Flag: Serbia
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: August 22, 2024 at 9:00 PM
Posts: 56
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why would we assume hes lying when anybody they scrimmed against or with can come out and say its false but hasnt

posted 6 months ago

100 LEV
100 SEN

posted 6 months ago

duelist main who flexed onto flex

posted 6 months ago

do u know what the A in kda stands for?
if you didn't want to add assists then u should have wrote kd in the question

posted 6 months ago

i live in america and had the same problem falling asleep during americas matches so idk maybe its just g2.

posted 6 months ago

the way they are using primmie is very similar to how sen used to use tenz. back then it was double duelist and sick was 1st entry/the bait and tenz could come in and trade for multi kills. talon are doing the same thing with primmie which i like imo. they are throwing gov/ban to the wolves to create space for primmie to come in after and shit on everyone. its almost like protect the president 1 guy in front baiting 1 guy behind making sure he cant get flanked.

posted 6 months ago

thx in advance

posted 6 months ago

i wish i knew how to make tiktok/yt edits better. me and the devil audio goes crazy for a yay/demon1 edit and a bron and curry edit cus they were rivals cavs/warriors to teammates on the olympic roster. feel these edits would do work on tiktok/yt.

posted 6 months ago

just need a nice classic skin and im set

posted 6 months ago

Recon - eeiu
Sentinel - less
Duelist - aspas
Smokes - valyn (igl)
Flex - mazino

posted 6 months ago

demon1 played same roles as primmie 2023, jett, brim, astra
edit: you could also put tenz as he was a jett main now a omen main

posted 7 months ago

what are the accusations?

posted 7 months ago
  1. SEN
  2. FNC
  3. GEN
  4. G2
posted 7 months ago

lets all take a second to remember masters tokyo fnc vs eg grand final walkout. best walkout for all esports imo. link better ones if u disagree willing to be persuaded.

posted 7 months ago

sen have the better chance. they looked much better than 100t the whole split till the last week where sacys dog died, johnqt in pain at the er, and apparently personal shit going on w the coaches too according to zellsis. sen dominated this split starting 3-0 (6-0 in maps) then had some shit go on and they dropped the ball. But with time we've all seen what this team does with prep.100t lost to furia, loud, lev, g2, and kru.

posted 7 months ago

every group will have a 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th seed from dif regions.

posted 7 months ago

Hear me out.
If 100T beat SEN, 100T would need top 3 to qual for champs because SEN have the tiebreaker on champs points. So 100T would need to beat SEN then beat G2 who look way better rn, if they lose they would play the loser of LEV vs KRU cus C9 aint making it. Or they could lose to SEN on purpose and all they would need is LEV to win 1 game. Seems like the easier road is taking LEV to win 1 game. So I guess its would you rather have the game in your hands with a harder road, or someone elses hands with an easier one?

posted 7 months ago

vit need to lose in lowers as well

posted 7 months ago

kc has lots of role problems cus they have 3 duelist mains on their roster

posted 7 months ago

In a very particular order

  1. SEN
  2. TH
  3. PRX (so close yet so far again)
  4. LEV
posted 7 months ago


TLN 100
GEN 100
PRX 100

TE 100
EDG 100
JDG 100
FPX 100

G2 100
LEV 100
FUR 100
NRG 100
100T 100
C9 100
EG 100
LEV 100
100T 100
SEN 100

FUT 100
TH 100
FNC 100
GM 100
VIT 100

posted 7 months ago

they played americas playoffs which was 4 games in 5 days then masters which was 4 games in 7 days, then within the span of the next 2 weeks before split 2 they had to travel back from china, rest, prep for an entire new meta, learn new comps, and come up with new strats. the same thing happened to sen and geng. sen are now cooking again after having more time to prep for split 2 when everyone was calling them washed and overrated not having them in top 5. the schedule and format make it hard to stay at the top for an entire year especially in a harder region like americas, unlike pacific and china where the regular season is a free pass to masters.

posted 7 months ago

nah 100t players are still good players its just a bad meta for them with neon and they are burnt out from split 1 and masters. they had little to no rest and less time then every other team besides g2 to prep for this split. their comps are all outdated. same shit happened with sen and geng who went 3-3 in split 1 after kickoff and madrid.

posted 7 months ago

looks like t1 is possibly moving away from rossy. big mistake imo hes prolly their best player.
like if i was mibr or furia just struggling in americas i would scrap my whole team say fuck brazil and make a mainly na roster, as it has a better farm system so far, with more up and coming talent.
imagine mibr next year:
mada - duelist
rossy- flex
verno- scan init
v1c - smokes
stellar - igl/sentinel

plenty more players like this as well to choose from but brazil teams keep recycling the same players

posted 7 months ago

sen should be on lotus and maybe even sunset too

posted 8 months ago

i dont really have a favorite team just like kangkang tbh.

posted 8 months ago

GenG are overrated. I think pacific teams have a big edge with the schedule. Their season always ends like a week earlier so they have more rest and more prep time every international lan. With the schedule this season being so compact between regionals and international events, teams dont have much time to recuperate and innovate inbetween matches. IMO outside of GenG and maybe TH a couple games, in Shanghai every team looked drained, playbooks were flat, mid rounding was meh, games felt scrappy and uncoordinated. The overall level of gameplay was lower than Madrid in everyway.

