Flag: Afghanistan
Registered: June 9, 2024
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 3:45 AM
Posts: 4

bro there is zip lines, jumpdowns, bridges, u can fall of the map, windows, doors.. if i wanted this i would go play apex legends.

posted 3 weeks ago

hell nah it's not

posted 3 weeks ago

bro the map is literally huge it's breeze 2.0 also weird fights every where u gettin peeked from 10 angles

posted 3 weeks ago

this is might be the worst map ive ever seen in my entire life in a video game im not even joking.
u cant even ban maps or pick a map in this game if u get the map ure literally finished.

everything is WAYYYYYY too big it feels like youre tiny

perfect map for trolls too

posted 3 weeks ago