Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 22, 2022
Last post: September 9, 2022 at 12:29 PM
Posts: 13

For sure. Better pool map.

But i think is the only team that can do that at the moment.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I would say that mazino pulled his team yesterday instead of keznit

But for sure keznit played very well too

posted about a year ago

Keznit have a good team
Mwzera have a egocentric team that represent perfect the “brazilians are braindead but insane aimers” thing that ppl here like to say

posted about a year ago

For sure he s a better flex

For sure he isnt a better raze

That just facts.

posted about a year ago

I remember last masters, ppl saying that loud was “just another brazilian team, great aim and 0 tactics”

(And that really happened against optic at the finals, they choked so much idk why, first final maybe…)

now they will face a new Loud, even stronger and scary, with soooo much dominance

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


You saw here first.


posted about a year ago

Post totalmente DELUSIONAL

LOUD unico time q tem chance de ganhar algo
VK se encaixar 100% existe um mundo de chegar numa semi final
NIP…bom para o cenario BR, péssimo la fora.

O resto nem deveria ser postado nesse site, times tier C / D

posted about a year ago

Jogo de dois times ruims que nao ganhariam um game fora do pais

Nao viaja. Para de fazer os gringos tiltarem com br

posted about a year ago

Ninguem liga pra esse jogo de dois tomes tier D.. pra de floodar

posted about a year ago

Superteam? Loud got 2 demons rank + pancada from a tier B team + saadhaack and sacy

Saadhack n sacy just have good eyes

posted about 2 years ago