Im not saying they are bad btw, I just dont think they are a top 3 team

posted 8 months ago

June 25-03

KOI 100
VIT 100
TH 100
BBL 100
NAVI 100
GM 100
KC 100

EG 100
SEN 100
LOUD 100
100T 100
NRG 100
SEN 100
EG 100
LOUD 100
100T 100
NRG 100

TLN 100
RRQ 100
T1 100
GENG 100
PRX 100
DRX 100

FPX 100
EDG 100
WOL 100
TRA 100
TYL 100
FPX 100
BLG 100
EDG 100

posted 8 months ago

loving the comp diversity so far this season.

posted 8 months ago

go to players stat page and multiply their kpr by total rounds played for each agent. add all the kills for each agent and it should be a good estimate.

posted 8 months ago

if T1 wins out theres a real shot (like 75%) they make playoffs cus the bad teams ahead of them have very hard roads. They need TS to go 0-2 vs T1 and GenG. They need RRQ to go 1-2 vs DRX, ZETA, and PRX.

posted 8 months ago

hes the kyrie of valorant.
one of if not the most talented players.
always judged by his losses and never his insane skill and clutch plays that only he could do.
only thing missing is a ring

posted 8 months ago

hes being sarcastic

posted 8 months ago

johnqt does this

posted 8 months ago




requirements per team
1 duelist
1 flash initiator
1 scan initiator
1 smoke
1 sentinel

Edit: Based off 2024

posted 8 months ago

before this split started i thought they were gonna cook with governor on neon in the new meta, but seeing surf now on duelist it seems idk how to feel about this team anymore.

posted 8 months ago

like any other sport the public knows what the players are being paid

posted 8 months ago

they won 3-0 their last bo5.

posted 8 months ago

she has better stats than everyone in tier 1&2 but shes playing in gc which no offense to them, but the comp is nowhere close to tier 1&2. in the tier 3 tourneys she plays with non gc teams she goes like +20 every series and shits on everyone.

posted 8 months ago

she was the 9th highest rated player in the qualifier. she went negative in 1 out of 9 games in the qualifier and she is far better than her whole team.

posted 8 months ago

if flor joins a t1 team next year how well would she do? can she handle her mental with the shit talking and other antics like a boostio or zellsis on a stage?

posted 8 months ago

missing fracture and breeze doesnt deserve to be on the list.

posted 8 months ago
  1. SEN
  2. NRG
  3. 100T

    previously my #1 idk how they will do with neon meta assuming iso gets nerfed

  4. LOUD

    i've learned to stop doubting loud they somehow always make it

  5. C9

    oxy is prolly the best neon in na

  6. LEV
  7. G2
  8. KRU
  9. EG
  10. FUR
  11. MIBR
posted 8 months ago

how has nobody said Governor

posted 8 months ago

not saying aspas is finished. i wanna see a rivalry like messi and ronaldo. pulls max viewers everytime they play type shi

posted 8 months ago

I dont follow tier 2 much outside of NA, so who should I be looking out for in ascension playoffs or any players on a shit team that will get signed cus they're the next aspas

posted 8 months ago

i saw ur point. tbh only that high cus hes arguably the best jett itw. up until the geng 0-2 they were undefeated on jett maps since week 2 (7-0).

posted 8 months ago

i dont think hes a bad player. americas has the best duelists in the world in my opinion especially from a quantity stand point. i mean look at the duelist who've gone overseas for jobs. Yay, sayaplayer, and N4RRATE, + more im prolly missing who are all just as good or better than icy. Even our tier 2 is stacked with talent in mada, koalanoob, okeanos, reduxx, and zeldris.

posted 8 months ago

spoilers are reason for placement

  1. aspas
  2. cryo
  3. keznit

    idk if people underrate him cus they dont watch him or what, but my god is he good. dont think ive seen him miss a raze ult

  4. OXY
  5. zekken

    (2-5 is pretty interchangable) felt cryo and oxy both had an insane split, and even tho zekken is prolly more consistent than keznit, keznit is just so mechanically insane.

  6. victor

    super versatile, can be 1st entry, consistent

  7. jawgemo
  8. asuna
  9. mwzera
  10. tuyz

    never seen him play duelist could be nuts idk

  11. icy
  12. artzin
posted 8 months ago

Heretics beat FNC 2-0 twice, FUT 2-0, KC 2-1, and NAVI 2-0 this split like what are you saying rn. This has to be bait.

posted 9 months ago
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