Guys, he's not most likely not going to be on SEN guys. I feel like it's too much HOPIUM. Most likely I think we'll get Marved/SicK and TenZ/Dicey
Flag: | Czech Republic |
Registered: | April 14, 2022 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 1:38 PM |
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Guys, he's not most likely not going to be on SEN guys. I feel like it's too much HOPIUM. Most likely I think we'll get Marved/SicK and TenZ/Dicey
Boring... I the more we wait it makes me think that they will actually keep their roster.. which is.. boring.
Honestly not much of a fan of him so it's a W for me. But for real tho, I thought about how the awper role would work out since Nukkye isn't a good op player. So I'm honestly not that surprised
He's playing with them on this tournament that's going on right now. He's underrated in my opinion. He's been overlooked because of the lack of success the teams he was on. russ SUPREMACY.
Twisten could be on Vitality and Sayf could go NaVi. Might be good.
Oh, then it's kinda obvious. Thank you for the info! W user
Is he going to play smokes? He had some experience before Hazed got into the team. With Astra and Omen so will Chet put him on the controller?
Dicey? TenZ renew contract is maybe more of a possibility too? Tex? What other chamber players are there that would be really good in the t1 scene
W's in this thread for ShahZam, we won't see him on SEN anymore. All we needed to hear from this man.
Poor man, at least he admitted his mistakes guys. Don't be so salty all the time
Who do we think that are the 2 new coaches. Personally i hope it'd be Sykko but i dont really know about the second one, lemme know your thoughts on this
They are doing a complete rebuild so that means that Marved shouldn't go to SEN? How are there so many better teams when there's only SEN and EG left, TenZ might not even be on SEN anymore since his contract is expiring at the end of the year. I'm guessing the new coaching staff will build around dapr since Geddes confirmed he is staying. Getting Marved on SEN would be one of the best moves moving forward.
Country: Brazil
Registered: October 1, 2022
Last post: October 1, 2022 at 5:30 AM
Posts: 6
It's fake look at the clip...
that would be insane imo no?
OHHH right, im stupid that is actually pretty big
so if the thing is true with marved, crashies and shahz is dropped, then that means they need a 5th and it being an igl. best option would obviously be fns, cuz it even fits the roles well. but are there any other igls that play breach in NA? let me know your thoughts
The nightbot says that he is in Toronto so maybe some scrimmage?? COPIUM
idk but he sounds pretty eNeRGetic
If Nats was in NA his Tokyo ping wouldnt be this bad, cuz NA is closer to Japan than France or wherever he is right now soooo its a bait
People shit on him too much, he had no chances to prove himself this year at all, the team was just fallen apart. Yes he did not perform insanely this year but again he didnt have the chance to show much.
Dont even worry, orgs can start signing now so there will be plenty of new things
Maybe in some off-season tournaments like red bull home ground or somethin, im sure there will be tournaments all the time from october to december
Keep working man, you'll be diamond in no time
That's why you work harder. In my case it's a motivation thing.
Valorant (stylized as VALORANT) is a free-to-play first-person hero shooter developed and published by Riot Games, for Microsoft Windows. First teased under the codename Project A in October 2019, the game began a closed beta period with limited access on April 7, 2020, followed by an official release on June 2, 2020. The development of the game started in 2014. Valorant takes inspiration from the Counter-Strike series of tactical shooters, borrowing several mechanics such as the buy menu, spray patterns, and inaccuracy while moving.
I mean it's mostly about how to play the agents in my opinion, cuz in lower Elo it's either they use all their utility and nothing comes out of it or they don't use abilities at all.
I feel like many people watch just cuz of crispy shots. Which is the problem :((
Love to see it :) what's your rank?