed bruh

posted about 3 years ago

no one asked

posted about 3 years ago

yeah mb i forgot about daps retiring LOL

posted about 3 years ago

stellar was LG's IGL, and nrg's IGL is gone so stellar could possibly work

vice versa, daps goes to LG possibly?

posted about 3 years ago

not different views, you're just factually and objectively wrong. post plant set up is still skill. its on the defenders to have the necessary info to be able to rotate fast and push the attackers who are posted up with post plant utility. that is for them to do, and if they dont, they lose the round. its as simple as that. the attackers worked to get info, picks, etc to take a site and plant, and now the defenders have to work to retake it. it completely adds up. fuck outta here you dog

posted about 3 years ago

are you fucking delusional? they have to coordinate to take the site, they have to coorddinate to hold the bomb, they have to coordinate to make sure they dont get flanked you fuucking ape. the defenders arent making 0 mistakes on the retake if they lose the round, your premise is flawed. the way they would do a perfect retake is by countering their post plant set up and pushing them to deny utility usage. its not stupid at all, and its not cancerous to watch. you are factually wrong and delusional. it doesnt require 0 skill, it requires a lot of work and coorddination. and hteres a lot of counters available. stop being retarded you fucking iron 3 insect.

posted about 3 years ago

what? not at all lmfao and either way this is valorant not csgo, abilities matter and good utility is rewarded

posted about 3 years ago

how am i trolling? what im saying is factual, you fucking idiot, try to come up with an actual argument instead of showing ur ignorance by saying im trolling. there are counters to post plant util, that is factual, and its a valid strategy, which is factual.

posted about 3 years ago

what? afk? they have proper positions holding angles and waiting to throw their utility to wait out the time for the bomb to explode. its pretty beautiful to watch bc it shows how much work the teams put in, and their coordination. the defenders could push them or flank or whatever, there are many ways to counter it.

posted about 3 years ago

viper isnt op at all lmfao... and astra is not broken

posted about 3 years ago

not really, it makes it feel more tactical in fact. it encourages optimal utility usage and thats what the game is about. this isnt csgo, its valorant. it forces the defenders to play a different way, an approach to push the attackers to deny that postplant utility. there are several counterstrats that could work, and itsj ust these teams werent preepared for v1's post plant util.

posted about 3 years ago

ok and? that was a long time ago, they changed the game to make abilities moree impactful? and also, you can technically kill with abilities in csgo as well, mollies and grenades can kill in certain circumstances, its the same here, except the abilities are a bit more impactful.

posted about 3 years ago

i can respect that opinion, its totally fine if you believe its boring, but thats not what im trying to argue here. people saying "change it" or "do something about it" thats what im arguing, because they're just wrong. its a completely valid tactical advantage that any team can use, and it captivates and encourages good utility usage.

posted about 3 years ago

not really, its really captivating and unique, it shows how good utility usage can win you rounds, and it punishes defenders for giving up the sites, it makes the defenders play a different way.

posted about 3 years ago

not really, this is valorant, not csgo, there are different meta and ways to play the game, and v1's gameplay is honestly beautiful to watch. it perfectly captures how good utility usage wins you rounds, it emphasizes tactical play. its amazing to see, and any team can try to do it, v1 has put in the work.

posted about 3 years ago
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