Flag: Italy
Registered: September 16, 2024
Last post: September 17, 2024 at 1:47 AM
Posts: 9

Rooting for RID, JFT, and DSG

posted 2 days ago

Content creators earn salary from the orgs they sign with, for example TMV does get bonuses when he makes the Cosmic Divide episodes with Elevated. I've seen content creators of a game get laid off when the orgs pull out from said game.

posted 2 days ago

The worst thing is that the majority of VCT viewers won't give a shit as long as they get to watch their 3 favorite teams play every year.

posted 2 days ago

One Piece fans telling you with a straight face that the series gets good at Episode 500:

posted 2 days ago

What does this mean for Acend content creators like TMV and Elevated?

posted 2 days ago

BLD seems like such a letdown after watching last year's ascension.

posted 2 days ago
Also does anyone know where I can find VODs of JFT's previous matches? I can't find them anywhere.

posted 2 days ago