Flag: United States
Registered: May 27, 2021
Last post: March 27, 2024 at 1:23 PM
Posts: 51

Sacy has the smartest plays of the team all you do is look at stats mb watch the game

posted 11 months ago

Im not even kidding I might buy the Sentinels bundle and I dont even play anymore

posted 11 months ago

Zellsis stepping up fr fr

posted 11 months ago

PRX playing unranked comps in masters final

posted about 2 years ago

Like are they trying to flex.. I literally dont get it, it doesnt have potential of being good. There's a better agent for almost every pick for whatever theyd be trying to do.

Match Fixing investigation pending? jk but not really

posted about 2 years ago

It's gonna be a lotta stress to go from being one of the best teams if not the best in the world to .. so quickly, I think for most people being tilted/stressed wont help your aim, just gets worse and worse when nothing gives. The chemistry isnt there anymore. Gotta get them at a BBQ drunk have some good times again, play on an alt for a bit come back refreshed and confident.

posted about 2 years ago

It just keeps getting worse and worse

posted about 2 years ago

Basically I wanted to delete post because I found the answer to my question and as far as I can tell there is no way to do so.

posted about 2 years ago

Marved doing fkn work boys holy hell -- making plays as well as getting the kills

he's able to put himself in a better position almost every time for any contact

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

its honestly <everyone on the internets> fault .. no shot either of them thought that night that he raped her, which isnt to say he wasnt being a dick. Either way we werent there and hearing 12 seconds of some out of context shit where they were both roleplaying is pretty fkn far from solid evidence. He's definitely no role model but it is most literally not actually our business, internet is just somehow making it their business and he was already punished for something without being found guilty of doing it so why not just let the man play.

posted about 2 years ago

swore shahz called this

posted about 3 years ago

It is the correct way to approach any violation to look at why the rule exists to begin with and therefore base the severity of the punishment on whether or not the intent was to give an advantage and whether or not it actually did give an advantage -- warning is fair in this situation.

If you have an inability to understand different severities of an action perhaps your opinion isn't necessarily one that should be weighed.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean honestly I havent been watching as much lately but it seems like there was a drop off of them playing together in ranked prior to berlin I dunno why that was the case but there was a steady decline

posted about 3 years ago

I'm not sure I agree with the "there will never be a situation.. " being dismissed as speculation from an Overwatch player (sure he wasn't a CSGO pro but he was a Pro Valorant player), but otherwise for the most part I think you are correct that he is there to keep the mental positive and bring a different perspective in (which was kinda Sgares' take). Shahzam still calls the play as what most would traditionally think of a coach role but you got Rawkus there now to have the outside perspective of what is or isn't working -- It's harder for a player to notice weaknesses or strengths and shahz still does it well but there will always be things you can notice as someone watching that you wouldn't notice as much while you're playing simply because you keep most focused on actually playing the game.

Gares was talking about how having someone from a different game would probably be beneficial to Sentinels. While its important to have the fundamentals that they already have-- if you look at like how Gambit clapped G2 on Icebox -- Nats was just running circles on em, dude was a fkn ninja I havent watched a ton of him play, but the brief times I did watch Nats stream it seemed like everytime someone had thought 3 moves ahead on the enemy team... he thought 4 moves ahead his anticipation of how the enemies would play is impeccable. As weird as it sounds sometimes the play that no one expects can be more beneficial -- you always see streamers (hiko,zam,sinatraa,etc) "what the fk are they doing there.. why would you (do this), it doesnt make any sense' and some of the time they are correct they just got lucky doing something stupid but a lot of the time they did it because it works and knew they would gain a big advantage on crosshair placement and yeah a lot of that shit just works in ranked but some of it translates -- especially when you can read the enemy team. Swear some of those rounds it seemed like nats knew the timing of when someone wouldn't be looking so he could move thru an opening.

posted about 3 years ago

depends on if they can find their ass from a whole in the ground when organizing a tourney

posted about 3 years ago

Lotta reasons, most have already been discussed.. not sure if mentioned afaik Sentinels players are better known.

Sure Sentinels didn't drop a map, they were in top form... they werent in top form in Berlin

I think Gambit is considered the best team in the world its just not talked about as much. I wont say their performance was as dominant as Sentinels but some of their wins were just almost embarrassing to the other team ( right Carlos? )

Gambit in form will take a team like Sentinels in form to beat sure 100T beat them and they rallied like crazy to get back in it, it was inspiring to watch but if we're being honest part of that is big mental go boom on Gambit which you can credit 100T for putting them in that position, but I feel like Sentinels don't tend to crumble to that degree, though I cant say I was super enthusiastic about their performance in Berlin.. hopefully TenZ is sharpening up his Raze. Let's be honest though as far as NA teams NV looked great.

I feel like Acend should be talked about up there but they rely on that one guy too much cNet) remember

posted about 3 years ago

Wow.. I really didn't think I would need to further break this down.

Okay watch what I do here- I am going to use a process called deductive reasoning to come to a logical conclusion.

Let's start with the topic being "reported Steel being dropped from 100T" and that there is some degree of uncertainty about the authenticity of these reports shown in the comments from this section. Considering you have 5 stars I'm going to assume you understand how forums work, and most likely, you generally leave well thought out comments and replies (this time being an exception wherein which you could've just realized you weren't talking to an idiot apologized for being so arrogant [cause it does happen to all of us] then moved on but chose to further exacerbate your own futile attempt to put me down as some "idiot kid" despite me being old enough to be your dad).

So I replied to the topic with Steel's last tweet at the time "he dodges me in the LCQ" which is implying that he (Steel) at least according to himself is going to play in the LCQ. We can all assume Steel would have known about him being let go prior to this tweet [because we look at the time the tweet was posted, and the time of the report and see that Steel's tweet happened after the report] This would lead any reasonable person to one of two conclusions it's either facetious (more likely) or there is a possibility that the whole report is a troll. This is unlikely however the portion of the tweet I pointed out is still notable to the conversation, not for the part you chose to reply to as if I was asking about loaf or even cared to be enlightened to where his screenname came from but from the part at the introductory sentence of this paragraph.

So what you do is take the unrelated part and act as if I'm an idiot "fanboy" of Sentinels because I didn't know some information about your favorite team, as if I'm entitled to care about your B-C tier team, whom up until this point I had never had any reason to dislike. I have been a Sentinels fan from the beginning I am not some bandwagon fan because they did well in Iceland so the term "fanboy" would be misleading.

Now it's time for my lesson to you people use generic insults like idiot and low IQ because they aren't original to come up with anything better or intelligent enough to make a coherent argument so why don't you go back and finish high school, get laid if you can, and stop insulting people you don't know at all on online forums which only makes LG's fanbase look childish.

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe take LG's dick outta your head so you can think before you respond. Do I care at all what the beginning of it says? I was pointing out the part that says "he dodges me in the LCQ" as if he (steel) is saying he's playing in it.

posted about 3 years ago


The loaf fears me. One question mark and I've already won. He better hopes he dodges me in the LCQ or that's it for him

3:06 PM · Sep 25, 2021·Twitter for Android

WTF is going on ? This is after he was 'dropped'

posted about 3 years ago

If they dropped him right before LCQ it probably wasn't because of performance.. Considering his performance in Berlin (mechanically at least) was probably better than previous tournaments and the risk of shaking up a team right before LCQ.. I havent been watching as long as a lot of people here have but I get the impression Josh seems like a bit of a loose cannon

posted about 3 years ago

slow clap gets faster like the end of cool runnings til everyone breaks out clapping even germany

posted about 3 years ago

Pulls up group brackets Sheeesh what did Paper Rex do to deserve this group

I'm hoping VS makes it through since I've been waiting for Sen vs VS for a hot minute, but I also want to see Sen beat both Acend and SMB...

I guess I'm hoping VS and Acend make it through Sen beat both.. finals Gambit Sen but it's gonna be fun to watch I'm hoping for 3rd place VS or NV, 100T maybe fif just cause inconsistent - they also don't bounce back as well as other teams when losing (sometimes)

Has VS really been tested outside of Korea..

and Nycera "korea has always been shit and always will be just facts"

Clearly not an Overwatch, Starcraft, or League of Legends player

posted about 3 years ago

The higher fire rate decreases accuracy quicker IIRC I dont think some players would want it

posted about 3 years ago

this is a pretty cool idea if balanced correctly

posted about 3 years ago

This has been something I've suggested for a while Stim Pack decreases damage from mollies by 50% (perhaps grenades by 25 or something)
or Stim Pack makes you immune to certain Crowd Control effects like stuns, knockups, pulls ...


Brim Stim Pack (if they are looking for a smaller buff) Brim Stim pack removes Vulnerable seems very easy logical and makes it useful in post plant

posted about 3 years ago

So Kay O is working well .. I thank you

posted about 3 years ago

I wanna see Lakia back in action either way on VS

From what I've heard Acend 'could' beat Sentinels but I also heard Vikings were going to crush them and that Sentinels were 'predictable.'

I just hope Acend doesn't pull a TL and never make it to the match with Sentinels..

Also who else is going boys.. TSM? 100T? NV?

posted about 3 years ago

He's the most valuable player on the best team in the game.. Sure you might say SicK hes more versatile, TenZ has better AiM K/d Clutches, Zombs has the key plays, Dapr has the mental - while he messes around he also will take the straight up intelligent play to win rather than try to ego peak on crucial rounds.

and they are all great but ShahZaM is the guy who does any resemblance of coaching, he IGL's, he counter-strats and his calls have led them to victory -- without this which is probably the most unique strategy/skill part to the game, they dont go nearly as far as they do.

Also he doesn't pretend to not have an ego about it.

TBH tho it'd be hard to say that dapr and Zombs dont have an ego, .. SicK and TenZ are definitely more on the acting humble side whether or not they do have big egos.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah TenZ was put in cause Sinatraa (TOTALLY UNKNOWN PLAYER OWL MVP OWL WINNER TEAM USA WINNER FOR OW) was suspended for Blizzard Activision cosplay.. ya I know bad joke. Everytime I watch an esports video about some random cs player I always see ShahZaM or SicK so Im not sure them all being unknown really scans.. also considering they have consistently been winning events despite set backs and euquiet's alleged 'big ego's' they are known by now anyway ok.. .they do have big ego's, given you're called a trash can for missing a shot in gold and people constantly talk shit in this game its not really surprising..

posted about 3 years ago

Am I the only one who doesnt really care what someone did in previous games if they dont do it in Valorant. Sure it's more of a reason to keep an eye out on any suspicious behavior but people do grow up, they can see a new game as a new start too. I guess it kinda depends what the infraction was but people do learn from things especially when they do get caught.

posted about 3 years ago

I like how all of us including myself forgot its first to 3

posted about 3 years ago

Im only saying this to piss Polosway off but xset cant win against SEN without Wedid unless SEN in bad form and Im still not sure why it does.

nah all seriousness SEN wins 2 0 one OT next 13 9

posted about 3 years ago

someday statements will just not matter at all with how freely theyre used

posted about 3 years ago

And just like that poof the comments vanish

posted about 3 years ago

ahh right.. I knew it was too good to be true that Sen would be a t1 team. I didnt catch Iceland how'd TSM fare?

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah I mean but you do understand the meaning of fan right you know where that word comes from..? My parents still go to the UofA red and blue scrimmage game like that shit actually matters.. no - I just wanna see them its first match since iceland..

I do really wanna see TSM also with the new roster changes

posted about 3 years ago

Literally been sitting around waiting for this match today RIP Season man.. like how is the viewership not there?

posted about 3 years ago

fall for what? this is great

is this a csgo ref i dont get

posted about 3 years ago

Babybay or AverageJonas/Sgares if you include commentators

posted about 3 years ago

LOL Rawkus thicc

posted about 3 years ago

gratz boys

posted about 3 years ago

I mean the guy took an unique opportunity to play with a team that was already the best team around -- I can't blame him for wanting to win, I know he's not one to act like he cares but winning almost always feels better than the alternative. As a Sentinels fan I'm also appreciative to c9 and him for making this happen even if c9 did it for business reasons, cant blame a business for being a business.

How much longer is his contract ?

posted about 3 years ago

I mean I actually like TenZ no fanboy but from what I've seen his decision making isnt his strength he's the talent not the IGL type -- I dunno mb Im wrong

posted about 3 years ago

AIM: TenZ (if well rested) SicK (spray)/ScreaM (uno tapatios) ShahZaM + Wardell for OP (HM's: BabyBay/CoRey/Derke)
Decision Making: ( pains to say - Steel ) and Dapr , Asuna
Strats: (innovative - Solo, Lakia) / Vanity ^ (Dependable/practical/results - ShahZaM)
Versatility: SicK
Clutch: SicK Zombs Dapr Hiko Lakia
Personality: Mixwell ShahZaM (These two guys are both class acts, seem like good people outside of Valorant, type of guys you'd wanna chill with)

also I can understand Boaster coming off as cringe to some people but he was fkn hilarious at the interviews seems like a pretty positive person for a teammate

posted about 3 years ago

Well we sure as fk aint putting soulcas in for decision making eh laaaawl just memeing bro

posted about 3 years ago

I thought the idea of this thread was kinda like leaving politics aside -

I will say if you think TenZ is the reason Sentinels are doing so well you probably didnt watch much Sentinels beforehand, but he has been a great addition to the Roster in Sinatraa's absence. Now which is "better" for the team-- So I think Sinatraa fit in better with Sentinels but considering time constraints TenZ has done an excellent job-- it just felt like they kinda played more as a team with Jay but I think part of that maybe because Tyson is good enough on certain agents to have the impact of "if I do well .. Ill just win the round" and this actually hurts him sometimes as well because he goes for these plays in a lot of situations and ends up being the first death. I feel like TenZ when he's at his best is unbeatable (unless your name is Hunter Mims possibly) but I do like Shahzam's Jett better and I think Sinatraa although he had slumps at times, not having as much CSGO experience, he was more explosive and fun to watch on the movement and entry end IMO* - In the end Im grateful to TenZ for stepping in and helping them when they needed it.

Kinda curious tho.. on the mental side - who pumped up their team more -- Sinatraa cause of the antics and flashiness or TenZ cause hes fkn TenZ and its kinda hype to have him on loan and plus his bullets are heatseaking

posted about 3 years ago

Sinatraa's Raze was slightly better than TenZ imo (maybe just more showy tho) but his Reyna isnt as good as TenZ...

posted about 3 years ago